A really frightening and even harrowing account of a UFO and subsequent abduction from over 30 years ago has just been submitted to MUFON (case 84106). The witness reports seeing a silent, black cigar-shaped craft that had a soft hum to it. Shortly after, they saw a beam of light shine down nearby and appear to enfold around another person. The witness went to hide in the car, awaiting on their boyfriend who had the keys. Their boyfriend eventually showed up, but was strangely cold to the touch and sickly looking. He also felt disoriented and recalled dreaming of being probed by otherworldly entities. What makes the story all the more incredible is apparently "men in suits" visited the witness and their family afterward: Black cigar,round propulsion opening on bottom lit up with blue ,red light spinning inside,3 small geometric windows top front
Many cigar UFOs have been witnessed over the years, even as recently as May, in Germany and Pennsylvania:
Reports of alien abduction, as well as encounters with the infamous Men in Black, are also fairly common:
...but could this report be so fantastic as to not be believed? I am struck by all the threads that tie together so perfectly (the UFO sighting, the UFO abduction, and a visitation by the Men in Black), however this also appears so far to be an anonymous, sincere testimony that no one is profiting from, and the fantastic elements of the report are all things that have been reported before!
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