Last Month, many Texans from all over the state reported seeing strange "moving stars." It looks like the phenomenon is happening again, with several reports submitted directly to Texas UFO Sightings and to its Facebook page. Essentially, witnesses are seeing a group of white orbs - numbering over 20 - seemingly moving in a V-shaped formation. Some witnesses saw other blue and yellow lights interacting. Some witnesses also acknowledged that the UFOs looked somewhat like birds. Here's a recap of these reports - Garland on April 2nd (Sarah posted this to the Facebook page): This happened last night over Garland, Tx. It was a long strand of "moving stars". They took almost a bird formation and then clustered together and faded away.
Arlington on April 2nd:
More than 20 white orbs of different sizes. Speeding from the north to south. A few north to southeast. Two from northwest to east. One larger yellow orb from north to south met by bluish tinged orb. Blue orb stationary. The yellow orb changed directions and headed east. Location in Arlington between Fielder road and Green oaks. Garland on April 2nd: There were about 20 to25in single formation following behind one another moving from north to southeast with 3or 4 bigger and brighter ones around the outside of the formation also 4or5 smaller pulsating red orbs that seemed farther away but hover watching over all of them They moved south southeast and formed a semicircle around a very bright larger white sound whatsoever and this lasted about 5 to 10 mins.and they disappeared into the southeastern sky.My phone could not capture the orbs because of the city and street lights this was 8:30pm roomate and a neighbor witnessed this event New Braunfels on April 2nd: After a friend comes by telling us to look outside. We saw what looked like hundreds of bright dots traveling like birds do in a clustered v shaped. There was even a few trailing the pack following slower. I don't exaggerate the amount. It lasted several minutes. Video didn't show up I tried two cameras and nothing.
Dickinson on April 6th (David also posted this to the Facebook page):
No sound, no flickering. Just steady white lights looked like stars. Did you see these lights as well? Can you help crack the case? Report your sighting! Got thoughts on what these lights could be? Birds? Chinese lanterns? Aliens? Share them in the comments or with others interested in UFOs on the Facebook page!
It is not uncommon for Chinese lanterns to cause a panic... a night sky full of twinkling lights that aren't stars is certainly a sight! Well, lately Texans have been seeing collections of twinkling lights in the sky, which seem to travel together intelligently, disappearing and reappearing at random. Their behavior is a little more peculiar than that of lanterns, which would explain the spike in reports. Well, we've got another such report, which was graciously and anonymously submitted to Texas UFO Sightings: Tonight about 9:30 pm we were out walking the dog on our same route on Frostwood Circle just east of I-45 in Dickinson, TX and to the northeast we saw 7 twinkling orange lights similar to the descriptions I have read. There were traveling in unison....some getting closer to each other. They were traveling NE to NW towards the city of Houston it appeared. One by one they started to disappear and gain altitude, but didn't appear to disappear into the clouds. Those ended. We continued walking a block to the east and at we saw two more brighter orange lights through the trees also gaining altitude, so it appears as if these were coming somewhere from the ground east of where we were standing. I saw these just south of the intersection of Frostwood Circle and Sunset Dr. in Dickinson. I haven't seen anything like this before. It was a quiet evening tonight and I heard no sound from them. Did you see these lights as well? Report your sighting!
What do you think this is a description of? Chinese lanterns? The sighting did occur on a Saturday, a popular day for celebrations. Or UFOs? Share your thoughts in the comments or on the Facebook page. I discovered a new tweet about the Houston area/Louisiana fireball sighting. @Bigg_Swayy tweets that it was "like 8 objects flew by slowly flashing with a trail of light behind each one of them, I think it was a meteor shower." But is it so simple? Even experts on this topic believe this wasn't your typical fireball, but a Chinese rocket re-entering orbit and fragmenting all over the sky for all to see. To add to the weirdness, there were lots of strange UFO reports that preceded this event - even of meteor-like objects. Also of interest is that there have been two reports out of Texas recently of shooting stars that stopped and changed directions. The only hard evidence I have of this "fireball" is the video that a boat captain, who said he watched the event for a total of 3 to 4 minutes, was able to capture. See the screenshot below. Does this look like a meteor to you? And is it possible to watch a meteor for such a long duration of time? Meteor showers can last for several minutes, and even days, but I'm not sure how long a single fireball can be observed. chimed in with their opinion: No! Here's the latest news report about the "meteor": Along with a comment on the video, made by the YouTuber who uploaded it: this light was in the sky for 3-4 minutes. this completely rules out the possibility of it being a meteor or any sort of space junk. What do you think it was?
With all those fireball sightings from Wednesday - in Texas and Louisiana - I've been eager to see a video or photo! Well, we've finally got one. The video shows a glowing ball moving through the sky, it's dark footage and it's a great one to add to the pile., along with other local news outlets, reports that Captain William Lowry saw the meteor from his boat in Freeport. The Captain was stunned by the meteor, as he's used to seeing shooting stars, and this was so much more epic than that. The debate about what really flew over Texans' heads on Wednesday morning... was it a meteor, space junk, or something else? Either way, with recent UFO outbreak in Houston, and the Russia/Cuba/Saudi Arabia/etc/etc meteors, one wonders. A few quotes from the witness: (i've seen) "nothing like this of this magnitude" UPDATE: watch a video of the South Texas fireball. With all the meteor madness of late, it's really hard to accept the explanation that the fireballs seen for miles in Texas and Louisiana were the debris of a Chinese rocket re-entering the atmosphere. Why? Because that would mean - according to NASA - that the closest asteroid flyby in centuries (2012 DA14), the catastrophic (but fortunately not deadly) meteor crash in Russia, and all the other huge meteors being seeing around the globe of late, including this one, are all completely unrelated! Not to mention, the Houston area - which had one of the best views of this fireball, recently experienced a wave of UFOs, seeming to eerily anticipate this event. You might begin to wonder if there's something going on over on the sun or out there in space, something that's causing everything from rockets to asteroids to plunge into us. What do you think the recent "UFO" in Texas was? Did you see it? If so, send us your take on it, and if you've got photos or videos to share, bring them on! Below is a video made about the Texas/Louisiana "meteor," and it's a nice recap: This video prompted a bunch of comments, theorizing about what this fireball could be, from drones to Planet X: Yeah if they was over my home I damn sure would! My boyfriend saw them, he had witness to it, he's not into the YouTube stuff, at all! But a very smart man, I shown him what I saw three weeks ago, flying really low over highway 19 in grapeland TX, Houston county, it looked big, I thought a jet was crashing, then the direction the drone plane went DPS was sitting, on a FM road, so does the state of TX have drones? Flying over us? -Twisterbar |
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