January 30th, 2016 Update: Reports of strange sounds in Texas continue December 2014 Update: Strange sounds return to Texas and world. You may be familiar with the Taos hum or the recent wave of weird rumbling sounds heard across the country, including Texas. Well, most recently, this humming sound - which only a minority of unfortunate Texans are able to hear - popped up in Round Rock, and now people in Cedar Park and McAllen are sharing their tales.
Here's testimony from a McAllen resident, given to Lights in the Texas Sky:
Hi I read your article on the "Hum" and just wanted to say that I live in Mcallen, TX and I can hear it here too. I've lived in two separate locations within the last year here in the same town and I have heard it at both. I'm a student so I study late at night usually from midnight to sometimes 5am. I notice the sound also usually around 2-3am...it really hurts my ears and gives me a bad headache. I've woken up my boyfriend to listen for it but he never hears it. I figured maybe I was just able to pick up a different frequency....but it's strange that it only happens within that time frame. I had to start listening to music to drown out the sound because it was really unbearable for me.
And one from Cedar Park, also given to Lights in the Texas Sky:
We live in Cedar Park, which is not far from Round Rock, TX. I have been hearing a low rumbling, noise that sounds very much like the noises that are being heard in Round Rock, TX. I have asked my Mother many times, if she hears it, and she sometimes does and sometimes doesn't. It is always late at night between 11:00-2:00 when I hear it. I cannot pinpoint the exact area it is coming from because it seems to emanate from below the ground or in the sky. It is loud, constant and luckily I don't hear it in my bedroom, which is on the North side of the house (I hear the noises only outside on the South side of the house). I sure would like to know what is making these noises, if you find out please let us know. View Central TX Hum in a larger map
7/27/2013 08:51:08 am
I just read an article on Drudge and it described the noise I have been hearing for years. I've written it off to tinnitus but now maybe not. To me it sounds like heavy equipment (bulldozers, etc) operating in the distance. No one else has ever heard it. This is happening in all parts of San Antonio, mostly in the evening.
12/21/2014 08:34:27 am
last year I bought a house in Mesquite Texas. I have never heard this humming sound before. I moved near a water treatment plant and I hear this humming constantly. There are times where there is no humming at all and it is such a relief. But I feel like I am going crazy. sound makes me nauseous and gives me such a headache at times. I feel that I am stuck in this house now since I just purchased it but everything in me wants to move away from this craziness. It is so such a relief to know that others hear this too. I have read different articles about the humming in all parts of the world but no one seems to be able to do anything about it.
12/23/2014 05:25:53 am
Has anyone thought about humming coming from all the smart meters?
Dawn Curtis
4/11/2016 04:58:54 pm
Hay Miriam and everyone else, I live in the UK a small market town 8n Cornwall, for over a year every night and most days in my home that dreaded mind crazy drone and hum has driven me around the bend, iv been suspecting the nieghbours of growing stuff, but they are convincing me they hear it now also, the noise thankfully was picked up via environmental health using a machine picking up low frequency noise on the high end, but that's it nothing else has come to fruition, had a nightmare very frightening of a very large ufo all lit up in the sky lool, think my brain was just trying to make sence of the ongoing mental torture, one of three things is going on,one its construction building working not so far from where I live,but day and night drone? Two it's nieghbours cultivating something indoors illegally? Three gas boiler? I suspect number two! It's not tinnitus for sure as others have heard this noise in my house but omg a whole year non stop..I put earplugs in at night and earmuffs over the earplugs and sometimes have to plug in meditation through an mp3 also..I feel for us all and hope we get some quite still piece I doubt it but live in hope
1/2/2019 01:39:04 pm
Miriam, I’m so sorry you’re experiencing those effects to sound. I want you to k ow your not alone in this. I’m not sure when it began for me it just seems to have been there for years but I get nauseous and headaches from the sound as well. I wish I had an answer to share, I hope that for now you can take comfort in knowing your not crazy, but unique and sensitive which are rare qualities these days.
1/11/2019 02:18:03 am
I live in mesquite tx also buy the water plant i have lived here 25 years build the house ground up. Then only sound i would hear was a rooster crow at 5am back in 2005. Now from 2018 up until now i hear a sound something like a big washing machine on high spin. For awhile i was to lazy to get out of bed every night to check i would always say maybe it's my mom washing. But tonight i gave in i decided to go turn the washer off and say whatever she washing can wait there is no reason for someone to wash like this. But i come to know the washer is not running or dryer everything in the house is off. I don't know what this sound is but it's driving me crazy. I can't even sleep with the TV i need total silence but this noise make me think something is going on. So i called 911 the city and asked is there any type of construction drilling going on in the area and nothing was my answer. Was told they will send the police out to take a look and listen for the sound. I hope they find something soon because i work and this sound has took over my life and mind.
Austin p
8/18/2015 08:41:20 pm
Who Else is hearing? If so wanna talk about it? 9033377226 ( text only)
9/22/2015 07:42:59 am
Hello.. I live in Carrollton TX which is in Dallas and my puppy was going crazy this morning at 2:30 am.. I got up to walk him and I heard a loud humming sound and something in the sky a lot louder then a plane.. It freaked me out
kristina f
11/28/2015 10:56:33 pm
I'm hearing it in michigan
Michelle T
11/30/2015 04:11:36 pm
I've been hearing a lot of humming in Keller lately. Anyone else hearing it still??? Hi Austin P - thanks for the comment. Would you be interested in discussing further? Would love to contact you if you have experienced this. If so, please message [email protected] or send a Report a UFO form through this site.
Jordan Bearden
3/2/2018 01:33:50 am
My friend is a Dj in Desoto don’t believe in ufos and he sees he hears humms and flutters . Can it be drones that we have been selling everywhere . UFOs pssh
3/5/2022 02:09:56 am
I’m right in this area and have started randomly hearing a deep droning, buzzing type sound. The washing machine on high spin is a great description, or just a plane that continues to make noise instead of fly away. Sometimes it sounds like it’s coming close and then further away, but it continues and continues, never stops (until maybe I put earplugs in and fall asleep.) I’ve wondered if it could be inconsiderate neighbors working on personal projects late at night—reminds me very much of a sander. Some things that are different for me from articles I’ve read or comments I’ve seen are that I hear it both inside and outside—it’s louder outside so it makes me think there’s some kind of construction or industrial work going on not far away, which is highly likely considering the rapid growth of this area. I’m also much younger than the average “hum hearer,” so idk if I’m hearing THE hum. Luckily I haven’t gotten any bad side effects like headaches or nausea—to those who have experienced that, I am so sorry. It does, however, bother the crap out of me. It is usually late at night. Austin, are you still in the area and do you still hear this, or did you ever find anything out?
1/27/2016 10:17:37 am
Heard the same noise last night around 7pm on January 26,2016 in Waco,tx but my sister also heard it in Belton,tx..was wondering if anyone else heard it so looked it up and found this..watch and pray...all i know is if u haven't accepted Jesus as your Lord and saviour now is the time!!
