Are the triangle crafts back? Starting in the summer of 2014, Texas and other parts of the US and even the world started to receive an onslaught of triangle UFOs. Giant, dark, solid triangular crafts hovering and flying overhead became almost commonplace, until the spring of 2017, when they seemed to fade out. Well, over this past week, TexasUFOs has received a report of a new black triangle, and so has NUFORC. Check out the testimonies here and compare them to photos and videos of past triangle UFOs: SammyR from Bryan, Texas writes to TexasUFOs:
My friend looked up and saw this dark shadowy object hovering over us. She said in a scared voice look up! I looked up and saw what seemed to be some sort of of black metallic craft moving at a slow pace, sort of just gliding along the sky. It was explainable and I'm still startled at what I saw. There was no sound and it moved eerily through the sky. It sort of had a cloak or disguise to it. NUFORC Report from September 7th in Richmond, Texas:
Black triangle over Texas.
Here are some photos from recent triangle UFO sightings in Texas:
Could this be the rumored top-secret military craft called the TR-3B that many conspiracy theorists have researched over the years? Or could aliens be surveying us humans in waves, perhaps related to recent natural weather disasters and even warfare here on Earth?
Share your theories on the recent triangle UFO sightings as well as other stories in the comments or on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram! Have you seen a triangle UFO? Report it!
A YouTube video showing a bright red ball of light travel in the night sky, go back and forth, and then descend, has been posted. Is this video just showing a drone? Or something more mysterious than that? Considering other harder-to-explain sightings of strange red lights in the Texas sky, I thought this one was worth sharing: I spotted another ufo at about the same time this year as I did last year. Luckily I was fast enough to capture it on video again.
A Texas UFO Sightings reader spotted and filmed (what appears to be) one bright light appearing and disappearing, with many other lights flashing off of it. There are other other street lights closer to ground as a reference: Last night i was outside walking my dog. I always look at the sky expecting to see something but no luck. However, last night there was something static in the sky and a lot of lights coming from it. I though it was a drone, but the way the lights moved I could tell was something else. This lights were there for about one hour. I took a video, but what I saw cant compare with the video. Amazing!!! Do you live near Richmond, Sugar Land, or Rosenberg? Have you seen any UFOs like this? Report your sighting.
Got ideas on what these lights could be? Planes, drones, street lights, UFOs...? Share them in the comments or on the Facebook page.
Texas UFO Sightings reader John S witnessed a very peculiar sight in the Houston area, and although there are no photos or videos, his description is nice and detailed and eerily echoes many several recent sightings in the state of strange, seemingly intelligent lights forming all kinds of weird patterns: Apx 4:00 in the afternoon. Several light colored sphere shaped objects floating in loose synchronization behind a dark spiraling object, shaped like a looped boomerang, at apx 1000 feet. Traveling silently seemingly on a wind current, heading northeast coming from the southwest side of town. Shortly before this We saw a large military type propeller jet maybe a C-5 or C-130 aircraft flying in the same general direction, however more north bound. No ability to take a photo, we focused in on the objects with our binoculars, then they disappeared into the ongoing rain clouds. What are these lights? It's like the famous Stephenville lights from the 80s are back - but all over the Lone Star State this time, and super frequent, to the extent that we can barely process what's going on. These aren't drones, planes, birds or Chinese lanterns folks.
If you've got theories, share them in the comments or on the Facebook page. And as always - if you've seen these lights as well, or have seen any UFOs in Texas recently, report your sighting!
Texas UFO Sightings fans are always posting great sightings on the Facebook page, and I have neglected sharing some of these just due to time! Here's a really good one - check out the following photo and testimony out of Houston, submitted to Texas UFO Sightings by Glenda M: Zoomed in: Driving on Richmond towards gessner I saw 2 bright lights, then one started to move away while the other stayed stationary. This is the picture, nothing too unusual till I caught up with the one on top left... Any thoughts? At a distance, the object almost resembles an upside down meteor! Or a contrail or chem trail --- however, upon closer viewing, this is clearly something else entirely. And apparently there was more than one witness, check out this comment on the original Facebook post: "My friend saw them too" Thoughts? Ideas? Join the Facebook conversation or post a comment.
And as always, if you've seen a UFO in Texas recently, report your sighting! |
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