A strange formation of four lights was spotted and recorded in Lakeway. At first glance, it looks like some bright stars and nothing more, but then one blinks! Check out the video and witness description: On my way back from delivery look up to see 5 lights 1 disappeared before started recording. Did you see this too? Report it!
Thoughts on what these objects could be? Share your thoughts in the comments or on the Facebook page.
I'm not sure what's going on, but folks all over Central Texas have been seeing, photographing, and filming a set of two objects seemingly attached to each other, but with great distance in between, hovering and moving through the sky. The latest of these comes out of Port Arthur, TX, specifically the Motiva Oil Refinery on or about October 1st, 2014: UFO TEXAS UNEXPLAINED TWO LIGHTS LOOKS LIKE THEY ARE PART OF THE SAME OBJECT IN SOUTH EAST TEXAS OFF OF HWY. 73 NEAR MOTIVA REFINERY. A few days before, on September 28th, a San Antonio resident spotted a similar phenomenon in their neighborhood and also uploaded footage to YouTube: And that's not all! Texas UFO Sightings received an anonymous report of a similar sighting out of Mansfiled on September 27th: very similar to the lead story photos on this website today of two crafts parallel to each other. (Ive never been to this sight, so power of suggestion doesn't apply). My girlfriend and I were alerted to go outside when our dogs went nuts at 4 am. we think these are also similar to the incidents in stephenville, tx. These objects are just too weird to explain at this hour, but PLEASE if anyone else in the area saw this let us know. These reports follow two other recent sightings of "objects in tandem" - Lakeway and Grand Prairie in September. Is there a giant craft making its way around Texas, or is this all a big coincidence? Share your ideas in the comments or on the Facebook page. If you can add to these reports, please do.
Really great video of two UFOs slowly flying over Lakeway was submitted to Texas UFO Sightings. While no written details were shared about the sighting, it speaks for itself: As high-quality as this video is, it could also simply be birds or planes.
What do you think? Share your theories in the comments or on the Facebook page. And as always, if you've seen a UFO in Texas recently, report it! Spooky sounds. Triangles. Meteor crash. And what the heck is going on in Tomball? (All kinds of activities in the Houston area, especially this town, this month.) Catch up on all the weirdness in the Texas sky for the month of May right here: ![]() May 2nd
May 3rd ![]()
May 4th
May 5th
May 6th
![]() May 9th
May 11th
May 12th
May 13th
May 14th ![]() May 15th
May 16th
May 17th
May 18th
May 19th
May 20th
May 21st May 22nd May 23rd
May 27th
![]() May 29th
May 30th
May 31
Mass Sighting Over Lake Travis, Hundreds of Orbs: "Most INcredible Sighting I have Ever Seen"6/5/2013 Updated 6/5 at 12:01 PM Many folks were lucky enough to catch quite the UFO show over Lake Travis the night of June 1st. I received a report on my web site, and several reports hit NUFORC, which prompted comments confirming the sighting. Hundreds of bright white orbs hovered in mid air and also silently glided through the sky in a strange "constellation" like formation. Multiple witnesses compared them to a flock of birds, while another suggested they may have been meteors. It seems this sighting happened around 9 to 10 pm but one of the four witnesses who sent in a report said it was morning time (though exactly 12 hours before, so it's possible they accidentally typed AM instead of PM). Apparently there's a photo out there of the event, but it's yet to be posted online. When 50+ UFOs show up like this and behave in such weird ways, it's tempting to call them Chinese lanterns, but their graceful movements, and occasional hovering has me a little bewildered. One witness was so taken by the encounter that they are now sure "We are not alone." Do you have any idea of what Austin, Texans saw a few nights ago? Did you see it? Let me know! No photos or video yet, but the witness descriptions remind me of the amazing orbs we see around the world, especially in Japan (also similar to orbs that like to park themselves around volcanoes, something I've seen myself on live volcano cams). Of course, it could be something as simple as flares or lanterns, but here's a video of the orb phenomenon that has been known about for years and years and is a frequent occurrence, this is not video of the June 1st sighting in Austin!, read witness comparison of it below: Our description is already reported, but I wanted to send a video I found that is similar to what we saw. This is a video of a fleet over Mexico, but there are not as many on the video as what we saw Saturday night. There were over 100 and it was amazing! I'm pasting the link here: Here's the first report sent to NUFORC: 100 star-like objects gliding through sky like a flock of birds. Later stopped high in sky and took on constellation-like formation.Saw 100+ solid white glowing objects that first appeared still, but in some type of formation: like a low-lying star constellation. They then began gliding through the sky silently, moving in formation like a flock of birds. They flew directly overhead, at a low altitude flying southeast to northwest. After 10 minutes they made their way higher into the sky and again all took on a constellation-like formation and stopped in their places. We stood and stared at them for another 20 minutes and they stayed in their exact locations. Otherwise very cloudy sky-no stars visible. And another: large cluster of ufo's over Austin Witnessed at least 100 flying orbs..flying north bound directly over lake Travis Texas. Orbs were pulsing bright ...most were flying in a cluster like a flock of birds with several stragglers bring up the rear. One flew really low directly over my house...it was perfectly silent and moving very fast. We we saw was unexplainable, but amazing and scary at the same time.We were at the RV park at the La Hacienda. Me and my girl friend walked outside and we were looking at the stars...well we thought they were stars until they started moving. There was a group of like ten then all the sudden a group of at least a hundred showed up. They started going in a single file line the more showed up as they traveled east then more showed up the ones in the back liked like they were bigger then the ones in the front. Then they all stopped, then started flashing on and off(the bigger ones) some of the bigger ones started to rotate. They split up and went west and east the bigger ones stayed together while the smaller ones kept going. It was really creepy we thought they were setting up to do something catastrophic. For about ten mins the big ones stayed in the same spot then gradually moved to the west. We stayed outside until the clouds cover them up until we couldn't see them anymore. It was not a plane or any aircraft mad by man. It was entirely to high for any aircraft and there were no red flashing lights. I'm a firm believer that we are not alone,and I'm 100% sure that we experienced and had our first sighting of a massive group of UFOs this statement is a 100% correct and true I will even take a lie detector test. WE ARE NOT ALONE! As well, here's a blog comment I received from a reader named Theresa Meyer: Saturday, June 1, 2013. ~930am. Austin Texas. Sighting of bright white lights moving from south to north, approximately 50-75 all in a formation. There were no trails on the end of the bright white lights moving accross the sky. There were a few that were behind the trail of light. These looked as if they could have been meteors. It was the most incredible sighting I have ever seen. |
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