An intriguing report has hit NUFORC, detailing several balls of lights - but not your Chinese Lanterns-style lights - lights that blink. And seem to chase each other: I observed several balls of fire and strobing lights that seemed to be chasing each other over the night sky over Wylie, TX, on 3/21/16.
A day after Texas UFO Sightings reported on a sighting of lights forming a boomerang shape, traveling, and seemed to communicate telepathically with the witness, the site received ANOTHER nearly identical report, but from a different Texas town and a different witness (from what we can tell so far). Witness Carol F. writes: I stepped outside for a cigarette and spotted some strange looking stars in kind of a boomerang shape like three stars together, I went back in the house to get a pair of binoculars, when I zoomed in on one, there appeared to be 3 or more of these objects in the sky, it seemed to change shape, into a single orb. I got the feeling that the thing knew i was looking at it. One appeared to move closer to me as i was watching it! I'm a star gazer from way back...this a weird part of what I saw...when I first stepped outside I spotted the little dipper over the house ( I sat with the house to my back) within 10 minutes or so the little dipper came into view, it traveled quite a distance in a very short time, I never seen the constellations move so fast across the sky. One of the boomerang things that was near the dipper stayed where it was at as the dipper pasted it. Strange. I heard mention of golf courses that UFO's like hanging around them, there's a golf course on that corner? Moving constellations? Intelligent UFOs? What's going on? Texas UFO Sightings will try to find out more about these two parallel sightings. In the meantime, if you have anything to add to this story, please do. And if you have opinions about what is happening, share them in the comments or on the Facebook page!
A Texan witnessed a mysterious star-like object in the sky that had a boomerang shape, traveled toward the witness at one point, and had pulsating strange colors (blue, green, and orange). The strangest part of all, however, is the witness' believe that they communicated telepathically with the UFO, a surprisingly frequent aspect of many UFO sightings. Read the MUFON report: Walking my dog at 10:15pm last night on 1-11-16 there were a few stars were out. I noticed a flat shape with a slight boomerang line glowing bluish green that seemed to know that I noticed it. It was Not a star! While walking back in I stopped and stared at it. Immediately it started coming toward me. I had to look away to adjust my dog in my arms it seemed to pull back from its descent toward me. When I looked at it again it came back toward me. I thought to myself...yes I see you. It seemed to answer with pulsing lights and in my head I heard..We see you too and know you see us. It seemed happy. Pulsing yellow orange lights with a very dark blue halo that extended out for quite a circumference with a thin red halo on the exterior of the dark blue halo. I felt my dog shiver and knew I could not stay outside longer. I thought..I hate to leave and it seemed to say, Yes we hate you must go too. It had bluish green color and orangy red lights and flashed yellow. It knew my thoughts and communicated telepathically. I am certain about every part of this episode.I came home today and drew it so I would not forget any of it. I hope to experience it again! Everything I felt was positive.
A Texas woman snapped a few photos of the sky and was lucky enough to get some UFOs - specifically, three green lights - in the shots, too. Although the UFOs were not seen until looking at the photos later, apparently there are other photos that show the lights moving. What also makes this interesting is people have been seeing similar phenomenons in the Dallas area with their own two eyes. Check out photo and testimony submitted by the witnesses' husband, Chase A, to Texas UFO Sightings: I am recounting this story from my wife, who by the way never noticed these objects during the few photo shots off her phone while taking them. She says sge just pointed her phone to the sky to capture photos of the pretty color of the passing thunderstorms rain clouds.... What do you think this is? Lens flare? Air crafts? Optical illusion? Aliens? Share your thoughts in the comments or on the Facebook page!
And as always, if you've seen anything strange in the Texas sky recently, report your sighting! |
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