10/18/14 Update: Fort Worth is the latest city to be visited by this object! It's a pretty exciting time to live in Texas right now. The chances are increasing that you'll see a UFO. Already, we've seen evidence that a really big, slow-moving craft is making its way through Central Texas, and even more perplexing, since July, photos and even video of a circular object with lights hovering in the sky have been shared on YouTube, reported on by local news, and of course investigated on Texas UFO Sightings. Here's a recap of these mass "flying saucer" sightings: State Texas Fair in Dallas on October 3rd, two "flying saucer"-like objects hang out with Big Tex (did not catch the second UFO in first report): September 3rd in San Antonio, see screenshot form YouTube video: August 11th sighting of object with lights in circular formation as well as other strange UFOs in Houston area, mass sighting: Austin, July 15thth MUFON report: So, what's up Texans? Literally?!? If you have theories on to what these objects could be - keep in mind that the Houston sightings are real and were really seen by many - share them in the comments or on the Facebook page.
And if you've seen an object like this in the Lone Star State recently, report your sighting.
vincent capparelli
10/8/2014 01:17:46 am
i live in conroe and must tell you that i have seen ufo in this area. i want to be beemed out of this planet because humans (most) are indoctorned docile sheep who have lost the purpose of life here. i want to puke on you buttholes. i hate human women for there betrayal to its own race. pig women. i want an alien woman to rescueme from this trash infested beautiful planet gaia.........-
10/11/2014 03:15:29 pm
I live in Longview Tx, and I also saw these same UFO's in the sky on the same night and MANY other nights over the years.
Matt key
10/18/2014 07:55:32 am
I saw this spacecraft on Aug 3 2014. It was a bright single light moving fast and turned to the northeast across the sky. I chased it down with my dobsonian telescope and saw it briefly but this is definitely what I saw in Ft Worth Tz
5/27/2019 06:44:27 pm
I saw this ship in a lucid dream of mine last night. I highly believe I was abducted too.
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