2/23/2016 08:05:19 pm
Did u record this
5/8/2017 08:15:03 pm
I hear it in Troy 24/7
10/22/2018 12:01:54 pm
CMC I am in Temple right outside of Troy and just heard it. I thought it was a really loud truck but it was a strange sound. Almost like thunder just at a steady low rumble. The shop I work at started shaking. I texted two friends who live nearby and nobody else heard it. WEIRDDDDD to say the least. Also, I tried recording it on my phone and you can not hear the rumble/hum, even though I was able to hear it inside a shop.
10/22/2018 12:14:42 pm
My wife heard it also in NW Temple Texas loud rumbling that shook everything in the house followed by humming sound later. Even frightened our dog, and all the other dogs in the neighborhood were barking.
10/22/2018 12:28:30 pm
EC: People are telling me Space X tested a rocket engine or something like that, but I haven't seen anyone confirming that. Im happy your wife heard it too because I was starting to think I'm crazy
10/23/2018 07:53:32 am
Could be the SpaceX Development center in McGregor, TX. We always hear Ft. Hood Bombing Range, but this sound is different.
3/29/2016 10:40:44 pm
May be what you're hearing is a Frac job going on . Usually at night when I drive up to location if I shut my truck off I can hear a Constant hum from all Frac equipment in the distance. As you know there's been a lot of frac activity around San Antonio
Dawn Curtis
4/11/2016 05:02:24 pm
Good valid point as I have heard this for well over a year on a nightly basis and live in a small market town surrounded by moorland and country fields Liskeard Cornwall uk
Hi Brad,
Hi Brad. Would you be interesting in talking further about this? If so, please email [email protected] or send a message via the Report a UFO form on the site.
I love in Rockwall, Texas for going on 4 years now. Everyday periodically I hear a low hummming noise that seems to get louder if not closer. It takes me back to when I was in my early 20's, about 15 years ago, living in White Settlement Texas clear on the other side of the DFW area where I would hear the same rumbling or humming noise from at the time I thought was the Carswell JRB airbase. It sounds like jets taking off or doing fly overs but now. I am sure that most of that noise was just that as you would see the F-18 on a daily basis flying around and over along with the Hairier jump jet. But now I live in Rockwall, completely on the other side of DFW (due east). First time I heard it my wife and I were sitting on the couch late at night in 2013, we thought is was an aircraft crashing or something to that effect but never heard the impact, or that it was a low fly over by something like an airline. The next morning I looked around and found no news of any aircraft doing low fly overs or any crashes. It's now 2016, 4:20 am, and I just heard it again. You can here it from inside the house and outside. It starts low and gets louder as if getting closer. I am not the type of person who believes in UFOs, but other than fracking I can't put together the sound. There is no air base on this side of DFW and Love Field is too far to hear or have any air craft that low. I haven't seen anything flying or any objects with this sound, just periodic low humming that tunes to a louder rumbling the louder the sound gets. It's odd and freaky.
Filomena Ureste
1/20/2017 11:53:34 pm
8302031485 my telephone number
4/7/2017 01:42:53 pm
8/29/2016 02:17:29 am
I just started noticing this sound...i live in Houston, Texas, on the southwest side of town, near Meyerland and Bellaire. It happened the past few nights between 2 and 3 am... It is like a distant "ummm ummm ummm" that is almost like a vibration or beating of drum. It comes and goes, as well... With moments of silence, only to start back up again. It isn't loud, per say, but it is annoying.
11/4/2016 02:49:26 pm
I just heard it at 2:45 PM today in Carrollton TX. I believe I was the only person in my office to hear it. And looking out the window it didn't look like anyone outside hear it either.
11/15/2016 10:53:39 pm
I am hearing this uhm.... noise in my ears for the last 30 mins of today non stop and just check out this website I live in San Antonio and have never heard anything like this before. My head started hurting for a little while and then stopped but I can still hear the noise.
6/8/2017 01:21:09 am
South of Lexington, Texas this droning sound start around midnight and it goes on until around 8 a.m. Middle-age police officers cannot hear it. I called them to file a complaint. They could not file it for me for that reason. It's somewhere underground - it's nondirectional - it's coming right now. All I have found to do is play White Noise to drown it out .
7/10/2018 02:17:20 am
I can not only hear it I can feel it in the ground I live in a fifth wheel rv so I have five points off contact with the ground and it's almost like a subtle sway but it's definitely there with the hum
8/31/2018 01:28:44 pm
So it’s NOT just me.....
11/19/2018 10:11:44 pm
Just ten minutes ago I heard a sound that sounds like "wah wah wah " but it increased not in sound or pitch but in the way the wahwah sound was in speed. I know it wasn't a car or truck or motorcycle or a flat tire. It's something I never heard before and I've searched the internet and YouTube to find anything similar and theres nothing. It was strange and freaked me out.
1/2/2019 01:35:19 pm
I live in the Pearland are and for over 16 years the only main source of noise, the ongoing battle of bass elements in music of certain music from the neighboring community to ours. However, lately what you e described I’ve begum to hear often during the cooler months like November to January. In including what sounds like a deep thump, ongoing well after our “noise regulations” of 7am-8pm for machinery and 7am-10pm for all other. My husband has heard it occasionally,but I seem to be more bother by it then he is. I’ve tried to record the sound when standing outside at night and last night,1/2/19 I was able to pick up the few deeper thumping noises. Our HOA has no idea what it is and I’ve contacted our city services to check on nearby construction and they’re at a loss. All I know is that I hear it, it’s disturbing my peace and sleep and I need it to stop.
Amber Clayton
2/24/2019 04:58:23 am
I live in Baytown Texas and woke up at 3:35 this morning feeling kind of startled. Didn't think anything of it but then I started hearing this low loud rumbling sound outside. Sounded like an airplane flying really close to my house but kept getting louder and louder. An hour later I'm still hearing the rumbling and my house will vibrate from time to time. Went outside took a short video but doesn't seem to be as loud. I have never heard this in my entire life but it is keeping me up all night. Kind of giving me a little panicky feeling. Now it's been going on for an hour and a half and I have a headache and feel nauseous what the heck is this someone help me understand
12/19/2019 04:00:47 am
I live in Lavon Texas and i have been experiencing this for about the last year and a half. I am so glad that i found this talk group that is experiencing the same as me because other people can not hear it or should i say feel it in their ears and head. I thought that I have been hearing a sound like a heavy diesel train that is loaded down in the distance, but it gos on and on, to long for a train. This is not a noise it is a humming vibration, that is terrible. It is so strong that i can feel it, while lying in bed, in my ears and head, even if i place a pillow over my head or ear plugs. I feels like something BIG is tunneling under the ground. Now it has been so long that i am starting to think that someone or something is using ambient mega Hz to mess with us. Has anyone heard of listen to certain hz frequency does stuff to are brain, like low 450 to 500 hz for sleeping and higher for waking up and energizing you. The worst thing is the Curiosity of what the humming vibrations could be and what is causing this strong ongoing crap. I never had this problem before in this location and now i have been telling my family we need to move because i can't sleep when this starts revving up. I went to bed last night and did not feel it and woke up at 2am with a headache because of this dang humming vibrations.
