In the summer of 1972, a young boy witnessed a triangular-shaped craft hovering in the sky for over a half an hour. Not long after, his father came home with an Air Force officer, and the boy was informed that he'd seen a "secret helicopter test." One wouldn't be surprised if this sighting never made the light of day. However, zoom forward to 2021, and Tom Wolf is finally sharing his incredible encounter: My understanding is you investigate ufo sightings in Texas. I realize there is no shortage of those, but when I had one in the seventies I contacted the local sheriff in Robstown and they contacted my father who was a squadron maintenance chief at NAS Kingsville. My father came home from work with an Air Force officer I had never seen and they sat me down and told me it was a “secret helicopter test.” Not the first time my dad lied to me. Although we don't have a photo or video of this particular UFO, many others have seen "triangle" UFOs over the years, and so we have plenty of evidence to scour through: What do you think is going on with the triangle UFO phenomenon? Are these craft man-made, perhaps top secret military? Or could aliens be visiting Texas? Let me know what you think below in the comments or on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.
UFOs wanted to spend Thanksgiving in Texas. We can't blame them, we cook a mean turkey. All over Texas, people watched strange orange balls of light glide over their heads. Another recent phenomena has been triangle crafts and orbs that create triangles, most famously in Austin, and many of these sightings have had a lot in common with that "fad," too. Each testimony had unique qualities, but there was definitely was something going on in the Texas sky last week, and many were lucky enough to see it. Well, the reports keep rolling in. And the latest is quite a doozy. A MUFON report filed in League City includes spectacular footage of a triangle craft with three blinking orange lights, moving about in the sky. Oddly enough, two other orange orbs appear alongside it and drift around. Watch a video that was captured, and read quotes from the witnesses: What is this, brother? I don't know about alien space ships, but those are definitely not Chinese lanterns. Don't even try to go there, skeptics. That's a triangle! Here's a similar sighting in Robstown, kindly submitted to TUS by reader Mario Arredondo: my wife was outside smoking about 8:00 pm.after about a minute of her going out to smoke she runs inside saying theirs some strange orange lights outside.the apts we live in face south so when i ran out side their was 4 orange lights in the sky tawords corpus Christi area .after those disappeared 5 more came up and aventually disappeared.they were orange lights i had never seen anything like them before.i thought we were the only ones to have seen them.i even posted it up on facebook and no one had seen when i came on here and saw the pictures i showed my wife and those were the exact lights we saw. And here's another generous submission from a resident in Lometa, TX: My 13 year old daughter and I were walking from our deer stand at approx 6 pm when we saw 3 hovering bright white lights in the southern sky. I did not appear to be very far away. The 3 lights were all close together and side by side until it appeared to turn to the east. At that point the 3 lights were in a triangle shape. There was absolutely no sound coming from this object and it was a VERY clear and quiet night. This is the 3rd time I have seen these lights and my first time to report it. I am a director of a criminal justice agency so I am a credible witness to this sighting. I'm not guessing what it was but I can say it was not an airplane or helicopter. No sound! And finally, here's another MUFON report out of League City: I was in my nephews back yard on thanksgiving night. I was starting to walk under the gazebo when I noticed something flying overhead and thought to myself that it did not look like plane lights so I went to the other side of the gazebo to take another look. What I saw was a pulsating white light with green blue and red streams of light pulsating from the object. I called my nephew over to look and he thought the same way as I did we could not figure out what it was. Then it seemed like seconds later two or thee more appear out of the southeast moving to the northwest. Then at least 10 more appeared all looked exactly the same. We counted 15 in all and watched them for what seemed like a while but probably was less than it seemed. My nephew video taped the whole thing on his phone. Did you see the Thanksgiving lights? Report a UFO! Know what Texans saw? Please comment! View Great Orange Balls of Fire! in a larger map Some people are visiting via a search for a recent Robstown, TX UFO (possibly on February 19th, a few days ago). However, I can't seem to find anything about it on the web. I do know that one of the best mass sightings of 2013 so far did occur in nearby Corpus Christi recently. Could these sightings be related? In Corpus, a gray disc-like craft caused drivers to stop their cars and look up to the sky. Pictures of the smoky trail the craft left behind were snapped.
If you saw the Robstown UFO, please let me know about it! You can fill out my contact form, comment on this blog entry, or tweet me. Someone reported a UFO sighting to MUFON of a UFO hovering over Robstown, TX (near Corpus Christi) - apparently it had white flashing lights and red and green on top. Could this be a helicopter or something else? Watching in my back yard an UFO that has whit flashing lights under it. Red and green on top. Seems to be hovering over Robstown.
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