UFOJane discusses the top four theories for why aliens are visiting planet Earth:
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If the UFO phenomenon is evidence that aliens are visiting planet Earth, then the next question to ask is... why are aliens visiting? What do aliens want with humans? What are aliens trying to tell us? Are they nice? Are they mean? Do they care about us? Do they feel indifferent? According to the latest UFO research, multiple alien species may in fact be visiting the planet, and they may not be friendly. Here are the top five theories for what aliens want with humans... 1. They Want To Help Earth... With Conditions
All you have to do is read ancient religious texts (including the Christian bible) or watch superhero movies to understand the alien savior theory. Many ufologists and "Ancient Astronaut" theorists believe that extraterrestrials not only seeded life on Earth, but are actively engaged with humans and have their best interest in mind. There are many well-documented reports of UFOs disabling dangerous nuclear weapons, and of alien contactees receiving visions and telepathic messages that warn of impending destruction of the planet, due to human pollution and war. Many UFO Disclosure activists, however, believe that unless humanity changes its ways for the better, aliens won't be able to save us.
2. They Want to Control Earth
While many alien researchers and contactees look forward to extra-terrestrial contact, others aren't so welcoming. Maybe that's for good reason. If aliens exist, there are probably good and bad ones. They could be be battling it out above our heads (in the sky and in space), in secret underground bases, and via human institutions and wars. Tom Delonge, popular rocker/former Blink 182 guitarist and singer, thinks that's true to a degree. He claims to be in contact with the CIA and other government operatives in order to help disclose information about UFOs and ET visitation to the American people. He has learned that aliens may not be friendly, and that the US government has been secretly and actively studying and dealing with them for decades. Whether you believe this to be true or not, it is interesting all the same that our own US government is pushing this theory... Similarly, David Icke, a famous conspiracy theorist and former sports broadcaster, claims that many powerful people are in fact, not people at all, but aliens, shape-shifting reptilians to be exact, with an evil plan to take over the world and enslave humans, without humans ever learning of their existence.
3. They Want Human DNA
If you believe that accounts of alien abductions are real, then it's easy to subscribe to this theory. According to many abduction reports, people feel paralyzed and/or sedated and confused during an abduction, only to be returned back home safe and sound (much like how human scientists "catch and release" wildlife). Could extra-terrestrials be studying or even manipulating human DNA? This theory is given even more legs when you read ancient texts, which detail heavenly sky beings (as well as the giant Nephilim in the Bible) interbreeding with humans. There is actually growing scientific evidence to support this one! Some UFO researchers go so far as to say aliens are not just interested in human DNA, but the human soul, something aliens (or at least, some aliens) do not have.
4. They Want Earth Resources
Believe it or not, humanity's obsession with gold could be rooted in ancient memory. Zecharia Sitchin, the author who originally made the "Ancient Aliens" theory famous, proposed that an ancient race of extra-terrestrials called the Annunaki influenced all world religions. The Annunaki needed gold for the survival of their home planet, and so they used humans to mine gold on Earth for them. Whether or not you buy this theory, it's not hard to imagine aliens having use for the water, minerals, and animal life here on Earth. Considering how frequently aliens visit and even crash here, it's safe to assume there must be something of cosmic value about Earth!
5. They Want to Learn About Earth
Of all the theories as to what aliens want with humans, this might be the most relatable and least frightening. Just like humans, aliens are probably curious. As already mentioned, the alien abduction phenomenon indicates that extra-terrestrials routinely study and analyze humans, much in the same way that humans collect and tag wildlife to observe in nature. This might not be as scary of a theory, but it's something to consider the next time you are alone, and feel watched...
Are there any theories about what aliens want with humans that are missing from this list? Discuss this story and more in the comments or on Facebook or Twitter! Read Also: Browse UFO and paranormal features, as well as the latest UFO and Disclosure news, and UFO sightings.
9/16/2016 12:01:47 am
Anything you have heard or seen having to do with an alien threat is totally crap. Its government propaganda. Another red flag event in the making.
I experienced a UFO sighting 1957. I was at the Carlins drive theater. It was at intermission during a break in the movie when I heard a loud roaring sound coming from over my head. When I looked up all I could see were what appeared to be plains in the sky. The peculiar thing was they were in a diamond formation and it was so many of them. They weren't close but very high in the sky. I've shared this story with a handful of people over the years, but most place little interest in it. But I believe the aliens are looking for the same things we look for in the Universe, new territory, new resources, for the purpose of safety and security, the continuence of our species. They need food, shelter, and a future for their offspring. Simple basic sociology.