2/20/2023 12:14:22 am
I heard this tonight. Feb 20 2023. Walked around the corner at my apartments north austin. Parmer and 45. Sounds like a train screaching to a stop but constant. Went to chrck it out.but nothing. Went back inside and came out 2 minutes later and the sound moved further away but in a different direction. Now its gone. My girlfriends mentiined a sound lastnight as well but was not home.
8/29/2013 03:35:32 am
I've heard the same "hum" noise and I've lived in just about every area in Houston, Southwest, Northwest, Southeast. I currently am in Southwest (outside of Sugar Land) and I hear the low hum only on one side of the house. At first I thought it was the train but I never hear the train horn and it is ongoing for hours. I've never heard a train go for more than 20 mins. Thought it may be the base you hear in some cars that drive by playing the music too loud but I never hear a car. It only happens around 1am until who knows. I only hear it at night.
9/23/2014 02:01:11 pm
Hi, Sonia. I posted my comment below before I read all of the other comments, but it's interesting that you and I, and a few others used the same examples, a train, and a car stereo with loud bass, to describe what we are hearing. Another commenter also noticed something I experienced too, which is that it seems to be more easily heard when wearing ear plugs.
Dawn Curtis
4/11/2016 05:07:19 pm
Hear it also over hear in the UK driving me crazy droning sound with vibration on a nightly basis during most day times to..keep blaming the nieghbours but they insist it's not them as they are now hearing it also...
7/6/2015 03:11:22 am
I'm in shock. I've told my husband I am hearing a low bass-like humming noise sometimes that really bothers me. I thought it was only me hearing it. I live in NW Houston.
8/1/2015 06:37:37 am
I have heard it where I live in north Houston, as well, I have heard thundering/bombing noises at my daughters house no more than 1 - 1 1/2 miles from downtown. I have made and would suggest you and everyone else hearing these sounds document it each time with video, or audio recordings w your phone so that we can have them analysed by a sound tech, I do have a friend who has sound equipment. if you are intsrested in what he might be able to find his company name (and I think the websaite name) is " in the jar studios" his name is Alfred Loya, if you contact him you may be able to at least get some validation for the noises! Contact him, I am sure he'd be happy to help, as well as interested himself!
11/29/2016 07:33:27 am
I live in Cypress. I have heard this off and on for years, and when I would tell people, they'd look at me like I am crazy. For months, I would get up in the middle of the night and check outside for a diesel truck running in the distance. Nothing. It isn't machinery or construction- especially at 2 in the morning. Thought it was a low pitch form of tinnitus for a while. It was so distracting, I would have trouble falling asleep. Earplugs are no help. I was grateful to find out that I'm not the only one who hears this. Do you think it is coming from deep within the earth? Above?
1/10/2018 10:50:03 pm
I checked in this evening to see any new comments because I hear it right now. One of my children can hear it too. Northwest Houston- Cypress area. Almost 11 at night- not construction. Steady irritating Diesel engine noise.
4/18/2017 07:32:18 am
I stay in sugarland texas and i heard it all morning from 5 am to 7:31. I hear it pretty often and especially durring rainy days. It almost sounds like the wind or a train but a little different. My cousin doesnt hear it but i do. Pretty weird
1/30/2018 10:46:25 pm
I found this link through a google search after I heard the same sound 3 times in two weeks. It usually happens between 11-1 and idk what it is, but I do not like it. It’s crazy to see that this has been going on for years.
11/22/2018 12:10:18 am
I just heard the hum sound today in Tacoma Washington . There weeweew two axtuac helicopters but there was something hovering above the clouds making a super low pitched hummmm. Hummmm. Hummmm. People were walking by like nothing but I freaked out and kept looking for it. It lasted like 15 min it was right above my apartment and I felt so scared like something was inside with me(even though I was alone) lol. I don't know I'm sketched out though forreal . It's crazy how many reports their are of it from YEARS ago and I'm just now hearing it today
11/22/2018 12:10:24 am
I just heard the hum sound today in Tacoma Washington . There weeweew two axtuac helicopters but there was something hovering above the clouds making a super low pitched hummmm. Hummmm. Hummmm. People were walking by like nothing but I freaked out and kept looking for it. It lasted like 15 min it was right above my apartment and I felt so scared like something was inside with me(even though I was alone) lol. I don't know I'm sketched out though forreal . It's crazy how many reports their are of it from YEARS ago and I'm just now hearing it today
9/5/2013 04:41:00 pm
There's a home outside my house in Brackettville Texas sometimes it's very loud sometimes its low frequency... The Electric Companthe electric company says they don't hear it and it's not therthe electric company says they don't hear it and it's not there transformers. 5 out of 10 people can hear it. I thought it was rushing water underneath the limestone but who knows do you.. I'm happy to see I'm not the only one that is getting annoyed by this Distant Diesel truck hum...
10/16/2013 06:51:35 pm
I have started to hear a low rumble sound, very simmiliar to the sounds described, for the past few days. I live right outside of San Marcos in Martindale.
1/18/2016 09:39:09 pm
I'miss in New Braunfels and have been hearing these distant-bass vibration like noises at night for some time. They are intermittent and of varying durations. Lately, I have been hearing them in the evening.
1/27/2016 10:20:51 am
Heard it here in Waco,tx and my sister heard it in Belton same time around 7pm1(26)16
11/19/2013 12:54:20 am
I have heard the sound too! To me it sounds like a continuous ooooommmmmm (pronounced aum) sound. It's always late at night. I live on the sw side of San Antonio..close by the Lackland air force base annex. It's totally encompassing....like a frequency or vibrational sound. Very peculiar! What's REALLY going on?! To me it sounds as if it's coming from above...but for the last 4 nights I've heard it. Glad to know it's not just me hearing this humming noise.
Hi Bernice - is this still happening? Would you be interested in discussing further? If so, please message [email protected] or send a Report a UFO form through this site.
1/9/2014 04:39:20 am
I live in Longview Texas in for the last 2 months I have been hearing a humming noise it starts out at around 10 in the morning and continue throughout the day off and on I thought it was the people upstairs the when I went outside to confront them I heard the noise outside so I knew it wasn't coming from them I really would like to know what it is it sound like it's coming from the skythat sounds scary to say but its the truth
K Foster
2/19/2014 04:29:34 pm
We hear it out at Cedar Creek Lake in the unincorporated part of Mabank, TX. It's maddening and impossible to find the source.
2/20/2014 04:44:12 pm
It's happening right now and I can't sleep because of it.
