A video caught some buzz on Latest-UFO-Sightings.net. In it, two "blackhawk" helicopters are filmed and at one point, the video slows down and you can see another object zoom past (seemilngy extremely fast). I see a bird flying by helicopters, but am I msising something? Is this object going faster than a bird should be able to go? Check out the MUFON report and video for yourself: I was recording with my iPhone some blackhawk helicopters flying over my house at t/p/o and was gust reviewing the video I realized it was in slow motion and saw an object move from the bottom right to the left a lot faster than the helicopters even though they were both in slow motion.Not sure if it could be a bird but you guys are the experts let me know what you think I will likely update this post to read "debunked" with an explanation up top if we can get enough comments and opinion to support that statement. Since this video has already caught on, I'd like to give it a good look! Certainly don't fault the witness for reporting it, but so far UFO is a stretch. What say you? Share your opinion in the comments or on the Facebook page.
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