Two videos showing mysterious balls of light, or "UFO orbs," flying over cities in Texas were uploaded to YouTube. According to the witness testimonies, the UFOs were seen within days of each other, and hours of each other! In the first video, out of Driftwood, Texas, a bright glowing light can be seen traveling steadily through the sky. The second video shows a similar-looking light, however its moves are much more erratic, with the UFO even occasionally disappearing! Driftwood, TX, July 9th: UFO? - 7/9/2020 Driftwood, Tx Houston, TX, July 13th: UFO in houston texas 7/13/2020 Now, it is possible these videos are just showing misidentified drones? It's hard to rule out drones these days, considering how advanced they have gotten!
I've reached out to the witnesses for further information, but in the meantime, let me know what you think. If you've ever seen anything like these UFOs before, you can help to solve this mystery, and others like it, by reporting your sighting!
Meanwhile, here's the full MUFON report: The object was about 2000-3000 feet above us and traveling West at about 200-250 mph. It was a rectangular orange light with a white center. Approxamately 30-40 feet in diameter that made no sound at all. Nobody could make out a shape , other than an Orangish light that made no sound. It was observed by any number of people that were at the Old Settlers Festival in Driftwood. We talked to several others that were in different parts of the campground that saw it and they were all mistified as to what it was . There were 6 of us in our camp that saw it , two of us are pilots. This light had no red or green wing lights nor any anti-collision lights that you would see on an airplane at night. It moved away about 7 miles in less than a minute then just blinked out. 15 minutes later it came back out of the West and made a turn and then moved away again to the west at the same speed(200+mph) and once again just blinked out of sight. I am an airplane buff and proudly can identify any aircraft that I see ,but this was nothing that I or anybody else could indentify. |
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