A really fascinating UFO encounter from the 90s has just now surfaced on MUFON (case 126278). According to the witness, several "rotating" lights followed them home one evening: Spinning lights, followed vehicle home
Two color-changing lights were seen hovering in the evening sky over San Antonio, according to recent witness video and testimony sent to MUFON (case 126219): Two lights in the sky that did not appear to move These lights seem too big and bold and low in the sky to be stars or satellites, and they are just sitting stationary and silently in the sky, rather than flying around or wobbling in place like you'd expect a drone to do.
Could these lights be connected to a tower that is not visible to the naked eye? Could they be advanced surveillance drones? ...or aliens? Let me know what you think in the comments below, or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.
An interesting report of UFOs over San Antonio was sent in to MUFON (case 125827), with the witness including detailed testimony and two photos. To me, it's hard to rule out Chinese lanterns or other "non alien" explanations, but hopefully we can learn more about this encounter in time. Check it out below and let me know what you think about it in the comments, or on Facebook or Twitter! And, as always, if you've seen a UFO over Texas, report your sighting. White lights coming towards my vehicle at height of telephone pole 10/7/22: It's looking like this was a sighting of a helicopter, and not an alien spaceship! Some Twitter users pointed out that in the video, you can hear the sound of propellers, or a... helicopter. When I originally watched the video, it must have been on mute (oops) or I just didn't notice! If you think this theory is wrong, though, let me know.
A video showing a craft of some kind (?) slowly moving over the Tower of the Americas in San Antonio has been uploaded to YouTube. I asked the witness for more information, and they elaborated to say the lights seemed to appear "out of nowhere;" the witness was also puzzled by people in the area who were wearing riot gear, though there's no telling if it was connected to the sighting or not:
Another "Tic Tac" UFO - or solid ball of white light/orb (it's hard to tell) - has been seen traveling in the sky in Texas. This time, it's a daytime sighting video out of San Antonio, which was uploaded to YouTube with no description. I'm trying to learn more about this case, but in the meantime you can check out the footage yourself and let me know what you think: |
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