January 11th, 2019 Update: Many more reports of these lights have come rolling in, but it turns out aliens aren't visiting, after all. According to local news, the National Weather Service explained the lights as caused by "light refraction after a temperature inversion" earlier that evening. The flames by the nearby oil rigs were suggested as the culprit. Did you see these lights as well? Do you agree that these were just light reflections?
Original story
TexasUFOs received two very similar reports and photos of strange red lights over Texas. On the night of January 8th, 2019, UFOs were seen over the nearby Texas towns of Midland and Odessa. Check out the photos and testimonies submitted to TexasUFOs below: Odessa, Texas on January 8th, 2019 at 7:55 PM:
Alex writes about seeing a "rod/cigar" UFO sighting: Midland, Texas, at the Permian Lodging in Midland, Texas on January 8th, 2019:
Justin Reynolds writes:
What do you think of this recent UFO sighting over Texas? Could these be military flares, fireworks, or something else explainable? Or evidence of alien visitation? Share your theories on what these witnesses may have seen in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.
Did you see these UFOs as well? Help solve this case, and report your sighting!
Very short, but very interesting testimony of a UFO shaped like a "double cross" that hovered in mid air and then mysteriously vanished was submitted to NUFORC (case 139020): Object was a double cross shape hovered with no sound then vanished.
Although the UFO report was not very detailed, the shape of the UFO is very unusual and so if anyone else in the Midland area also saw a UFO shaped like a "double cross," please report your sighting!
In the meantime, what do you think of this case? Could this witness have seen a sun dog or some other strange reflection of light, or something else far stranger than that? Share your theories in the comments or on social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram). Black "Shapeshifting" Disc Over Midland... Same UFO Seen Elsewhere in Texas.... Not Balloons?6/20/2016
6/21/16 Update: Another shapeshifting UFO has been seen in Houston this month. A new report of a black disc over Texas has surfaced on YouTube, perhaps giving credibility to recent UFO sightings in Texas that have been explained as balloons or paper bags. TexasUFOs has seen many reports of black discs in the sky that when zoomed in on, look like balloons or paper bags perhaps. Except they appear to be crafts that move intelligently and sometimes in a clear, straight line. It is probably more likely that there is a new type of drone or craft in our skies, than that Texans are just randomly reporting balloons in the sky all of the sudden. The witness testimonies to go with these photos, after all, reveal that in person, these objects looked much more mysterious than in the photos. See the latest sighting and testimony from Midland on June 19th, which was posted to YouTube: hanging out at the rockhounds baseball game and caught something interesting on camera and video decided to share with You guys what we seen..note its also on 2 different phones ones off my phone the other is off my daughters phone
Compare this sighting to other similar ones in June from all around Texas, as well as a video taken by a security guard outside a mall in Houston:
Have you been seeing this UFO as well? Can you confirm this mass sighting of a strange wobbly shape shifting disc over Texas? Report your sighting.
Think you know what all these sightings are? Balloons, paper bags, drones? Or maybe, just maybe... inter-dimensional beings? Share your opinions in the comments below or on the Facebook page.
June 12th, 2016 Update: This appears to be part of a mass sighting. TexasUFOs received photo and testimony of three bright white lights hovering in the night sky, and then disappearing one at a time: Three floating orbs in arc formation. These orbs were visible long enough to capture several photographs and then they disappeared.
Hopefully more detail will be revealed soon. In the meantime, if you also saw these lights, report your sighting.
Think you know what these UFOs were? Stars? Flares? Drones? An ET craft? Share your thoughts in the comments or on the Facebook page.
A report was sent to NUFORC detailing a dark triangle craft silently gliding overhead: Flying Triangle object Martin County TX Do you live in the area? Did you see this craft as well? Maybe you got photos or video? If so - share your experience! |
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