A Texas resident (@thearredondostx) watching and filming the Total Solar Eclipse over Arlington, Texas on Monday got more than they expected when they noticed a dark gray, seemingly quite speedy, rod-shaped object dart through the clouds! Footage of the sighting was posted to Tik Tok:
The video has since circulated on social media, spawning online debates (like this one on ufologist John Greenwald's X page) about whether or not it shows an alien spaceship or something simpler - like a fast-moving helicopter or plane.
I found a similar report out of Ohio, but haven't found any other similar reports so far:
I am in Central Texas and I didn't see a UFO on April 8th, or the eclipse for that matter, due to the cloudy weather. (But it was still a really amazing experience - everything went dark for several minutes and the wind picked up!)
It's not terribly uncommon for people to see strange things in the sky during eclipses. But is that because aliens are visiting, or more people are just looking up? You be the judge! I've reached out to the witness for more information and so update this article if new information comes to light. Did you see the 2024 Total Solar Eclipse... and also a UFO? Report your sighting!
According to a recent MUFON report (case 119791), a retired aircraft and rocket inspector witnessed a UFO back in 1978. The encounter must have had a strong effect on them, because they are still thinking about it decades later: "giant sphere" It's not uncommon for people to see shiny, spherical UFOs. They are sometimes seen hovering and moving slowly, only to then speed away or disappear. Below is one of many examples: Do you think this witness from 1978 saw a UFO orb, possibly piloted by aliens? If you believe aliens are visiting Texas, how long have they been here?
Or do you think it's more likely that this witness was just mistaken, or even making it all up? Let me know what you think here in the comments, or on Twitter or Facebook. A "black triangle with a white light on each point, and a red light in" the center has been reported to NUFORC (case 168861). A witness in Arlington, Texas sent in a brief, but detailed testimony. Black triangle with three white lights and one red light.
This NUFORC report is very similar to other reports of black triangle craft (see artistic depiction below):
Who or what is piloting the triangle UFOs? Are these top-secret military craft? Mis-identifications of man-made craft? Or... aliens?!? Let me know what you think in the comments!
Have you seen a triangle UFO recently? Report your sighting.
view all recent triangle UFO sightings on a real-time map
Triangle UFOs have been recently reported over Texas! Read recent testimonies from witnesses in Bedford and Arlington, Texas (Fort Worth area) within a few days of each other. One testimony was submitted to NUFORC, while the other was submitted directly to TexasUFOSightings: December 11th 9:57 AM in Bedford, TX:Witnessed floating vertical triangle. With red, and white lights. First sighting around 1:29 am. Second sighting around 2:00 am. Lights went on, and off. Triangle behaves as a ufo then transitions to a slow moving (like) airplane with red running lights. Object vanishes either out of sight or turns running lights off. Suspect it to be some sort of helicopter or airplane capable of hovering for extended periods of time. Not the first time seeing these anomalies in the same vicinity of the Bedford Dallas Fort Worth Texas airport area. This sort of sighting occurs every other month. Have tracked some airplanes landings, and taking off from the airport with strange light patterns, later going in the same tracks as the UFOs. December 14th and 15th in Arlington, TX:
12/14/19 8pm also 12/15/19 117am
View a map of all recent triangle UFO sightings in the world right here:
1/26/2019 Update: Another report of a triangle UFO over Texas on the night of the eclipse has come in, this time in Austin. Read the testimony sent in to NUFORC below and compare to the one from Arlington down below: [Austin: Report S144613]
Original story:
A V-shaped craft was seen flying through the sky on the night of the eclipse, according to a recent MUFON report (case 97942): Date/Time: 1/20/2019 11:43pm Central Time
Triangle UFOs are seen with surprising frequency. Compare this recent testimony to other recent triangle UFOs over Texas shown below:
Have you even a triangle UFO? Report your sighting!
What do you think about recent triangle UFOs? Share your thoughts here in the comments, or on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook! |
FeaturedHave you seen a UFO or alien? You are not alone! This site is updated with the latest UFO sightings and alien and paranormal news from Texas and all over the world.