I have received an incredible report of a part mantis, part man, seen walking across a street in Central Texas back in 2017. The witness wrote: My daughter and I were driving home from the grocery store late at night when I saw an insect colored mantis-like, man- like being walking across the street about 250 feet in front of my car. I have never had any experience previously with other -world beings, nor had ever seen anything this odd. . It had the big classic alien black eyes except they were not bulging, nor was he ominous or threatening. He just walked with purpose, not aggression. He had a light brown exoskeleton and stood around 6-7 ft tall, and climbed up a brick wall weightlessly. Never saw it again. Told no one at that time.Over the years, I had the feeling it's kind has been here long before humans. While not as common as the Grays, I have received reports of the "praying mantis" aliens before. I covered a case in Waller, Texas that occurred a year prior to this one, and a case in San Antonio from the 90s!
A rectangular or square-shaped, dark UFO was seen over a Cedar Park neighborhood. The witness was able to capture a picture, but only after the object had flown a great distance away. Check out the testimony and photo sent to TexasUFOs: Bronze rectangular UFO
Do you live in Cedar Park? Did you see this UFO, too? Report your sighting!
Do you think you can identify this UFO? Could it simply have been a plane carrying a banner? Share your theories below in the comments or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!
According to a NUFORC testimony (case S139229), an unidentified metallic sphere flew at a high rate of speed over Cedar Park. Shortly after the UFO passed, the witness observed what they thought was a military plane flying behind it. A few days later, the Cedar Park resident also noticed some strange helicopters in the area. Could these events be related? As always, you be the judge: High speed metallic sphere shooting across Central Texas skies.
During a United Stands Grand Prix race at Austin's Formula 1 track, a bird literally overshadowed the contest. An extremely large, haunting shadow of a winged creature circling the F1 car race was caught on camera, catching the attention of many TV-viewing fans:
Could this shadow be of a large, yet-to-be identified bird? Cryptologists often refer to Native American legends of the "Thunderbird" and suggest intimidatingly large, mystery birds could still be alive today. However, other large birds like vultures and ospreys do live in Texas, and their shadows could appear extra large due to stadium lighting:
What do you think of this incredible video? Is it evidence of the legendary Thunderbird? Or just some "strange" lighting? Share your theories about this mystery bird in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.
Did you attend the F1 race in Austin on Sunday? Did you happen to see this bird? Help crack this crypto case and share your encounter!
A brief video showing a sparkling orb of light, or a craft with flashing lights, hovering over North Austin was submitted to TexasUFOs by witness RK, along with a description: 8600 N FM 620, Austin, TX 78726
What do you think this video shows? A spaceship? Or perhaps a top-secret military craft, drone, or even a star? Three stars, including Mars and Mercury, were shining bright on the night of this sighting.
FeaturedHave you seen a UFO or alien? You are not alone! This site is updated with the latest UFO sightings and alien and paranormal news from Texas and all over the world.