Dawn Curtis
4/11/2016 05:16:30 pm
I live in the UK and have suffered this horrible hum drone noise every night for a year now it hurts my ears and it's been picked up by a low frequency monitor curtacy of the Environmental health but the guy has yet to get back to me for an answer and yes it's either sounds like it comes from next door or from outside ie the atmosphere iv almost had a nervous breakdown but decided I have to manage this awful intrusive vibrational drone
3/8/2017 04:52:28 am
I am awake at 4am right now in Austin Tx due to the low humming sound which gets louder then dissipates. I thought it was a street cleaner truck But there's none in sight. I Dont hear it at the front of my home just the back in my room and the bathroom. Really sucks
3/23/2014 03:27:22 pm
I'm in Dallas and I've been hearing a rumbling sound on and off for a few days now. Tonight they seem to becoming in waves every 5 minutes and only last about 5 seconds or so. Not only can I hear them, but I can sort of feel them. Sounds as if a large truck is pass near my house. I'm not alone either. My mother said she has been hearing the same sound I have for several weeks now.
11/3/2014 05:22:11 pm
I live in Far South Fort Worth I hear this often. My dog doesnt like it either. It sounds kinda like thunder but doesnt change in sound each time like thunder does its spaced apart like thunder and ea rumble lasts seconds. It kept going on for about 45 min tonight started about 12:30am I was wondering if anyone thinks it could be from natural gas drilling or fraking. I live by a very large site that has tanks. They have finished the actual drilling. I too feel the rumbles I am extremely sensitive to vibrations they tend to cause me pain. This dies the same. I also have to add I sleep with earplugs and yes you can hear it very clearly with the plugs in unlike thunder.
11/22/2015 12:14:35 am
My mother just pointed this noise out to me and I hear it also. I am in Nederland, TX. just South of Beaumont. I am about 30 miles from the coast and an equal distance from the LA/TX state line and like most everyone else it seems to be coming from the Southern sky. And Ben, your description is right on. I thought it was distant thunder but it starts and stops very abruptly and and the timing between "waves" is too consistent.
Tammy colleps
6/3/2016 08:47:18 am
I live in beaumont and hear the same rumble and at times my head will quiver behind ear and then the sound comes I feel it's connected and it made my heart quiver yesterday and then the sound it's seems like something in the sky that we can't see and the rain covers it but the woods behind my house and the canal seems to hold the vibrational hum and it's eery
3/26/2014 03:31:37 am
I started hearing these noise about two weeks ago. I told my husband and my son but, they couldn't hear it. To me it sounds like a thunder or a car basing and my windows rattle. It only lasts about a split second. Now my son says he heard it too.
3/31/2014 06:57:39 pm
I think it is construction on the SE side of San Antonio. It starts very late at night, around midnight to after 2am. Can be at least 2 to 3 hours and maybe till 5am I've heard it. There are flashing lights emanating every one or two seconds shining from the ground upward into the sky in a mushroom or V pattern so that the light on the left goes upward to the left, the lights nearer the middle go more straight up, and off to the right, you see those lights going up off toward the right, like a really wide spectrum flashlight but on a much huger scale. I watched for 45 minutes and beginning middle and end of that time was 5 minutes of train horns definitely in that area blowing loud. Like they were coming in to a station or just leaving. Or crossing. There are tracks out by SE Military and Presa running N-S which fits what I heard. Also, simultaneous with those, the train horns and the lights and the rumble, I kid you not for some reason they have search lights going every minute or two you get a flash to the left, then a flash to the right in that same area I described above as all lit up. They are two different lights. The search light is not the other light. I thought maybe it was a huge intense fire burning something causing such a light. At least here, someone could just drive over there at night and go east of Brooks AFB somewhere around Presa. You can't miss all of it. I don't know, but it looked like either a huge cloud or a dust cloud from construction. May I suggest a call to the radio or TV station and then report back to us.
I live in Leander off 1431 on the lake. I started hearing this hum 2 weeks ago. It is day and night. It is low pitch and the owmmmm ummmmm owmmmmm immmmm ow um ow immmm ow immmmmm...... My husband cannot hear it. I thought it was somewhere in the house in AC or Frig. Nope. I drove around to find it.
6/19/2014 05:56:51 pm
I just came across a story on Facebook by the World Post and story instantly grabbed my attention, as I have been hearing and feeling a very low vibration and the ringing in my ears for as long as I can remember - the ringing comes and goes, but that heavy vibration in my ears never seem to go away. After finishing the article I did a google search for 'the hum' in Texas, and I discovered this page -- nobody around around me don't experience it, and I've never understood it. Guess I still don't, but I am grateful I am no longer alone.
Dawn Curtis
4/11/2016 05:27:48 pm
Your not alone Richard as I felt the same alone in this, my ears hurt as I am texting I live in Liskeard Cornwall uk..All my friends hear of my problem all the time and iv sent them crazy with my constant winge on this year long night after nigh drone and hum omg it's torture but now I'm managing it better that I was but iv googled and Google this topic for a solution. ..alot of theory's but no real answered I just want a day to come when all is still quite and silent and the backs of my ears no longer hurt...and piece also for us all at some point
tomas soto
6/29/2014 04:16:39 pm
I've also been hearing it in downtown san Antonio, June 29 2014. I was at the pool laying out on lawn chair and swear the ground was rumbling, that was about 400 pm , then at 1030 pm I've been hearing was sounds like low rumbling sounds, I thought I was just hearing things, but this twice already, what the jeck is it.
7/24/2014 05:27:18 pm
I have been hearing this both inside and outside of my home in Temple TX for three days now. It seems somehow louder when I put my earplugs in. It sounds like a train moving along in the distance, but it's nonstop. I just want it to stop!!
8/11/2014 09:47:03 am
I heard this sound on Saturday night in temple it was around 2am. Low him would t stop. Sounded like. Train that didn't go away.
8/20/2014 11:06:40 pm
Does it have millisecond pauses sometimes as the "humming noise" is going along? I have heard something of the sort twice this month, starts early morning. Sounds louder inside than outside. Even turned everything in the house off . My wife could hear it some but not the pauses. Live in SE TX.
9/23/2014 02:06:56 pm
Hi, Victoria. I noticed that I can hear it more easily with ear plugs in, too.
9/23/2014 08:05:00 am
Over the last few weeks I’ve noticed a droning sound that may or may not be what everyone else is hearing. The sound may have been there for years, but I’ve only recently noticed it after replacing my windows and storm windows, which has made my house much quieter. It sounds like the low-frequency that might come from some kind of huge engine as its vibration resonates through the air and ground, miles away. The two closest sounds I’ve heard that are similar are a diesel locomotive several miles away, or a loud car stereo, with a high-powered amp and huge bass speakers, driving several blocks away with its windows rolled up, playing something that has a deep, continual bass tone. However, neither one of these sounds is exactly right. The droning sound I hear is only mildly audible. It fluctuates between two frequencies, and they’re always the same two frequencies. It primarily stays on the lower frequency, but then briefly jumps up to the higher frequency for varying, short durations. I can hear the sound predominantly at the windows on the east side of my house, and it is there day and night, 24 hours a day. I can hear it now. But if I walk outside late at night, when the outside noises are the quietest, I can’t hear it due to the city noises, wind, etc. On the other hand, inside the house, if I put ear plugs in, due to the sound being a low frequency, it seems that I can actually hear it better.
