5/2 Update: Witness Cody Croft followed up to say that he is not sure exactly how the lights departed, as they disappeared while he was switching out the battery for his camera . As well, he also said he saw the lights blinking, which makes it tough to explain this sighting away as a lens flare or reflection: "The lights seemed to be blinking at a fairly consistent rate. Also I am a photographer and take photos off my balcony regularly. I have never seen anything like this before. It was, in my opinion, definitely not of this world. I have a theory that aliens may have found a way to harness energy from storms or may simply be using them for cover." A Dallas resident was attempting to photograph lightning when they instead were able to photograph a UFO - specifically a collection of blue white lights spaced out and hovering for 20+ minutes. Witness Cody Croft submitted the following photo and testimony: Light blue lights.... There was a major thunderstorm happening and I was on my balcony trying photograph the lightning when I noticed them. The photos I took were over about a 25 min time span and the didn't move, so I know it was an aircraft of human origin.
It is uncertain what the lights did after hovering, but hopefully more will soon be revealed. In the meantime...
While this is a really great photo and could very well indicate some large craft hovering over Dallas, these lights also could be reflecting something off the ground, perhaps a result of the storming weather conditions:
Did you see this craft or group of strange lights as well? Help crack the case and report your sighting.
Got ideas on what these lights are? A large spaceship? A large military craft? Reflections from the ground below? Share your thoughts in the comments or on the Facebook page.
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