A resident of Poteet, TX watched a strange object in the sky - circular and dark - silently float through the sky and then vanish. While there are many explanations for this sighting (satellite, optical illusion, the usual, etc), this witness is very sure this was a true-blue UFO. Clear night stars and moon viable ..uncle pointed out object in the sky which seemed to be flowting, object was flowting towards the north west keeping its speed and altitude..the cercular object seemed to be tilted and had a dark center , center was not transparent. There was no sound coming from object no smoke trail ether. Object just continued to move till it vanished. We had no words to discrib what we saw but we know it was not a human driven craft of any kind
Someone in Frisco (outside Dallas) has spotted a reddish-orange orb flying through the sky, which appeared to have a halo around it. The sighting occurred on May 19th and sounds an awfully lot like a sighting in Poteet on the same night! Round, glowing ball of reddish-orange with a halo around that traveled in a southeasterly to northwesterly direction. It did not pulsate its colors but had a halo of light around it. It stayed at the same elevation of around 3000 feet and flew its course at a very rapid speed. We watched it until it disappeared in the distance. If it is similar to the Poteet sighting, then apparently (according to the Poteet witness), it looked like this: Someone in Poteet, TX witnessed a very odd craft bounding through the sky on May 19th. Apparently, it looked similar to a UFO spotted over the Chinese Xiaoshan Airport in July of 2010 (video below). They also saw a plane in the sky seemingly respond to the UFO. A similar UFO was also spotted in Frisco the same night. May 19, 2012 9:47 PM Observation location is in Atascosa County, on the corner of FM 2504 and Garden Drive. This location is between the township of Rossville, Texas (2.75 miles to the East) and the city of Devine, Texas (7.3 miles to the North East). I was in my truck facing south on Garden Drive about to make a right turn onto FM 2504 when I looked straight up into the night sky and noticed a ball of white light about four times the size of Venus as we see it now. The light was coming down from the stars and emitted, exploded or pushed the outer atmosphere into a huge and very bright ring of light the size of my fist at arm's length. It looked like the same kind of entry as filmed over Xiao Shan Airport in Hangzhou, China on July 7, 2010. The bright ring lasted a few seconds but the white light that came into the atmosphere continued on a southward flight path. Below and maybe, five to six miles behind the white light came the nightly 9:45PMish passenger jet airliner at around 15,000 to 18,000 feet AGL. The pilots of the jet liner had to have seen the bright white light for it would have been at their 11:30 and only a few miles in front of them. The white light dimed as it continued its flight south and the passenger plane veered off more to their right. I could not tell if the passenger plane's right course correction was due to the white light or just a normal course correction to Laredo direction. Possible passenger airliner is a Dallas-Fort Worth (DFW) to Laredo (LRD) American Airlines 3363 operated by /AMERICAN EAGLE, Embraer RJ145, which Depart at 8:55pm to Arrive 10:15pm. Need to research and find all the flights that fly over nightly south bound though the Atascosa County airspace at 9:45 PM. Here's what it looked like, apparently: ![]() Drawing Submitted to MUFON Lightsinthetexassky.blogspot.com caught a great description of a UFO encounter in Poteet, TX - just south of San Antonio - from April 21st. Apparently, multiple lights zig zagging over the sky, a fiery meteor-like object, and even a "monolith" with beams shooting out it, were observed in the night sky for about 30 minutes. The UFO witness reported into MUFON and even shared what I think is a drawing of the encounter. It's worthwhile to note a passenger plane was also spotted among the UFOs, reminding me of other recent sightings of planes with UFOs in TX (1, 2, 3). Some of the mystery lights and the plane did indeed show up again over the next few nights. Here's an excerpt from the full report: 10:32 PM directly above noted a second set of flashing white lights lower in altitude and closer to my position. Again just three flashes with about 3 to 4 seconds between flash. Each flash became bigger and closer down from the sky and on the third flash, I was able to see a monolith between the source of the light and my observation point, See Fig 1. The monolith could have been producing the light or it had flown in to intercept the falling object that was producing the flash of lights. If we use an estimated height of 100,000 feet AGL, the monolith was the size of 1/8 inch in length (0.125) and 1/16 inch wide (0.0625) as seen from arm’s length at ground level or the monolith was about 1,040 feet in length and 520 feet wide.
I was so amazed in what I had just witnessed, I do not know how much time had passed when suddenly a white laser beam type light shot out from the exact location of the monolith in a slight arc path towards the northeast direction. The beam shot out for a short distance no longer the diameter of our full moon and seem to be aimed towards outer space. |
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