A couple was watching an episode of TLC's "My 600-LB Life," when they saw a UFO in the background. The episode was called "Joe's Story" and was partially filmed in Houston, as it documents an obese man struggling to lose weight who must travel from his home in Tennessee to a doctor in Houston. Check out the screenshots and testimonysubmitted to MUFON by the TV-watching couple: 1.) Watching TV
This event happened some time ago, but if you have seen a UFO like this in Houston recently, report your sighting! Think you know what this was? Share your thoughts in the comments or on the Facebook page.
With the recent and amazing news stories about fighter jets causing sonic booms to rattle South Carolina, New Jersey and New York, it might be a good time to reach out to Texans again about what they're hearing in the sky these days.
A few years ago, people all over Texas reported hearing a haunting - and even irritating - humming and/or rumbling sound. Half a year later, strange sounds captivated Texans again, but this time the sounds were higher pitched - more of a trumpeting. People have been reporting strange things they've heard in the sky ever since, though. Read the blog comments below, which detail both booming and humming sounds: I live in temple and have been hearing it for a couple of years. I last for a couple of minutes and stops as quick as it starts. It has to be under ground. They say that there are underground tunnels all over the US, that use supersonic trains. There are even articles of nuclear powered tunnel diggers all rhe way back to the late 50'S. I have thought about it a lot, and cannot imagine what else it could be.
Also, it was just this past month when loud booms and even a light quake was reported in the Corpus Christi area. Was this caused by fighter jets as well?
There have been a few other YouTube videos posted, too, with strange siren-like sounds and deep vibrations. You can see these videos and the news report from Corpus below: Have you heard any mysterious sounds in Texas? Share your story, or your theories!, on the Facebook page.
A YouTube video featuring an apparent meteor in the Houston area has been posted: What looks like a Meteor burning up in the atmosphere upon
Turns out there were a few other reports sent to AMSmeteors.org from Robstown and Harlingen, Texas:
At first it seemed as something that came out of nowhere and it was going to hit something on the ground like the Airport, but it then took a turn going and started going straight along the sky, it was an amazing experience and my first time seeing one
The video shows a fiery ball just hanging there, the description from the other witness describes a craft on turning... what really was going in the Texas sky on the evening of January 23rd?
And then it gets weirder! Someone from Finland commented on the YouTube video, claiming to have seen this object in their country during the same time frame: I sow that in Finland. 23.1.2015 8:30 pm finish time.
Were these sightings related after all? Share your thoughts in the comments or on the Facebook page. And, as always, if you've seen a UFO in Texas recently, report it!
The UFO was heading north sideways. It was in the shape of a wishbone with a blue glow. For a moment I thought it was an angel until I noticed that it was too mechanical. It was heading North then it stopped and changed its position towards the sky and shot off. I didn't hear anything which was the weirdest thing.
An Lubbock resident spotted orange-red color lights in the sky, but saw something pretty phenomenal when they looked at the lights through binoculars. Here's the interesting testimony submitted by "CJ" to Texas UFO Sightings, detailing many objects of different shapes performing weird maneuvers: Many Aerial objects throughout the night were spotted and seen using binoculars alongside my fellow friend witnessing. Different geometric shaped orbs would appear to float and move slightly possibly by wind or under pilot control and objects appeared to be in a circle formation all around the city. When viewing to the naked eye they appeared slightly a orange/red color until viewed up-close to notice that it was almost shiny like foil but could see many colors.As the night progressed and I still watch something out of the ordinary happened. There is something else I had seen last night that i don't feel safe talking about via internet. The experience was truly jaw-dropping and my wish had came true for one of a million reasons for this to happen. I still cant explain my eyes. This sighting is very similar to others I've seen, especially from Austin last summer, when another Texas UFO Sightings reader saw strange lights in the sky and then watched them zoomed in on her phone for hours, getting photos like this when zoomed in on:
Could these phenomenons be related? Have you seen anything like this in the Lubbock area recently? Share your comments on the Facebook page or report your sighting!
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