A very brief testimony, but a great photograph, of UFOs over Texas, has been submitted to MUFON (case 110740). Because the witness didn't give many details about the encounter, it's impossible to rule out man-made explanations like balloons. That said, the "orb" phenomenon is a well-documented one and that could be what we are observing here! Check out the photos and witness report below, and let me know what you think of these UFOs. Also, did you see these lights over Kerrville, too? Help us solve this mystery by reporting your sighting! The scene:The "orbs": Took a series of photos that show a fleet of lights flying in formation with two streaking towards the ground and exploding like a shooting star Compare to other "orb" sightings:
From 1952 to 1969, the United States Air Force investigated UFO sightings for "Project Blue Book." During the time of the program, over 12,000 UFO reports were collected. And many of those reports were from Texas! For example, here are some declassified Project Blue Book files that detail a sighting of an unidentified fireball over Kerrville, Texas in October of 1960: The Project Blue Book investigators concluded that this Kerrville UFO was "probably a meteor." They then suggested to forward the files to the Aerospace Technical Intelligence Center at Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio.
What's interesting is that Project Blue Book ended up concluding the same thing for almost every UFO report it received... every UFO was determined to be non-threatening, and of terrestrial origin. However, J Allen Hynek was a scientific advisor for Project Blue Book at the time, and he famously stated that the organization's primary goal was not to learn about UFOs, but "to keep the public from getting excited" about them. In December 2017, Hynek's claims would be well-proven. The New York Times revealed that the investigation of UFOs did indeed continue after Project Blue Book ended in 1969, just not publicly! And that UFOs could be threatening, and could be extra-terrestrial in origin. So, maybe Project Blue Book files are worth revisiting? Recently, US senators requested the release of all UFO files, and so more will likely be revealed soon. For now, we can watch the fictional series "Project Blue Book" on the History Channel (and Amazon) and fill in the gaps ourselves.
A slow-moving, "sparkling green" object was seen and photographed over Kerrville, Texas during the evening of the solar eclipse over the US. The witness shared an enhanced, zoomed-in photo of the UFO, which reveals a possible craft with multiple lights, according to a MUFON report (case 86530): What caught my eye with this one was the color. A sparkling green. It was slowly moving but then just stayed stationary. It was far away. I never have a camera ready and I've seen huge lights previously but no pics. I didn't think I caught anything as it doesn't show up well on phone screen. So I enlarged what I had to see this.
What do you think of this UFO sighting? Share your theories in the comments below, or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!
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My family and I are staying at Mo Ranch near Kerrville, Texas. Tonight around 10:30 pm we were outside and observed strange lights in the sky. I estimate that there were 10 to 15 greenish-blue orbs floating in a v-formation. They were floating slowly and we watched them for nearly five minutes before they all seemed to join together and then faded into the distance. There were no noises. It definitely was not a reflection of any kind, and I cannot imagine that it was any type of aircraft. It was the most bizarre phenomenon that I have ever witnessed. Did you see this strange set of lights, too? Report your sighting!
Many Texans were lucky enough to witness a UFO zig zag through the sky. While the witness who reported the sighting to MUFON admits it could have been a firefly or RC toy of some sort, they're pretty sure it was something much weirder than that, and they're 100% sure it was no meteor. Others in the area spotted the same anomaly and had the same reaction: woa. Here's the full testimony: I, and a couple of other witnesses, saw a lime green object- a lot like a shooting star, fall downward, but i knew instantly it wasnt a shooting star when it changed direction and shot itseft upward in the sky. It looked like a check mark...well if you were to draw one; thats the path it took. And there were two or three quick stops where it fell towards the horizon, then it froze for a split second, nearly blending with the stars around it, and then it continued to fall ... but made an immediate turn-around upward- something a comet or meteorite doesnt do. The experience trully gave me chills. I was with 3 other people at the time, they said the same thing. We saw the same color and we all saw the same flight path. We also saw another group of people 50 yards from us- down a trail from where we were and one woman said she saw the same thing. I am totally open to accept it may very well have been a firefly, a shooting star or crazy glow toy people throw- but i know distance- i think most people can tell the difference between a floating firefly and a sharp, fast, distant darting light in the sky. Im an artist and i have a good understanding of object placament and distance. It was my first UFO sighting- but who knows for sure. |
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