12/23 Update: Reports are trickling in from other witnesses who saw this supposed craft. Texas UFO sightings will be investigating this story closely, and will be providing updates ongoing. 12/19 pdate: As originally suggested, and as many of you are now suggesting, this video feels like a hoax - in its unbelievable detail, yet blurred and movie-like quality. Was the person just filming a movie screen? However, I can personally attest that the witness is not getting any attention or money for this, and it was his mother that sent the footage on (after recording it second-hand on her phone) and she seems sincere. But perhaps she's not in on the joke? Or... perhaps this is one of the best UFO sightings ever? Read the latest from the mother: "He was outside the CSS see with his phone in hand. His wife was inside the car. You can hear it get quiet when she hears him yell. He looked up and it was hovering about 100 feet or so above him. He pointed the camera and about that time it took off. He said he heard no sound except a whirring noise. His voice tells how excited he was. I have had someone comment that they see it often in that area. They thought they were the only ones until they saw his footage. I have questioned him and ask her can say is what you see is what he saw. He is no it a kid. He is 32." Texas UFO Sightings received one of the most amazing videos of UFO ever (the kind that makes you think Disclosure has to be around the corner), and fortunately the witness also shared it to the Facebook page, where many people are examining it and even claiming to have seen it as well! Check out the amazing video (and video screenshots) below, which was graciously shared by the witness' mother, Donna C..... watch out for bad language though: From report to TexasUFOSightings.com:
This is one of the most incredibly detailed videos I've ever seen of a UFO. Could this be man-made? Perhaps even a hoax? Or are we truly getting an up close look at an alien or perhaps top-secret high tech craft? Join the conversation on the Texas UFO Sightings Facebook page or share your thoughts in the comments.
Have you seen a craft like this in Texas, too? Please report your sighting and help us solve this mystery. Right now, "hoax" is the only "mundane" explanation I can come up with right now. And if it is a hoax, this is crazy well done and no one is profiting from it. This is a story that Texas UFO Sightings will be following closely, so stay tuned for more.
A pretty interesting report detailing a meteor-like object making a right and left turns in the sky hit MUFON: Outside having a smoke at appr. 2130 hours. A typical dark crystal clear night in Texas, as later confirmed with goggles. Have you seen a UFO in Texas recently, too? Report it!
Video from a few days ago featuring two bright lights moving all around the night sky, and not really appearing to have a destination in mind, has hit YouTube. But get this - this is the second time the witness has caught these on camera. He also posted two videos from back in August, equally, if not more compelling. Also in August, a separate witness filmed a similar phenomenon in Midland. Check out the latest video to feature these strange Midland, Texas UFOs: Helicopters communicating with each other? RC planes? Drones? Aliens? Share your thoughts in the comments or on the Facebook page.
In the meantime, if you've seen a UFO in Texas recently, you know what to do.... report it!
Very clear footage of a strange light hovering and moving all around the sky has been uploaded to YouTube. But that's not all... the object is eventually joined by another identical looking one and they move in formation and then part ways. Drones? RC planes? The way the two objects move together definitely make this explanation tough to swallow, but you never know. Experimental planes seem more likely. Drones = swamp gas, weather balloons. It's always a possibility, but keep in mind that UFOs like these have been around since recorded history and we always have some new explanation for them. Be weary of dubbing every UFO a drone... Here are some small screenshots that tell the story, if you don't have time to sit through the videos: Here's part 1 of the video (watch out for bad language): And part 2: And some quotes from the witness: I don't know if that's a plane or what the f*** that is! There's a good chance others saw this pair of UFOs. Were you a witness, too? Report your sighting!
![]() A phenomenal video just surfaced on the web, but not in the most trustworthy spot. A YouTube account known for posting UFO videos somehow got its hands on this one, and provided little context - "2013" and "Midland" is all we know. The video shows a clear triangular craft gliding through the night sky, following alongside the camera man's vehicle. A family - both panicked and excited - can be heard in the background, yelling and essentially freaking out. Tragically however, an extremely annoying music soundtrack is placed over the dialogue. Anyways, here's the video. Are they hiding something with the distracting music? Could this be a hoax? As always, you be the judge, and if you saw this UFO, please let me know. |
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