9/11/2016 Update: According to a YouTube comment, one of these sightings occurred in Tampa. Currently investigating... Two UFO sightings on California were uploaded to YouTube by a "generic" UFO channel, but they do not strike me as hoaxes or false reports, and were also reported on a by a more authoritative UFO channel, Latest UFO Sightings. Check out the videos below, which show a huge bright orb of light changing colors and moving over Northern California, and mysterious lights flying in strange formations over LA (perhaps Chinese lanterns?, you be the judge): UFO Changing Colors and Descending over Northern California:
A Couple witnessed a color changing UFO and this is the footage caught on their camera! Watch as its seen hovering! Mysterious Lights Travel Over Los Angeles:
Do you think you know what this witness saw? Is this some sort of inter-dimensional being? A
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