Neil McIntyre
11/16/2022 12:38:42 am
Hi, I stood beside two live Aliens, in their UFO for 5 minutes.
Neil McIntyre
11/15/2022 09:05:38 pm
People that have NEVER been beside Live Aliens are considered all " ultracrepidarians"= and I am NOT. I have been beside two live Aliens in their UFO for about 5 minutes and consider to be the only human ON EARTH TODAY among 8 billion people, who can offer a safe way to act beside a UFO & Aliens, and I teach this subject now...I am without doubt an expert=Read about Travis Walton & the dozens of others NEVER found near UFO sites.-Write to me for the Facts & UFO Safety Events-.MR-N M PO Box 1962 SP GC Qld Australia....UFO sightings often appear at many places all over the earth, do not miss these EVENTS= learn SAFETY near a UFO.= Children & adults, be safe, play safe near a UFO.
11/16/2022 11:46:47 am
Hi, 11/16/2022 12:42:52 am
I have been beside a UFO & 2 Live Aliens.
9/16/2016 12:01:54 am
Anything you have heard or seen having to do with an alien threat is totally crap. Its government propaganda. Another red flag event in the making.
9/16/2016 12:06:03 am
Anything you have heard or seen having to do with an alien threat is totally crap. Its government propaganda. Another red flag event in the making.
R. P. G.
3/31/2017 09:10:34 am
Well said.
4/6/2017 02:14:13 pm
It really wasn't.
7/20/2022 11:31:40 am
I agree, they just want learn about us as we do them.
9/3/2017 12:54:26 pm
Just search for 2003 national press club event on YouTube or search for the disclosure project. And yes, the human race was created by aliens, why else do you think we only use 10% of our brains... 90% untapped abilities.
2/12/2023 09:00:27 pm
We don't only use 10% of our brain. That was a stupid thing said by a 70's self help guru that everyone now takes as gospel despite it continually being pointed out as false by scientists, doctors and anyone else that actually does research.
They are real. They have been here for thousands of years. Thousands of humans from all over the world abducted for examination and egg and sperm extraction to try and combine with us then mix with us and also continue with the abductee's
6/22/2019 05:56:33 pm
There is good and evil everywhere why they are here we will not know Are government doesn’t want us to believe in aliens for lots of reasons mostly control. Hopefully they will help save this planet before it’s too late. How humans have moved this far in life is hard because some not all want war control and money. Not matter what remember to live love and laugh as often as you can.
6/22/2019 06:40:46 pm
Fred...that's right. Even right on tv History Channel on Friday nite at 10pm you can see many Navy or military fighter pilots in the most advanced jets....see many sightings of "tick tack" or "gimbal" UFO's that fly right with them on every fly out from ship. They have captured them on the radar..just look up any of this info in YouTube! They come close to the UFO's and are concerned they might crash into them (but I am sure they wont do that UFO's are way to advanced in technology and work in another dimension to hit them. Anyway...these pilots now want to know why the government or their higher ups won't tell them what the UFO's are. I know the government has be bargaining with the alien's for years...Abductions in exchange for high technology info about advanced ways to time travel with M115 nuclear fusion anti gravity. See Bob Lazar who has reverse engineered crafts. It's here....it's real...and more and more will be exposed thru private and public media. The government will NEVER admit anything until way down the road afterwards..
11/27/2019 07:41:12 am
They will not help us. They are indifferent to our existence and don't seem to understand emotional connections. Hello it is true that we tried to broker a deal with him at one point it has since fallen through they no longer abide by the Clauses outlined in that agreement just as other nations have continued to shoot them down and capture and contain their technology and occupants if survived. I have direct access to a limited amount of information as it is discovered. I've seen some of the more recent autopsies, and the notes outlined in post medical examination reports. and I have also read some of the incident reports involving interactions between living extraterrestrials who are confined and interacted with by people within the military structure.
Dana Omus
2/6/2020 09:59:52 pm
2/12/2023 09:03:42 pm
Actually, people still describe the abduction experience as horrifying and torturous. However, many people say that asking Jesus or God for help stops the experience permanently.
