A really detailed report of UFOs over the Dallas area from about 20 years ago, is just now surfacing online. Jeff submitted a testimony to me of mysterious orbs he had seen while driving home with a friend one morning. He compared his sighting to footage purportedly taken in the 80s in England (watch and compare below), but made sure to clarify that the UFO she saw moved slower, and also exhibited other slight differences: " This took place roughly 20 years ago and I have told a small handful of people about it. I've never written or typed out a description before. Details of time and place are not clear. A friend of mine at the time, David, and I were driving to his home in Justin, TX, which is west of DFW airport. It was daytime, I think a.m. We drove a route he had driven countless times as he is from that area. There is a lot of open land out there. The scenery is cut up between wooded area and open field on either side of the highway. To our right, as we passed some woods it opened into a field of tall browned grass reaching maybe 2ft high in some areas. I was looking off in that direction, to the right, when I saw 2 objects seemingly the size of birds. I think they were about 50 ft from the road in the field of tall brown grass. As the 2 objects rose from the field the began almost circle around each other and not great speed, but not slowly. As the objects rose they also slowly were flying toward the road we were on. As my eyes followed them across I could see in my peripheral view David leaning his body toward the window and his head turning up to also follow what I was seeing as I asked him if he was seeing what I'm seeing and he said yes. By the time they were in front and above us their shape and characteristics changed. The best description for what we saw was to 3 dimensional objects becoming flat and thin and possibly formed into one object and then vanished. It looked like a piece of film strip waving in the wind and disappeared. Its distance from us is hard to recall, but at the moment I'm thinking at least 100ft by the time it was passing over the highway.
What do you think about this case? Do you think the sighting from the 80s in England, and this one from the early 2000s in Texas, could be related?
Let me know what you think here in the comments, or on Facebook or Twitter! Have you ever seen UFOs like the one Jeff described, or like the ones shown in the video? Report your sighting.
(Click "Read More" for Justin, TX UFO sighting details.) No doubt you've heard about the meteor impact and sonic boom that gave residents in Nevada and California a startle on April 22nd. A fireball was spotted zooming down to Earth, along with a loud noise and quaking! Although the sighting occurred during the Lyrid Meteor Shower, scientists speculate the culprit was a more sinister, random meteor. A similar sighting - later chalked up to a simple jet contrail (hmm...) - also happened in San Antonio earlier in April. What's going on here, folks? These cases aren't surprising or new! A mixture of trumpet-like sounds, rumbles, hums, and booms have been popping up all around the world. Eery sounds have been recorded and reported all over - there was a strange uptick in January. Here's a great compilation: Texas has been no exception. Here's just one of MANY YouTube uploads featuring strange sounds in the Lonestar State. This one's from April 11th in Houston: A case in Clintonville, Wisconsin recently dominated the local news: Well, it seems the phenomenon is making its way to Texas again. (continued...)
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