Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Irma have been turning up many oddities, from a UFO landing in Corpus Christi to a strange dragon-like figure appearing in Miami. The latest of these is a mysterious dead sea creature washing upon the shore of a Texas beach. Self-proclaimed nature nerd Preeti Desai shared photos of the corpse on Twitter and asked for help identifying it:
It is not entirely clear whether Preeti witnessed the creature with her own two eyes, but many on Twitter suggested it could be an eel, specifically a Fangtooh snake-eel, or Tusky Eel:
What do you think of this exotic discovery? Is this an alien or mutated creature or evidence of a new animal species, or is this simply a neat-looking, though rarely seen eel? Share your theories on this "crypto" sighting in the comments below, or on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.
Read also: Alien? Skull Discovered in Fort Worth, Texas
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A Texan has witnessed a large, golden Y-shaped craft hovering near the Texas coast, and submitted a report to NUFORC. The UFO was seen by at least two people in different parts of town, so it must have been high up and big: Saw a gold Y shaped stationary light in the Western sky around midnight.
If you live near Texas City or Galveston, there's a good chance you saw this UFO as well. If you did, report your sighting.
Got thoughts on this sighting? Share them in the comments or on Facebook or Twitter.
YouTube video featuring a star-like object hovering near the moon - and possibly moving - has surfaced. In the video, the "orb" appears to move at certain points, but it is hard to be sure. The witnesses can be heard on camera talking about its movements, though, and how it is rotating and changing colors. You can also hear them half joking, half speculating about what the UFO could be - fairy, weather balloon, drone? You be the judge:
Filmed at Goddard Park in Texas City, TX while watching my son's Little League Baseball game, on the evening of March 21st, 2016. We noticed this light or lights in the sky, which were anything but stationary. ![]()
Paula A. of Texas City noticed a bright light in the sky while driving - it followed her the whole way home and then hovered in the sky for several hours. Fortunately, she got it all on camera but the file size of the video was too large to share. She kindly submitted a screenshot along with a full description of the event, however, to TUS: Got off work at 0630 and Sen a bright light in sky. When I got home the light seemed like it was above my neighbors house but up high. Grabbed my cell phone and took a extensive video. (A gigabyte). Shot video from front yard and back yard over a span if several hours of watching it. Grabbed my binoculars and could see two lights that looked connected to each other. This object seemed to follow from my work to my home and then stayed stationary through out the time I viewed it. The brilliant light did actually move upward in the sky but slowly then when I was watching with my binoculars I looked away to see if I could get my neighbors attention and when I looked back it was gone. The video is too long to send but I did post increments on Facebook of it. You would have to view it in person for the video. You actually see the sun rising and daylight by the time I stopped tapping cause my phone was dying. With my binoculars I could see two objects that were extremely brilliant like aluminum in a triangular shape and it would change to a cylinder shape or parts of it seemed like it would flatten. Definitely two objects connected by something in between. Could this simply have been a satellite, or perhaps a star that only seemed to travel? TUS will follow up with the witness, but based on what she saw through binoculars, this certainly seems to be a "UFO" or at least an oddly behaving satellite.
If you also saw this object, please report it! Texas has been real abuzz with UFO sightings of late. I recently caught wind that MUFON - a great UFO reporting database, but not the trustiest investigators - dubbed the recent Texas City lights as sky lanterns, while the Department of Homeland Security proclaimed hoax. The same explanation has been used for the most recent mass UFO sighting in San Antonio. However, the actual witness testimonies, duration, and ubiquitous of UFO sightings of late in Texas don't really fit that bill. Are sky lanterns our new weather balloons? Here's a video of the Texas City lights: Compare to sky lanterns: And similar footage from a recent League City, TX sighting (which has also bled onto many other parts of Texas, and is not likely to be sky lanterns): |
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