1/23/2015 05:15:51 pm
We live down in Lantana, TX, and we hear the hum almost constantly, day or night. It always stays at the same pitch with no breaks. Makes it hard to go to sleep at night sometimes.
2/23/2015 11:44:35 am
Hi, KC.
Jessica Lee
1/25/2016 12:33:34 pm
By any chance.. if you even get this update.. did you play your recording in Fast Forward?
1/26/2016 12:47:50 pm
That's weird.... I've been researching all morning about two separate noises we heard at exactly 3:30a.m. this morning. It sounded like an explosion and it startled me and my husband enough to get out us both out of bed to investigate. We thought something may have hit the side of our house. But it was really more like an explosion. It rumbled the windows. It wasn't quite like an earthquake- I've been in many of those. Then I thought I saw a flash in the backyard and thought maybe it was lightening but there was no lightening in our area. I think it's possible the light I saw may have been my eyes adjusting to being awake etc. The second explosion came not long after we went back to sleep. I've heard humming noise and a bass type low frequency sound in our house for years now on and off. It bothers my senses and I thought maybe I'm starting to go deaf b/c my hearing is so sensitive but I'm not. It comes and goes and it gives me anxiety and I get real agitated when I start to hear it or feel it. It's weird. This morning was weird b/c my husband is a hard sleeper and never hears anything and we both sat up and said what was that?!? I ran out in the hallway ready to run upstairs to get our son b/c I didn't know what was going on. I thought it's got to be natural phenomena, but I still like to look into these things to see if anybody else experienced the sounds at the same time we did.
7/22/2017 02:02:46 am
Crazy. Your description and chosen structure is exactly as I would have written it. Wonderfully described. I can hear the same noise near Allen TX . It's enfuriating. By the way, the humming was from 1:30- (now 2) when a helicopter sound suddenly joined in. Now it is the sounds you described, mixed with a perpetual impending helicopter flyover which sounds like it pulses and varies almost like if the wind were blowing outside to mute the sound. It also sounds like a huge box fan hitting really humid air with only a small amount of the noise from the motor...
10/15/2014 11:01:28 pm
I cant sleep because I have been hearing it for sometime now.
Mario Ochoa
10/22/2014 06:31:28 am
We have been living in San Antonio, Texas since 2007 (North Central area) hearing the same rumbling noise and also some vibrations. Today (Oct. 22/2014 at 1:00pm) happened again and you can feel the vibrations as well from the ground.
12/26/2014 11:50:40 pm
I thought I was losing my mind. I hear the hum sound too and if you pay close attention you can hear it as if it's its a spinning sound. It happens after midnight and can last hours. I was too scared to peek outside my bedroom window. The sound will stop for a couple seconds at times but continue. Usually I zone it out it but this time it was extra loud. i live off 620 in Austin boarding round rock.
4/15/2015 05:55:48 am
Sam, my husband hears it too, especially at night. We live in Jollyville close to Anderson Mill / Pond Springs Rd. He is losing a lot of sleep and gets bad headaches because of it. I cannot hear it, but if I put my ear to the glass door on the south side I can hear a faint hum. That's the only way I can hear it.
12/29/2014 04:31:14 am
I live in Leander out 1431 and near Trails End. The HUM has been quiet for the past week or 2. Also, I hear it in the lake bed both day and night. This leads me to believe it could certainly be something that
troy goss
12/30/2014 02:29:41 am
i hear the same very low frequency noise in southwestern missouri. it's only at night, not every night but frequently.
1/1/2015 09:40:30 am
I have been hearing this home for the last four years.
1/15/2015 01:37:06 am
We were visiting Texas and thinking about living in San Antonia area but on the way back home stopping in Beaumont tx I heard the constant Thunder like sound but I know it wasn't .i could not get to sleep.How come the governor isn't investagating.This is serious in my mind.
1/20/2015 11:17:17 am
We recently moved to Temple from Killeen. We were used to the sounds from Fort Hood, but the sounds we hear sound like a jet engine down to a rumbling sound. When it's like a jet engine, our house shakes, last a few moments then just stops and all is quiet. For the past week there has been a constant rumbling sound. Has anyone figured this out?
1/26/2015 01:48:42 am
Ok. This is making me think we are loosing our last mind. Our shepherd has been particularly barkey at night for the last few nights. He's pacing. We let him out and he runs around the perimeter of the house. He's anxious. He is normally quite and calm at night.
2/18/2015 07:03:18 pm
I live in Georgetown texas, and I hear a low vibration noise. I can feel it as well, and even makes my windows vibrate a little...it seems to happen every five minutes for about 30 seconds.
2/21/2015 08:00:54 pm
Been listening for an hour or so and i was like why is the ac running like that??? Went out to smoke and realized it wasn't coming from inside at all... sounded like three streets behind us but all over at the same time??? Then it stopped after a while... now starting back lightly. Its 4am, Kerrville texas.
2/28/2015 05:12:50 pm
I live in SA near Lackland Afb. I have been hearing this deep humming for a couple of weeks now. I've never heard this before. It sounds like a fleet of diesel engines in the distance or something. It doesn't affect me physically aside from being unsettled by such a massive sound. My dog will get anxious some nights, and that's saying something since she's a Chihuahua, and is typically anxious.
8/1/2017 09:54:09 am
I heard the humming once last year, it woke me up it was maybe around 1 or 2am. The sound was like a engine running a plane engine I looked out all upstair windows and didn't see a thing. I too live near Lackland Afb
6/2/2015 02:44:19 am
I live in Houston I have heard the noises, bombing noises or like a fireworks noise that doesnt stop for long periods throughout the night, these I have heard on more than one occasion but only had my phone for one at my daughters house no more than a mile or two from downtown off Patton st & Fulton st. I recorded. posted to youtube "kengsqueen" not misspelled. some people cant hear it unless they have headphones on others can hear it without and some not at all. p.s. if you're thinking its fireworks from minutemaid park think again, this is after 1:00 a.m.
angie cvazos
7/8/2015 11:08:50 am
This morning in Mission,Texas around 10:30 I heard like a train over my house and than an explosion. I thought it was a semi braking very unexpectily, but no it was coming from the sky. All my neighbors heard it too. This was scary.
JoAnn Zavala
1/27/2021 10:18:07 pm
We just moved to Harlingen Jab 14, 2021, Ever since we moved in, we all hear loud sounds in this area. It sounds like loud footsteps running, sometimes it sounds like inside and sometimes outside.
angie cavazos
7/8/2015 11:04:46 am
7/17/2015 05:48:44 am
I live in Fort Worth and between 2-3am this morning I heard what sounded like a drone moving back and forth down I-30. I heard it from the Southside of my house and it moved from east to west down 30. This is the first time I've heard this and wasn't able to go back to sleep after hearing it. I didn't check outside my window because I was scared. I asked my husband and he said didn't hear anything.
