A really amazing account of a triangle UFO over a home in South Texas from years ago has just now been reported to MUFON (case 100640). Unfortunately, the witness accidentally saved over the original photo with a photo shop edit, so we are left to wonder if this could be something easier to explain (like military flares, drones, Chinese lanterns, or even a hoax, for example)! Check out the testimony and photo below and judge for yourself: my daughter calls and as i walked to go outside i noticed the triangle and i had to take a picture Have you ever seen a triangle UFO? Report your sighting.
What do you think the triangle UFOs are? Are they all misidentified terrestrial objects? Or instead something much more mysterious, like top-secret military craft or alien phenomenon? Share your thoughts on the triangle UFOs here in the comments or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram..
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I HATE to post videos that I think are faked. But the problem is the more compelling a UFO video is, the more likely it is to feel faked... even when there is zero evidence of forgery. It's like watching a nature documentary in high def, you're like is that real? Not to mention, people commented on the video to say they saw the same thing.... though I don't find those comments all that believable or related... The following video was uploaded by YouTuber Jose Sanchez, who's never posted anything before this. What you'll see a disc shaped object wobbling in mid air, and then taking off in the blink of an eye: The video description simply reads: i got this earlier today on the corner of cage blvd and caferry st Were you lucky enough to spot this amazingly speedy UFO? Then report your sighting. Otherwise, have at it in the comments... I'm smelling hoax. Here are what the commenters on YouTube think: It's a remote controlled helicopter that takes pictures of the city streets - biowizard42 |
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