"I watched it hover for about 5 minutes" - Large Star-like Object Disappears Over Fort Worth Area6/19/2020
A report of a very large star-like object that hovered for several minutes before vanishing in thin air has been reported to Texas UFO Sightings. This type of sighting - of "stars" that disappear - is common here in Texas, and around the world. So, what are people seeing? Are these alien spaceships, or is there an easier explanation? Read the latest testimony, graciously sent in by the witness, Chuck: I live south of Fort Worth, in the Crowley/Burleson area. I had gotten up to get a drink and noticed through the window a bright light low to the horizon to the north. I figured it was probably an aircraft coming in to DFW, but it wasn't moving very fast if at all. I watched it hover for about 5 minutes when it flashed and then disappeared. There was other air traffic in the area which was easily identifiable as aircraft, moving and looking like planes should.
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Intriguing video showing bright white and red lights hovering and blinking in a circular formation over Burleson, Texas has been uploaded to YouTube. The witness testimony was also submitted to NUFORC (case 144645):
Do you live in Burleson? Did you also see these lights? Help crack this case and report your sighting.
Think you know what this? Some people on YouTube have suggested drones, or even lights on crane. As always, share your opinions here in the comments or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!
Texas UFO Sightings received a super pretty picture of a lenticular cloud or... UFO. Most likely this is just the beautiful weather event captured on camera, but UFOs or air crafts cloaking themselves in clouds is not unheard of - typically with those sightings, however, there is a bit more to the story than just a saucer-shaped cloud. You be the judge: I just want to share my beautiful photos from a few days ago. Form your own opinion as to comparing to ufos or cloaking. Enjoy If you have seen any UFOs in Burleson recently, report it!
If you've seen this, report your sighting! For 2 nights this week, including tonight, my wife and I were sitting outside on our back porch looking at the sky when my wife noticed an object about the size of a large star moving north in a straight line across the sky. We looked at it each night with my binoculars and noted initially that it looked blurry. However, nothing else we observed was blurry. It was therefore not the binoculars; it was the object. It appeared to have a strange aura. Tonight I thought it looked like the top of a jellyfish--round, transparent--or perhaps the top of a parachute. It was not an aircraft or a bird or insect. It was not a balloon or plastic bag. It held a steady course, moving faster than such wind-blown objects. We could come up with no reasonable, logical, natural explanation for what we witnessed. It flew across the sky in a straight line with no sound or deviation of movement--just a strange fuzzy aura around it. It eventually flew out of view. I told my wife I would go online tonight and see if I could find anyone else who may have seen such an object. Sure enough, I did see a few online descriptions of "flying jellyfish." However, this object had no tentacles or appendages hanging beneath its basic round structure. With the binoculars, I got the impression that it may have had several seams radiating from its center toward the perimeter, like an umbrella. In fact, the round edge may have been more like an umbrella than a perfect circle. Strange to see this thing twice in one week. We were both left baffled and bewildered. On May 9th, a mother and her son witnessed a very odd anomaly in the sky. They saw a set of orange fireballs hovering in the sky. After a while, they started to move, and the two followed them until they disappeared. They seemed to move with intelligence, as one of the fireballs even gave the impression of a "leader." Here's the full MUFON report: As I was driving home after my son's baseball game, my wife and I noticed these two very bright orange balls of fire in the sky. They appeared to just be hovering for a moment. I pulled over our vehicle to see if I could tell what these tow things were. They were very different then all of the stars in the sky and did not move or have the lighting to make us believe that they were planes. Plus they were too close to be planes in formation and I've never seen planes with orange only lights. After a moment, we could see the items moving so we started driving and taking pictures and video of the items when a third orange ball appeared. They changed direction and started moving a bit faster. The third ball that appeared seemed to just disappear then a moment later another disappeared. The one that seemed to be leading the pack took the longest to disappear. It kinda just stopped moving then just disappeared as if someone just switched off the light.
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