7/27 UPDATE: Apparently this UFO traveled a little to the northwest, too, as it seems to have been spotted in up in Zephyr, TX, according to a comment on this story by Steve: "About 10:30 at night I saw a really fast moving bright light shoot through the sky towards the northeast. This was in zephyr Texas. It was so fast and then just disappeared it had no tail." Last night, something appears to have been doing some magic tricks in the sky in the Austin/San Marcos area. Close to midnight last night, two people reported - to Twitter and then to this site - seeing a bright disc streak through the sky and then abruptly and silently disappear. Was this a meteor so high up in the sky that people in different parts of the state saw it at the same time (though I don't see any meteor reports from TX for July 19th, and typically shooting stars make sounds when they explode), or was there something far more mysterious going on? Here's the tweet out of Austin: I just saw a crazy bright light by Austin tx. Very fast, thick short streak/thin disc that stopped and disappeared silently And the San Marcos sighting, submitted to Texas UFO Sightings: A large, oblong or thin disc of bright white light (like a banana but not curved) appeared in the sky very quickly before slowing down and disappearing completely, silently, and instantly with no explosion or evident interaction with the atmosphere. In North Texas several days before, another identical sighting with multiple witnesses occurred. If you saw this UFO, please let me know! View Strange Light July 29th in a larger map
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