9/24/21 Update: Back when I first reported on this sighting, the witness had followed up with more detail but for whatever reason, it never made it to this website! So, I'm posting today. Here goes. When I asked the witness if anything weird happened after the sighting, they said:
"So the first night I stopped filming because a strange man actually was hanging around my backyard and my dogs were barking like crazy - so I decided I would just hang inside for a couple hours and when I went back out later that night to let the dogs outside, the UFO was gone. I was very surprised to see it again the next night!! And it was out for 2-3+ hours. I wish I would have taken more photos and videos but honestly I just enjoyed sitting on my patio and viewing it. But I think I had mentioned this, the second night there was a second ‘UFO’ that was just a singular green light floating besides the white triangle lights. And there was a very definite membrane resembling a kite membrane that second night on the white triangle lights that I had not seen the previous night.
Original story:
Very clear footage of a triangle UFO over the Austin area was submitted to TexasUFOs, along with witness testimony, which you can check out below. Do you think this video shows an alien or top-secret military drone or spacecraft, or something much simpler like a toy drone or led kite? If you believe the video shows a drone, then how could it have been so quiet? As always, share your comments here or over on the YouTube channel, Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram! Seems as if it is hovering above the Oaks at Techridge Apartments. Been hovering for an hour and a half and still continuing. My first thoughts were is this either a UFO, drone, or a new type of child's kite? I happened see an identical occurrence here on this website back from 8 months ago in Nov 2017...this could very well be the same thing! I have another pretty good photo I can email. But I will attach the video.
I have received numerous triangle UFO reports recently, but not all of them are recent sightings. Witnesses are coming forward about UFOs they've seen in the past! Maybe now that the government is finally admitting that UFOs are real, those who've had UFO encounters will feel more comfortable sharing testimony. I have noticed a pattern of Texans seeing UFOs in the 70s. And curiously enough, that is the decade when one of the most well-documented alien abductions ever occurred, the Travis Walton case. Is it possible the "ETs" were more active in the 70s than they are today? Check out this triangle UFO report, and let me know if you think it's connected to other similar sightings. "Undecided in Texas" writes: In the Years between 1973 and 1977 I vividly remember a large V shaped object or craft about 300 to 500 feet long flat on the bottom but raised on the top like a paper airplane would be. It was gray or silver in color and had large lights lining the bottom edges that were yellow and orange in color. It floated silently about 50 to 100 feet off of the ground above the Pecos Texas municipal airport. While were at the at the Athletic swimming pool next to the airport everyone was outside in this bit of my memory , entranced by the object all staring at it silently. I could only see the back of peoples heads randomly in front of me all looking at the object sort of hypnotized by it. That is all I remember, but it has stuck with me for over 45 years now. Was it a dream? Is there anyone out there with similar experiences? Anyone that remembers this particular incident? The witness recalls that other people also saw the UFO, and that they looked "sort of hypnotized by it." Interesting!
As I mentioned before, triangle UFOs are pretty common! If you've seen one, help crack this mystery, by reporting your sighting.
A report of a "dark rectangular object" and a "shining disk-shaped object" over Texas was just submitted to MUFON (case 114099). It details a sighting from last year: Pickup truck sized dark rectangle Although the witness claims that they recorded the UFOs on camera, the video was not attached to the report. So, if you saw these UFOs too, make sure to report your sighting so we can learn more! In the meantime, browse other reports of rectangle UFOs and compare to this latest one: How do rectangle UFOs differ from more commonly reported flying discs/saucers and triangles? Are they all piloted by the same ETs? Is that why this witness saw both a rectangle UFO and a flying saucer together? Let me know what you think in the comments!
In this latest YouTube video, UFOJane takes a look at recent triangle UFO sightings in Texas (from Tomball to the Austin area) in August and September 2018 and wonders if they could be related:
View all triangle UFO sightings
A curious photo was submitted to the Texas UFO Sightings Facebook page by Valarie Waldo. While driving, she spotted a bright almost cigar-shaped light just hovering there, though it did dim after about 15 minutes: never been on this site before and not really a ufo kinda person haha, but was just curious to find out if anyone knew what the bright light in the sky was tonight. This picture was taken in Pflugerville TX near Austin facing west. Was hard to get a pic while driving, but it did not appear to be moving...at first we thought it was a jet reflecting with the sunset. Looked too big to even be a planet but maybe. I am not educated on what is currently brightest. I do think whatever it was was reflecting off the sun because although it was still visible it did get less firelike in the 15 minutes we watched it. Was hard to tell if it was actually moving but it did kind of seem lower on the horizon as the sun set and we could not see it from our house when we got home. What meteor just hovers? What satellite or star is that bright? If you saw this UFO as well, report it!
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