10/17/2015 09:38:30 pm
This phenomena has been bothering me for months -- since late May of this year. My daughter hears it also. It comes over the speakers in our car when not listening to music. And in certain areas of our home. We are on a hill and near towers and have high ceilings in our home. When jets fly over, music sounds. Patriotic music. Sometimes horns and low drumming or rumbling. But jets fly over, always patriotic music. Taps, the national anthem. It is a low frequency symphony. In July, my daughter ask me if the band was going to stop playing after the 4th. I try to block it out. But I am relieved to know that others hear it also, as my husband doesn't.
10/18/2015 07:46:20 am
My husband and I live in south Austin and I hear the hum too. Only late at night and early in the morning, although I hear it now at 7:43 AM. My husband doesn't hear it and said maybe it's inside my head! Our dogs don't seem to notice it either. It sounds like construction work far away, and we are getting Google Fiber installed here in my neighborhood but I've never seen them doing any work in the wee hours of the morning. And yes, it stops intermittently and irregularly - not a pattern. I'm glad I'm not the only one!
10/25/2015 06:17:36 am
I heard this noise early this morning around 1:45 a.m. I was outside letting my dog out. It was loud and as it got louder and louder I asked myself "how much louder can this get? My ears hurt!!!" It probably lasted for 45 seconds maybe. No lights in the sky but it sounded like a huge plane was about to crash into my house. I was thinking "well..This is it!!" My dog was going crazy too. I couldn't hear her howl/bark cause the noise was so loud. My daughter woke up not happy when I went back in the house. She was sleepy and kind of out of it but she felt the shaking of the house. I don't think she heard the noise though. I'm deaf in one ear. I'm adding that because it seems from what I've read that not everyone can hear this?! Very strange. My husband thought maybe a plane had to make an emergency landing at the nearby (small) airport, when I told him. I've lived on a military base for 4 years in the past and I've heard jets (jets that were breaking the sound barrier!) And huge C-130 planes etc. landing a and taking off right on the base where I lived. There were constant fly-bys by many aircraft, however, nothing was ever this loud and hurt my ear!! I have had the house shake before too but not like this. I'm stumped.
George Guajardo
10/28/2015 04:41:12 pm
I have heard this noise for the last two years. I live in San Antonio. I've also noticed every now and then before or after I hear the noise I see a few very bright flashes in the sky. It's driving me nuts because I don't know what it is.
11/10/2015 08:27:22 pm
I live in Pine Tree area in longview txt. A couple of months ago I heard loud booming noises like thunder or fireworks. I heard the same sounds this past week and again tonight at 8:15 pm and around the same time. All three of my son's heard them as well. The only thing I know for sure is there were no fireworks or thunder according to city dispatcher.
11/16/2015 09:33:54 pm
I live in Wylie TX and l've started hearing this hum in the summer. I only heard it at night, for a couple nights, and now l hear it again. My husband doesn't hear it. We live in a quiet area, lots of free land around us, l can't think of anything what it could be. The hum is interrupted for 1 second here and there, but otherwise it's continuous.
11/23/2015 01:53:39 am
I've been hearing the same noise in Harlingen, Tx. I think it sounds like a drone or blimp. It sounds like a pulsating airplane sound. I can't sleep because of it. Government wants us to die of sleeplessness!
JoAnn Zavala
1/27/2021 10:21:53 pm
In Harlingen, Ever since we moved in, we all hear loud sounds in this area. It sounds like loud footsteps running, sometimes it sounds like inside and sometimes outside.
12/13/2015 06:29:14 am
Never really noticed it but its been getting louder over the past few months here in New Braunfels. Thinking it was construction on IH35 or near the Union Pacific tracks. Ive walked my house and its definitely not an interior noise. I thought it was me until I found this page.
2/10/2016 02:48:56 am
Tonight again: low frequency vibration-like noises lasting for 10 to 30 seconds at a time.
1/19/2016 09:00:14 pm
I live in temple and have been hearing it for a couple of years. I last for a couple of minutes and stops as quick as it starts. It has to be under ground. They say that there are underground tunnels all over the US, that use supersonic trains. There are even articles of nuclear powered tunnel diggers all rhe way back to the late 50'S. I have thought about it a lot, and cannot imagine what else it could be.
Dawn Curtis
4/11/2016 05:40:04 pm
Live in liskeard cornwall uk and been hearing this low frequency hum/ drone for over a year now driving me nuts
4/14/2016 08:18:22 am
On 4/13/2016 heard humming noise and lights flickering on an off an on bright object moving a cross the sky fast in a different detraction then disappeared upper ward into space and one object hovered this happened between 8.30 pm and 9.30 pm in North Bangor N.Y
4/29/2017 09:55:09 pm
This noise almost drove me crazy. Low bass frequency everywhere in Desoto Tx . January 2017.
Ashley Olive
2/9/2016 01:46:38 am
I live in Deer Park Texas {near Houston} & there is a constant, deep humming tonight. It is loud enough to keep me awake. No rain anywhere on the radar. Just consistent rumbling. I have no idea what I'm hearing but it is exactly what you all describe !!!
2/15/2016 12:25:42 pm
I live in Desoto Texas and have been hearing the noise for about a year now. Sometimes it wakes me up at night and I can’t go back to sleep. I hear it in every room of my house and outside. I’ve tried wearing ear plugs but that makes it worse. It’s a low hum that changes to a slight higher pitch for a second or two then goes back to the low humming pitch, constantly over and over again. It has to be some type of industrial machine, it just doesn’t sound like something from the natural environment. My husband can hear it too but not as often as I can. I wish someone would do some research to find the culprit and get it stopped. People shouldn't have to live this way.
4/29/2017 09:58:47 pm
I live in Desoto also.
2/17/2016 09:18:46 pm
I have been hearing the humming noise at night only in my home and it comes and goes about 30-90 seconds on and off. Sometimes longer and sometimes shorter. My husband thinks I am crazy and I have lost my mind because he does not hear it at all. It's giving me a headache and super annoying. I only noticed it starting on 2/15/16 and it's not going away. I have never notice this before. Just want someone to make it go away.
Patricia Dunn
12/20/2016 10:56:53 am
I am experiencing the same thing here. I live in San Antonio northernmost area and it causes horrible headaches. I wonder if the rock quarry is causing it. I've heard this sound since moving here in 2009. It's just recently gotten to where it's happening all different hours of the day and night. Hopefully we can find out what's causing it and have it stopped.
Pat and JR
3/6/2016 11:06:46 pm
4/5/2016 09:50:08 am
i don't hear the noise but I do feel the trembling. I had been gone for 5 months and on my return two weeks ago Imhave been awaked every night before dawn. At first I Though my dog was shivering or husband moving.This morning I finally got up and walked around the house.It is a pier and beam and I could feel the vibration. So Went outside to see what might be causing the earth to tremble. And I felt it on the sidewalk. A slight vibration.