Austin B
11/27/2019 07:29:19 am
The species of extraterrestrial biological entities that most people are familiar with, known as the greys, are genetically engineered creatures created by another civilization in another solar system. We aren't quite sure where exactly in our galaxy they are from or the details of the civilization that created them, but we know they were specifically designed for space travel. The body structure is sufficient for microgravity, with low mass and long limbs for high efficiency during manipulation of tools and moving around. Their eyes are extremely large to see in the low light conditions of space, and their internal organs are secured in thir body by tendons and ligaments. And although their brain physiology is not that dissimilar to what we are familiar with, it is highly complex with many divisions that are woven together with an interesting connecting structure that appears to organize and string together the neural network between the lobes. It seems they were engineered with an emphasis on scientific and intellectually demanding tasks, and do not appear to have emotions or even understand the concept.
11/27/2019 07:56:48 am
also, theres sufficient evidence to support the idea that Humanity was created by the extraterrestrials. Given the clearly definable transitions from primate Family into early hominids, into the first permutation of homo sapien, the African ancestors which includes the Black people that exist today. There's second permutation of our species is the various Asian populations and their variations. Their third and most recent permutation of homo sapien is white European populations which is why they have different colored hair and different eye colors. This would explain the insatiable curiosity of people of European ancestry and why scientific knowledge and technological advancement started progressing at an exponential rate. ( and I know people are going to bitch about this conclusion even there's historical evidence supporting it).
Dana Omus
2/6/2020 10:17:28 pm
Very interesting, Austin. I feel you have 'inside' information or you perhaps work in the field of studying aliens somehow. I found your views very informative. I have read and watched videos of Dr David Jacobs and he has the experience with abductees to know what they went thru and still do through, and there are a lot of abductees and now hybrids living among us. The government has been "working with" certain species of aliens for years in order to obtain technology. The only way the public will know the truth is through private investors or non government research. It's kind of hard to try and resist the alien abduction when they use mind control and can make the abductee "forget" until they undergo hypnosis. How scary that must be. No way to resist.
4/13/2020 02:54:19 am
You definitely have more than some inside information. You probably are an extra terrestrial. Thanks for the info I just watch the doc “The greatest story that was never told”. I want more info though.
2/6/2020 08:47:42 pm
I have heard mainly from humans oh this is the year Jesus Christ is coming, now aliens are saying the same thing. STAND BACK and think the Bible has stated No One Knows the hour or day not even the Son of God (Jesus Christ). So the aliens are saying this? What is the purpose? I'm going on 80 years old and I've heard this same stuff from humans (religions) this is the year, He's coming! Don't fall for this! Yes, I'm a Christian and I believe Jesus shall come some time but to put a date on it. NO! Live a life as if Jesus Christ is coming, yes, but don't believe date putters. Several different religions have done this, these same religions are losing members by the millions per year. Be a good Christian yes. Let the aliens play game play games yes but we don't have to fall for this!
3/4/2020 09:47:28 pm
You sound like you enjoyed this piece.But as someone that has knowledge of this subject I must say you should take your report seriously. I have stories to tell. Check me out. Thanks, have a great evening.
Dana Omus
3/4/2020 10:38:19 pm
What are your stories? Are you an abductee, witness or maybe a hybrid. You don't have to say. But do tell us your stories.
Philip Vandenberg
5/2/2020 01:04:20 am
I am witness almost daily to (with photos and videosbtw for perusal by anyone who wishes so) of some sort of military/ alien / evil/ / good etc phenomena with cloaking and remote viewers and ships and beings of some reality if im not totally mad and gone. I’m eager to present this evidence to anyone who has objectivity and respect for the truth to inspect my claims and photographs and videos to tell me what the hell is going on around me and why
7/9/2021 04:04:37 pm
There's so much deliberate bullshit on this entire page that I don't know where to start, "They want to help humans...with conditions".
2/10/2022 11:11:12 am
4/29/2022 12:17:32 am
When is the next reset of our planet?
8/12/2022 11:14:43 am
First, there is no resource found on earth that is not in much greater amounts and richer amount in astroids in our solar system. The only thing on earth not found elsewhere is our DNA. They are here exclusively for our DNA. They have been here long enough to finish their field studies of our species long ago, or they are not as intelligent as some think.
9/3/2022 01:41:27 pm
It seems to me that aliens have been closely involved with humankind for tens of thousand of years. I think aliens had something to do with the great flood that wiped out most of humanity because the aliens realized they made DNA errors.
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