A really incredible account of multiple orbs flying around in the daytime sky over Texas has been submitted to MUFON (case 117682). According to the witness, the orbs moved about intelligently and independently but would occasionally merge together to form one brighter light. The witness first just observed the UFOs with their naked eye, but then finally got out their camera... and they ended up photographing something really strange: I saw flashes of light...then 3 real faint orb shaped objects hovering... then merging together making one brighter light.
October 22nd, 2019 update: Since reporting this sighting, the witness has followed up with more info and a drawing of the event. According to the witness, a man by the name of Archie, the mysterious lights were observed by him and his wife for around 15 minutes in the evening (around 9 pm). Archie was the first to see the "bizarre" yellow lights when he went to take their dog, Lexi, out to the backyard. After spotting the UFOs, he called his wife out to watch the UFOs with him. The lights moved erratically, in no pattern at all, and were silent. They also didn't appear to be connected to one single craft. Although the witness considered that these lights could have been spotlights of some kind, they didn't think it was likely! Original post
An interesting sighting of multiple UFOs over a small town outside Tyler has been reported to Texas UFO Sightings. Archie writes: Dont know what we saw on the night of 10-03-19. In the western sky lights were making erratic movements, at times spheres of light in twos and fours were present followed by beams of light bouncing around in many directions. I got my wife to come out in the yard to observe the lights. It was bizarre. Now, I couldn't find any other UFOs reported in Texas on the night of October 3rd, 2019, or even the night before or after! This is also the first time I've ever received a report out of Edom, Texas. It's possible there just weren't that many witnesses to this sighting, or it was a misidentification (fireworks, flares, etc...).
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It was just last month that Texas UFO Sightings reported on an eerie rattling hum that were many were hearing. Well, now we've got another report of a strange sound being heard, specifically in a Tyler neighborhood. Abbey writes: I heard a very very strange sound at three in the morning. I breast-feed my child so I had been awake for about 5 minutes. she kept pointing and saying something and I have noticed a sound coming from outside but I really do want to go to bed, so I just assumed it was either my temperature unit or my refrigerator. After about 10 minutes of hearing the sound I realized it might actually be coming from outside and possibly could be some kind of warning sound, so I went outside to check on it. It was the kind of sound that emanates the entire environment and it was loud I guarantee you if other people have been awake but they also heard it. The sound was like a horn, I listened for the end of the sound and it kind of tapered off in a very, very strange way. It lasted about 10 minutes, and I have and almost 2-year-old, and an 11-year-old that heard the sound. I'm a Christian Sunday school teacher, and I heard a sound that seemed out of place and I cannot think of what it could possibly be, although I'm open to ideas. Did you hear anything weird like this as well? Report it! You can discuss the event in the comments or on the Facebook page.
A solid light has been speeding around a Whitehouse, Texas neighborhood - or perhaps multiple lights have been. Check out this detailed testimony (submitted to MUFON) from a woman who witnessed this with her husband: A light type orb, traveling west, caught my eyes, I stepped outside and I was able to see light orb traveling west, 3 times over and my husband saw this as well. I was washing dishes and looked out my window and this light caught my eye and it was traveling pretty fast and would get brighter..I then yelled for my husband to come out and I pointed him in direction of the light and he was able to get a good sighting as well. It then disappeared and he went back in and I felt this wasn't over, so I waited and watched, and within 8 minutes or so, there it is again and it was in very same place we saw the first one, still traveling, no blinking, there was a plane out right before I saw the first one and you could see that it was a plane !! When my husband came out the second time...again...He saw it too!!! It took about 20 to 30 seconds for it to disappear!! Again, it would brighten, and dim, but traveling fast in a straight line! I grabbed my chair and stayed out at this point and within 5 minutes.., AGAIN!!! Same light moving across the sky and brightened and was also in very same location !!! My husband witnessed this happening with me and I am not sure what these lights were but very interested in what these lights were. The glow was light, almost star like. Not pulsating, just brightened and dimmed and then would disappear!! All 3 exactly alike!!! Even the birds in my backyard were behaving strangely and 1 flew up to my face and"screeched" at me, during the sightings...kind of scared me!!! Lol' Did you see this phenomenon as well? Report your sighting!
Sure doesn't sound like a drone or a plane and it's certainly no star or satellite. What say you, Texas?
Back on June 22nd, a ton of Texans got to see a kick-ass shooting star.... or something. I like sharing stories of identified flying objects, too - in particular, meteors and drones. But the reason I'm sharing this meteor sighting is because I'm not so sure it was a meteor. According to the many witnesses, a pair of yellow white fireballs fragmented in the night sky. But the silence and brightness of the event is curious, and the witnesses, which include veteran sky gazers who've seen their fair share of shooting stars, were all floored by the sighting, which they compared to a fireworks show. Did you see this UFO? What do you think it was? Let me know! Here's AMSMeteors.org's map of the event: And highlights from witness reports: It looked like two yellowish balls surrounded by white light next to each other with one white tail. Although it was obviously only a few seconds, it seemed to last a while. Excited to have seen it, but really want to know what it was from because it was huge! Expect lots of reports! - Alec |
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