4/6/2016 09:53:00 am
Everyone please go to www.drillingmaps.com and search for oil and gas fracking jobs that are currently going on in your town and neighborhood. These wells are being drilled in very close proximity to neighborhoods and homes. They are drilling down approximately 7000 to 10000 feet below the surface through shale and limestone rock which is causing the vibrations. Rock is also a conduit for sound which travels underground for miles just like when you place a cup to a wall to hear conversations in the next room. The city of Dallas just past an ordinance recently banning drilling in the city limits but this did not include the suburbs. You have to get involved to stop this. This is not a UFO.
Dawn Curtis
4/11/2016 05:43:41 pm
Good point that makes alot of sense and I'm from a small market town near moorland in Cornwall uk
4/7/2016 11:34:44 am
So last night on April 6-7 my mother heard some noises outside so I went out with her and you'd here these loud booms! Sounded like someone shooting a gun or banging on something! Then you'd hear some strong wind like noise and stuff! It was creepy it was coming from a certain direction in the sky! It was to constant to be anything here! I even got to record the noise! The location is Carrollton farmers branch tx!
5/7/2016 06:25:46 am
Yeah I live in San Antonio on the North West side by Helotes. I hear these bass like tones that fade in fade out all the time. Confirmed it while I was viewing one of my security cameras on my phone listening through a set of stereo headphones. Plenty of recorded audio and video that all have the same low bass tones. They start usually I would say 1ish 2ish. When I first started hearing them it would sound like someone driving by so I would login to the camera to look and nothing was out there. Have no clue what or where they come from but they are persistent and heard only at night at least for me that is. Wierd stuff. Keeps me awake if I leave TV and my fan's not running. Anybody else in the area expiecnig this?
Patricia Dunn
12/20/2016 10:50:20 am
I started hearing the low deep hum when we moved to the northernmost central San Antonio, Texas, from New Mexico back in 2009. It used to happen around midnight and go on until morning light. Now it's December of 2016 and it's going on during the day and night. My husband has tinnitus and doesn't hear it. I told him that it's bothering me more because it's happening more often. I get frequent headaches with no relief for days. I'm not able to distinguish where it is coming from. The sound vibrations come in waves of varying lengths and will stop and start again, sometimes within a second or two. We have a rock quarry nearby. I wonder if that is causing it or if fracking is the cause. Either way, I pray because my spirit is uneasy with it.
5/26/2016 02:25:02 pm
I posted here back in October and am still hearing the hum in South Austin. However, I ALSO heard it at Big Bend Ranch State Park (not the National Park), which is REALLY remote. We were literally 45 miles from paved roads, not another person in sight, no plumbing or electricity. I'm beginning to think it's all in my head. Allergies or something.
7/27/2016 03:24:01 am
I heard a crazy humming sound tonight from the sky. I've lived in Plano, tx all my life and never heard this until now. it happened at about 2:35 a.m. Has anyone else heard this?
Rachel J
8/25/2016 02:52:43 am
I live in Central Missouri and I hear the same rumbling every once in a while at about 1am and it lasts a few minutes. It happened last night and it was louder than usual. It doesn't hurt my ears or give me a headache, I just get really scared and anxious cuz I think something is gonna crash into my house lol When I first started hearing it around a year ago, it only happened on Saturdays and Sundays but still about 1am. So I blamed it on a private plane or some military exercises, knowing it was too loud for that. It made me feel better thinking it was a plane instead of something creepy and unknown. The sound freaks me out enough that I won't even go outside to check it out when I hear it lol I've been searching online and so far I've found it's happened in OK, CA, FL, HI, MI, and of course TX and MO. I know there's plenty more, I just haven't found them yet. So there's no explanation for it if people all over the country r hearing it. Idk what it is, but it's definitely not good. I really hope one of us can figure it out!
9/1/2016 03:39:39 pm
In Lago Vista, TX. We've lived here 3 yrs. 1st house we lived in, my daughter & I would wake up in the morning mentioning a high pitched humming noise in the middle of the night. I was upstairs, she was downstairs and we both were awakened and felt like looking outside - but were afraid to. We leased a home on the golf course next to a ravine in a very low spot.
9/1/2016 03:39:50 pm
In Lago Vista, TX. We've lived here 3 yrs. 1st house we lived in, my daughter & I would wake up in the morning mentioning a high pitched humming noise in the middle of the night. I was upstairs, she was downstairs and we both were awakened and felt like looking outside - but were afraid to. We leased a home on the golf course next to a ravine in a very low spot.
9/1/2016 03:40:32 pm
In Lago Vista, TX. We've lived here 3 yrs. 1st house we lived in, my daughter & I would wake up in the morning mentioning a high pitched humming noise in the middle of the night. I was upstairs, she was downstairs and we both were awakened and felt like looking outside - but were afraid to. We leased a home on the golf course next to a ravine in a very low spot.
9/1/2016 03:41:22 pm
In Lago Vista, TX. We've lived here 3 yrs. 1st house we lived in, my daughter & I would wake up in the morning mentioning a high pitched humming noise in the middle of the night. I was upstairs, she was downstairs and we both were awakened and felt like looking outside - but were afraid to. We leased a home on the golf course next to a ravine in a very low spot.
9/10/2016 08:09:52 am
It's been changing. You can get in a car sometimes,and leave it but it seems to eventually try follow. If you dunk your head in water usually you can't hear it. Been haunted by it for two years maybe three?
9/15/2016 05:01:05 pm
Has anyone figured out what this is? I also did a Google search and came across this page.
9/15/2016 05:01:18 pm
Has anyone figured out what this is? I also did a Google search and came across this page.
Has anyone figured out what this is? I also did a Google search and came across this page.
Has anyone figured out what this is? I also did a Google search and came across this page.
A. Solis
12/6/2016 11:03:05 am
I was woken up around 2 a.m. and heard the humming sound too. It would fade and then sometimes get louder. Other times it would stop and then start back up again. Needless to say, I had to take a nap under my desk at work today on break from lack of sleep!
12/7/2016 04:46:44 pm
This afternoon in victoria thx around 16:40 I hear a low rumbling sound between distant thunder, to like maybe the air conditioner running but everything off. "Lasted about 5 min strait
2/9/2017 06:56:41 am
3/21/2017 02:32:01 am
My mom, cousin, and I all heard it tonight. Never heard anything like it. Almost sounds like someone is playing a repetitive note on a trumpet. It's very eeirie!
3/21/2017 02:33:26 am
*forgot to mention I live in Austin***
3/13/2017 09:01:46 pm
We hear the noise; Penngrove CA.
vivian petrov
3/31/2017 07:25:00 pm
4/9/2017 08:20:55 am
Around 7am today my husband and I woke up to a loud drumming sound. He jumped out of bed to check outside through the window and said he didn't see anything. It was a sound I had never heard of before. Sounded like an explosion or a slow eerie drumming that lasted about 10 seconds. What could it be? I live in The Woodlands Texas.
