The UFO was heading north sideways. It was in the shape of a wishbone with a blue glow. For a moment I thought it was an angel until I noticed that it was too mechanical. It was heading North then it stopped and changed its position towards the sky and shot off. I didn't hear anything which was the weirdest thing.
Just a bit ago, a Texan was observing five red lights flying in formation above their home. And apparently, they weren't the only witness, as the neighbors were oohing and ahhing over the sight themselves. This sighting reminds me an awful lot of a recent sighting out of Austin, featuring video (which you can see at the bottom of this post). Here's a drawing the witness provided: And here's their full description of the sighting, (both were submitted to MUFON): I was sitting outside on the balcony when I heard my neighbors talking about something in the sky. I finally noticed something about a minute later coming from behind the trees. It was four glowing lights in a trapezoidal formation traveling in a north westerly direction. As I was viewing them a fifth light appeared behind the original four. It was centered in back of the original four. They were all a bright reddish-orange color and did not blink. The light came from a bright center, gradually dimming outwards and appeared spherical. They appeared like a flash like from a camera but it was constant. It was not a satellite as I have seen those before. I did not notice any type of indicator lights like you would normally see on an airplane. The lights then dimmed to practically nothing. All I could see was a very small pinpoint of light. I noticed them as I was facing east at about a 45 degree angle up from due east. They traveled without changing formation until I was facing due north still at about 45 degrees up from north. I took around ten minutes for them to travel from first sighting to last light out. A few minutes later I noticed an airplane flying in the same direction at a higher rate of speed than the object was travelling. And last but definitely not least... check out this video of a similar sighting (I think) in Austin from July 2nd: A Texan has captured a craft of some kind hovering in the air and then suddenly disappearing in South Texas. I'm not sure if we've got a top secret or alien craft on our hands, but this doesn't seem like a typical helicopter or plane either. Check out the video, with the simple description of "I was chillin with my friend we saw this." And a few quotes from the video: That's a UFO - see that?! Remember that really cool footage of a craft - or row of green lights - hovering over Mission, TX? It had also showed up for the videographer (stxufohunter) in March. Well, I got some more details on the story. Here's more details on the sighting, which - granted - occurred near a local airport. It made no sound and did not look like a typical plane: yes I was the sole witness and camera operator. the location was a semi rural part of sharyland texas, near a fairly busy local airport, Mcallen miller international airport. the craft was silent or at least I could not detect any propulsion noises. and the configuration of lights was very strange and not like typical commercial aircraft that I am familiar with. these craft use the blinking light configuration to allow them to operate with out drawing attention, people see them and simply dismiss them as commercial aircraft. And the video again: Someone has captured footage of 4 green lights in a row, apparently flying low, in Mission, TX. While the footage is great, what's especially unique about this sighting is it's not the first of its kind. stxufohunter posted a similar video from March. This one's from early April. I'm looking into it more, but I'm not sure of the original context or witness. |
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