It was 11:08 when I noticed four blinking lights on a platform that appeared square or rectangular. It was mostly clear last night with only a few clouds. It came from the south along I35, it veered northeast over my house and did not appear to bank. It flew past my house, maybe a quarter mile, on it's north east course, when it stopped and hovered. Hard to tell. It might have been closer. The lights were very bright. I had my binoculars with me. Nothing special just an old Bosch 40 x 20. The structure between the lights was blurry. I live next to Randolph air force base. It is common for planes and helicopters to fly over at night.The lighting on these crafts make the outline of the objects show up through the binoculars. Not on this. What I could make out was a series of what might have been struts holding it together, but the detail was blurred.The lights on it were dazzling. Blue White to ruby red. It was hard to look past the lights to focus on the object. I thought I might be looking at a drone. The lights were flashing and appeared to be changing position on the platform like they were moving or the thing they were connected to was twisting or warping. My eyes were being overwhelmed by the flashes and I got a sense of vertigo from watching. When I lowered my binoculars the lights went out. I thought it disappeared but then out of the corner of my eye I saw another one. Looking just like the first. It flew to where I thought the other one was. It two was flashing the same kind of Blue white light with the one intense red one. I watched it through my binoculars but it was as blurry as the first. It flashed it's red light several times. The light was so intense it seemed to light up the inside of my binoculars. I got that feeling of vertigo again, and put my binoculars down, to rub my eyes. It was still flashing when I looked back, but then it started moving north east again. The first one I saw was back where I first saw it disappear with it's flashing lights on. It then started to follow the second one still heading to northeast, in the direction of Seguin Texas. They moved slowly, (like they were looking or scouting for something) beyond my field of vision, their lights blinking a dimmer version of the white blue light and they started strobing or pulsing pretty fast before completely fading out. I don't know if they turned them off or if they just disappeared, before living my field of view. I checked my watch it was 1118 pm. I saw them for a total of 8 minutes. But it only felt like 2 minutes for the whole thing to happen. That was kind of strange. After they were gone every time I would close my eyes I would see that red light like it seared my retina, like when one glances at the sun or a welding arch. When I closed my eyes to go to sleep I could still see it. But this morning everything is fine.Only I'm kicking myself for not having my phone or camera on me. I wanted to run inside and grab them, but I could not take my eyes off of what I was seeing, and i did not want to loose them or miss anything. That's my story. The only other thing I want to add is as I was watching the second one, for a moment I had a feeling it was watching me, watching it. What do you think this witness saw? Share your thoughts in the comments or on the Facebook page. And, as always, if you saw these objects as well - share!
We've got a great UFO sighting reported into MUFON. A family watched as a bullet-shaped object transformed into an orb, and then changed colors and broke off into multiple orbs, only to turn back into the solid, metallic object again. Could this be a meteor breaking up or something more intelligent? Here's the full report of the May 13th encounter: Well my family (younger brother, younger sister, and mother) were all driving 35 South heading back from the forum, when my younger brother pointed out a strange object; it was a silver elongated aircraft, bullet-like in its shape, and it was pretty high up in the sky, about 900ft up, traveling very fast in the Southwest direction. The time was approximately 8:10 PM when this was pointed out. About a minute later it suddenly shifted, and instead of the silver bullet shape it had previously, it shifted to an orb-like shape and was reflecting an unnatural red-orange glow, not bright enough to be a star, but it was metallic looking and certainly reflected more light than the average helicopter. We followed it down to O'Connor Rd, and stopped briefly at a motel to better observe it from our car, but then the orb suddenly became plural as another one appeared seemingly out of thin air. It changed direction soon after that and we followed it to a Valero on O'Connor Rd and we stepped out of the vehicle to follow it more, and it was about this time (about 8:19) that there was not one, but three orbs all reflecting the same orange-red glow, and all looked to be approximately the same size, and it changed direction once more before all three orbs suddenly changed back to the original silver color and then vanished. And right after it vanished, a plane zoomed into our line of sight.
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