2/26 update --- Another pilot has come forward about seeing a UFO while flying over Texas. See that story here.
An "aviation and military intelligence news blog" called Deep Black Horizon broke a really amazing UFO sighting. An American Airlines pilot was flying over New Mexico (specifically, the Northeast Corner), when they saw a UFO. You can listen to the pilot recording right here. American Airlines has since acknowledged that the recording is authentic. Here is a transcription of it: "I hate to say this, but it looked like a long cylindrical object that almost looked like a cruise missile type of thing - moving really fast right over the top of us." Well, according to photos and testimony submitted MUFON (case 113818), this AA pilot wasn't the only witness to a cylindrical or cigar UFO in New Mexico at the time! Just a day later, two cigar UFOs were seen and photographed in Roswell, and the witness testimony reads strikingly similar to the pilot's recording: Two objects flying appear reflective and on fire, glowing silver, pink And that's not all. Another MUFON report (case 134791) details another cigar UFO sighting in New Mexico, but from December 2020, and specifically in the city of Truth or Consequences. Check out photos and testimony below: (The testimony is from NUFORC, by the way, as it appears the witness reported the UFO to both NUFORC and MUFON.) Cigar shape object that changed shape to a fish like object and others to appear to have landing legs. Other Cylindrical / Cigar UFO Sightings So, as you can see, cigar UFOs may not be as "strange" as you think. If you need further evidence, check out more photos of recent cigar or "rod"-shaped craft that I have covered on this site over the years. What do these sightings have in common? Are aliens visiting? Or is there an easier explanation? What do you think of all these UFO reports? Are different aliens piloting the different cigar and triangular craft? Or is there a man-mad explanation for all of this? Could all of these UFOs be misidentifications, or perhaps top-secret military craft?
Let me know what you think in the comments, or on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook. Have you ever seen a cigar UFO? Or any UFO at all, of that matter? Report your sighting!
A new triangle UFO has been seen over a neighborhood on Friday night. Another round unidentified "orb" can also be seen in the video, seemingly chasing after the triangle. The video of the sighting was posted to Twitter, but so far no further details have emerged. Check out some video screenshots in addition to the video below:
In this new weekly video, UFOJane discusses the most recent triangle UFO sightings to be reported, as well as recent media coverage that has many believing that Disclosure is nearing.
An amazing account of two UFOs seen over Connecticut by a father and daughter has been submitted to MUFON (case 98709). According to the photos and the daughter's testimony, a very strange tower-like UFO with a triangular top as well as a triangular or diamond-shaped UFO were seen in the late evening of February 20th, 2019. The witness claims to have seen a triangle UFO in the same location before. Check out the witness drawings and testimony below: Two black triangle-like objects seen within 20 minutes on the same stretch of road.
Triangle UFOs are some of the more common and perplexing UFOs out there! Have you seen a triangle UFO? Report it. Do you have theories about these triangle UFOs, including this most recent one? Share your thoughts below in the comments, or on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook.
According to two recent videos uploaded to YouTube, a triangle UFO hovered over Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, specifically a business called First Telecom Industries. Check out the footage and judge for yourself whether or not you think it shows an unidentified flying object:
Is it possible that this video is just showing military flares or nighttime parachuters? Or does this show a classic "Tr3b" or alien triangle craft or set of orbs?
Share your thoughts, theories and sightings in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram! |
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