4/29/2017 10:16:13 pm
I have heard this low bass frequency in Desoto Tx for months.
5/13/2017 05:18:34 pm
Heard this him last night around 11 pm in NW Frisco. Was standing outside a friends house out front and it was a quiet evening. Went into the house and straight to backyard...not even a minute...and we could hear the hum outside. It sounded like the house backs to a highway and cars were revving by, but the house sits deep off a main road, much less the tollway. It's a newly developed community with a lot of undeveloped land nearby. The sound could also be described as someone trying to tune an orchestra...not just one instrument. It was so freaky. It lasted like 5-7 minutes and stopped. We then left to go out, and I got a sharp pang of pain in my head...like a brain freeze headache which lasted but a quick second or so and off we went. Still no clue what that could've been but listening to YouTube videos of hums...very similar.
6/11/2017 04:32:39 pm
I've been hearing humming noises for the last few years in South Austin. It starts as a low humming noise that will become higher in pitch and then drop down to the lower hum. It keeps me up at night, but is harder to hear when I have a fan on. It sounds like a large engine idling some distance away. Wish someone could figure our what it is.
7/20/2017 02:47:50 pm
Hi, i live in southeast texas. Last night around 4 am i woke up for no apparent reason. As i was trying to get back to sleep i began to hear what sounded like howling. At first it was loud enough i thought it was my dogs down stairs.. or maybe cayotes since our area is somewhat rural. Our dogs never do this though so it was still odd... but it kept going on and it was too repetitive and almost machanical sounding to be a dog. It started to sound gradually farther away like it was moving down the street outside. i mustered myself out of bed to check things out but before i could even get downstairs it stopped. Went back to the bedroom and began to hear it again. Much softer this time. And then it sounded more linear, less like howling... more almost like a train engine humming in the distance.. it was not a piercing humming sound other people in this post have referred to. It drifted off and just as i was settling back to sleep it came back, howling again, still in the distance, barely audible and after several minutes it finally ended. Has anyone heard anything like this?
Sandra Thompson
2/7/2018 10:31:55 am
I heard the loud rumbling sound this morning around 8:30 to 10:30 on and off. I know we have jets and everything fly over all day from the airport here in Humble, Texas. This is not the first time we've heard it living here. But with the last days approaching near it makes me wondering if it's somewhat a sign of the coming of Christ. I'm just saying, because it does state we will be taken like s thief in the night.
Lana Christine
4/7/2018 01:24:07 pm
7/13/2018 01:06:46 am
i dont know if i believe all this alien shit but i heard a very low rumbling noise in austin texas around the zilker neighborhood.... im fuckin geekin or some shit what the fuck
Chico Andee
7/29/2018 09:00:29 pm
Heard the same rumblng sound on July 27th 2018 at 6:49pm in Pflugerville, TX. Thought it might be an earthquake but nothing was reported at that time. Definitely wasn't heavy equipment or a plane. Anyone else hear that?
8/26/2018 12:41:30 am
Lived in spring tx my whole life. Almost a year I've been sneaking in the shadows peepin out windows trying to figure out what that noise is. Also an air craft that is super low while this takes place. Since hurricane Harvey very weird activity in my neighborhood. Not sure if there's a connection. I literally know the schedule.... 4pm to 12a is the shift that my house is on... At 12 it gets quiet Monday Wednesday Friday and Saturday are active
Robert R
11/23/2018 11:06:36 am
I started hearing it after complaining about gang stalking. The sound is almost unbearable. This is the second place I have moved to and can hear it. The house acts a sound conduit for this noise. Its my opinion that the sounds are based on sometime of military technology such as a energy weapons after an area is chem trailed with alinium particulate then an area is hit with ultrasound waves through antenna generating a pulse. Possible some top secret DoD program since human testing is allowed through DoD directives. Human testing has existed for a very long time.
1/13/2019 10:34:25 am
Me and my girlfriend heard a loud humming last night between 12am and 3am. Sounded almost like an extremely loud car idling is the best way to describe it, but right outside my door. That couldn't be the case since I live in an hotel style apartment on the second floor. If anyone else in the Frisco, TX area heard or has heard sounds like this please share your story.
2/8/2019 07:51:06 pm
Several years ago while hunting in the Texas Hill Country, I heard a really loud weird noise in the sky. Comparable to the booms but different. It's hard to explain. Now, I'm hearing a low hum that hurts my ears and gives me a headache like the others here in the San Antonio area. Argh! WTF?
4/11/2023 05:19:15 pm
I live in San Antonio to hearing these low hums . Far west bexar county
D.B. Cooper
11/13/2019 01:18:43 am
I live in Arlington, Texas.. little ways from the Cowboy stadium. First time my girlfriend and I have heard this was tonight and it's the month of November in 2019. Seems from the above comments this has gone on for years now. Between UFOs, underground drilling from the Government or some other conspiracy theories, who really knows what's going on. My girlfriend is into any YouTube crazy conspiracy vid currently on the web, as I use them more for entertainment and try thinking rationally first. Heard about or been reading these fake alien invasions as well as Project Blue beam and the "fake rapture" or second coming of Jesus that is supposedly gonna happen and notice some folks relate these sounds to those crazy events. I try not to let this kinda stuff screw with my head but my girlfriend somehow let's it mess with hers as now she thinks she is being followed by the drones in the sky! -_- Hopefully we will figure out what the hell this sound is and let's hope it's not some crazy Government project where they are using high and low pitch frequencies to do mind controlling experiments on the public to depopulate and whatever else you hear yada yada yada..
11/21/2019 01:21:31 am
My boyfriend woke me up in middle of the night early Tuesday morning because he was walking around bedroom looking for this buzzing, humming noise. I told him I didn’t hear it. Then I went to work and heard it all day. I thought it was the person in the office next to me with a vibrating cell phone on their desk. It wasn’t. I asked two coworkers if they could hear it, they could but one less clearly than I could. It was pretty consistent and was driving me crazy cuz you can’t tell where it’s coming from. I called my boyfriend and told him. Freaked me out kinda.
12/29/2019 08:53:10 pm
12/29/19- Keller TX... Heard the noise at 830 pm... Usually hear it between 12-2 am... This can't be good... Government needs to step up and let us know what's really going on... They tell us what they want us to know...how do we know what's true and what's not?
2/28/2020 08:43:52 pm
Plano, TX here. I've been hearing the hum for 1.5 years now. A spectrometer will pick it up - you can download a spectrometer app for your phone to see for yourself. Based on my research there are some possible hum sources:
Alan Ray
10/28/2020 11:12:40 pm
I'm hearing a strange rumbling sound here in Temple TX. My wife heard it too and thought it was thunder, but I went outside and it sounded like it was coming from some distance away, but I couldn't really tell what was making the sound. It wasn't a constant
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