Texas UFO Sightings Facebook fan Josh alerted the site to a hovering orb over the Wimberley area. Check out his photo, taken through binoculars, and testimony: object is still hovering high in sky in fixed position, through binoculars it appears round with lines on bottom side sort of resembling a jelly fish.
If this UFO had been seen during the evening, it'd be easy enough to write it off as a star or satellite. But this sighting occurred during the daytime! If you live in Austin or Wimberley area and have seen a UFO recently, report it.
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Hey guys, due to Life, and the mass meteor sightings... TUS is WAYYYYY behind. I prefer to dedicate a post to each sighting so that it gets the attention it deserves. However, it's just not always possible. Here's a recap of the many sightings that have been in the backlog. Everything from cigar and boomerang-shaped crafts to stars on the move (SUPER common of late!)... here goes: August ![]() 8/19, West Texas: Is this UFO, filmed falling from the sky, a meteor or a craft with four lights (see photo to the right)? 8/25, Lewisville: Bright star-like object repeatedly shows up over witness' home, but unlike a star, it moves. A few days later... a similar sightings occur... (read on): Update: Sky watchers ElPasoAllSky.com received sightings of a meteor/fireball for thsi time period (either way, there was definitely a UFO flying over Central and North Texas). Someone has reported an Austin UFO sighting to the message board GodLikeProductions.com. The May 22nd/23rd sighting was of a meteor-like object, green in color and with an explosive quality. From the forum: Big one, headed approximately east to west, lots of green (copper) and an explosion. Did anyone else see it? Others chimed in and discussed similar sightings from the past. A resident of Wimberly, TX seems to have seen the UFO, too: I saw it in Wimberley TX Huge green/blue with large visible smoke trail, then faded out, with no noise. One person from nearby Round Rock heard a sonic boom during the same time period: I'm in Round Rock and heard the sonic boom. But since I was naked at the time, I could not run outside and look. What's interesting is another meteor-like object - a blue, flashing light with a red tail - was seen in nearby Georgetown the same night.
![]() We've got two confirmed sightings of a strange set of redish orange lights in San Marcos. One was reporting to MUFON, and the other to LightsInTheTexasSky.com. Apparently, many people in the area took notice and tried to capture photos of it, but were unsuccessful. Here's the MUFON report: I was preforming the duties of my job which require me to be outside patrolling at night. I happened to look up (as I like looking at the stars) and I saw 3 red-orange orbs that were then joined by a 4th of the same color and approximately the same size. At first I thought maybe they were stars or meteorites but they where first off moving and then also moving to slowly. I saw them in the sky down the street from where I was and the lights moved toward where I was but not "at" me. You could hear a slight whirring noise as they got closer but they were not planes. The lights almost resemble fire but not really. They were moving over the highway from the direction of Wimberly, Texas very slowly when they were almost over the complex I work at they stopped, hovered a moment and then continued moving slowly toward Seguin, Texas ( I think that is East to West...not really good at the cardinal directions haha). When they were above the complex I work at/ field next the the complex they just disappeared like they were never there. One of the lights did sort of fade come back and then disappear but the others were just gone and the noise with them! Although I am curious about what they were I dont really care...It was exciting. I ran to try to get my family but the lights were gone before they came out. Several people stopped at our complex squealing and yelling excitedly "Did you see that? Did you see that? What were they?" Another person said that people were stopped in the street in town trying to take videos and photos...he said they wouldnt come out on his own camera and my phone wasnt strong enough to pick them up as I have an older phone. And the other: My 15 year old daughter and I spotted 7 bright orange ball looking objects flying over San Marcos, Tx on 05/11/2012 at 9:25 PM. We followed them around in our vehicle for appox. 7 to 8 minutes until they just disappeared into what seemed to be thin air. There bright lights were also dimming and then brightening constantly.
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