Seems the red orange orbs/dots have been making their way around Texas. @Corey_Isaac_ tweeted: "On my life I just seen five orange dots in the sky and now they aren't there and I got witnesses #ufo" on May 13th.
6/24/2012 06:49:33 am
I'm surprised someone here saw them. I seen something,but, my daughters says I'm nuts because I have been reading about all the UFO's . Truth is they normally don't get spotted up this way. Recently if you have watched a crap load have been spotted all over the world & them little glowing orbs have been seen in every major country from what I have read. I was thinking about forming a star gazing group just to have folks go watch with me but just saying it's UFO group would be a lot more fun!
john conner
3/6/2013 10:11:49 am
iv been seeing these orbs many different ones large,small,high and low almost every night if im looking.sometimes dont have to be looking and they glide accross the night sky,sometimes very rarely see them in the day time.keep looking my friends,it seems that only some of us can piont theses things out,and some ppl who will call you crazy,just simply cannot see consider yourself chossen,or touched or whatever you may want to call it but its most deffinetly happening.just keep looking and youll see more.......conner out.
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