Article Updated: Check out UFOJane's video about this as well as other mystery air ship sightings and alien encounters from 1896 and 1897:
You may know about the story of large, cigar-shaped aircraft that crashed over Aurora, Texas in 1897 (well before the Wright Brothers first took flight and UFOs could be easily debunked as planes or drones). But did you know that just a few days after that amazing incident, other sightings of a mystery airship were reported over Texas, specifically in the cities of Sherman, Fort Worth, Hillsboro, Marshall, and Paris. It is worth noting that there were other sightings of "mystery airships" reported throughout the world in the late 1800s. Coincidence? As always, you be the judge: April 18th, 1897 UFO sighting in Austin
“At least, three young men who were camping up on Bull Creek at Huddle’s Point, say they saw it. Messrs. Geo. Powell, Ted Tobin and Jas. Caldewell went up the lake Saturday afternoon for for a couple of days’ camp and pitched their tents … About 3 a.m. it began to rain and the men were compelled to get up and fasten the tent. It was at this time they say the mysterious aircraft. They claim it was in sight fully 15 minutes and are positive they could not be mistaken. At intervals of every few seconds, it would throw its searchlights, and the boys say the light looked as big as four ordinary arc lights.” April 17th, 1897 Aurora UFO crash
According to the local news in Aurora, Texas, a strange and very large cigar-shaped craft crashed into a windmill, and a deceased "alien" body was found inside. The townspeople buried the body, and ever since, the town of Aurora has lived with this amazing history.
Many attempts to debunk the Aurora, Texas UFO crash have been made unsuccessfully. And these other sightings of strange airships over Texas and other parts of the US from the time, which have only recently made headlines, give the case tremendous weight! Share your theories on UFO sightings, old and new, in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!
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A resident of Paris, Texas recently experienced a scary episode of sleep paralysis along with a visitation from a demonic or ET entity. Luckily, they shared their encounter with MUFON (case 88548): I had laid down in bed, and was just thinking about the nature of reality as I am prone to do. I felt the weight of a small child, say about the age of 4 run across the foot of the bed very swiftly. I felt the weight of the cloaked entity come in behind me and spoon me. Instantly, I felt a deep desire to go right to sleep but I knew this was not ultimately in my best interest. I wasn't afraid, but I wasn't going out without at least putting up a fight. I had a similar instance years ago and I had called upon the name of Jesus and the situation instantly dissipated, so I tried to say Jesus name aloud but realized I was in sleep paralysis. Keep in mind this was happening within 45 seconds at this point. I thought the name of Jesus as I tried to move. I told myself I am not losing consciousness. If the entity was going to take me he had better bring help. Within 30 seconds I was able to roll off the bed to my left over the area the Entity would have been lying. I did not feel his body as I rolled over. I got to my feet. I felt his presence still in the room, and I walked into the adjoining dining room and closed the door behind me. I looked at my phone and the time was 11:33pm. I never felt fear, but I did think inside my head as though to speak to the entity telepathically, "What are your intentions?" I didn't receive a response. I emailed my brother and told him about the experience. I sat up for about an hour, then decided to go back to sleep. I awoke at 6:45am this morning (December 4, 2017) very drowsy and almost unable to get out of bed. I would gladly take a polygraph test without prior notice concerning the issue described above.
Do you think this is a typical alien abduction case or a simple example of sleep paralysis and nothing more? Legends of humanoid and even monstrous entities haunting victims during episodes of sleep paralysis are commonplace and have been reported throughout human history. It appears that if aliens are real and are abducting the people of Earth, they prefer to induce a dreamlike or paralytic state in their victims during their activities.
Share your theories on this strange and scary alien encounter in the comments or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram! And, as always, if you've ever seen or experienced something like this, report it.
One of the more common UFO phenomenons is the sight of stars moving - sometimes it's satellites, sometimes its meteors, sometimes it's just an optical illusion. But sometimes... well... sometimes it's just UFOs. Makes you wonder if we are sometimes witness to space battles... Star Wars-style. Just the other day, Texas UFO Sightings shared a report from a witness in Paris, Texas who saw a "moving constellation." Well, we've got a few more to add to the pool - Another Texan (in Spicewood) saw the same thing on the same night, and then a few nights later, a family saw some similar UFOs in San Antonio, though more activity was reported. Read the interesting sightings kindly submitted to the site: Comment from Spicewood, TX: I saw it as well. I live in Spicewood. I saw it around 11pm. Traveling slowly west. At one point looked like a small orb came out and then reacted itself to the main lights. I was looking at it through my telescope and the lights were really brilliant. Funny thing is this makes my fourth ufo sighting this year, but this one was the most compelling
Report from Encino Park in San Antonio on March 14th at 9 PM (submitted by Greg):
my wife, 8 yr old son, and me were outside sky watching around 9pm on listed date. We've seen lots of cool stuff in the skies before. Tonight, star-like objects flying around. They tend to kind of bounce around and skip across the sky. Then stop on a dime and change directions. Very exciting to watch! Sometimes, like tonight, there was one that flashed twice. A really really bright kind of diamond shape light. Now keep in mind that this all appears to be atmospheric. Because all the while you'll see planes flying their paths to and from the airport. And the planes are considerably lower altitudes than the ufo's. My son asked me, "why doesnt more people see them?" Answer- "a lot do. But mostly, people arent watching." We see them alot. We've thought about filming but it always happens spur of the moment.
Have you seen stars... that are not stars? Report your sighting!
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A video of several bright orange lights traveling together - as if attached to one craft, with at least one separate light traveling by itself, has hit YouTube. Whether these are several lights or one large and one small craft, or....?, I don't know. But these are definitely UFOs, and they come at a time during increased military activity in our skies (and curious enough, triangle sightings): What could these lights have been? Share your thoughts in the comments or on the Facebook page.
Someone out in Paris, TX heard what sounded like a jet, and when they went out to investigate, they saw some kind of object spiraling through the sky. The witness is not at all sure what they saw, and admits it could have been an optical illusion. Earlier in the month, someone spotted an object or plane that looked to be on fire, hovering in the sky and then disappearing. This sighting sounds similar to that. Read the full report, kindly submitted to TUS by a reader: About 4:30 this evening I was in my back yard. I heard a jet that, for this area, seemed loud. I started scanning the sky toward where the sound seemed to be coming from but couldn't see anything. I started looking in a different direction and spotted what looked like a fighter aircraft tumbling out of control. The weird thing was it wasn't falling. It was traveling away from me (to the north east). I kept watching it for a few seconds trying to figure out what was going on when it suddenly disappeared. I don't know if it was an optical illusion or what. Very strange. |
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