11/18 Update: Apologies - this sighting was from 2014 and was mistaken for a recent one in 2015. A Texan looking out onto the ocean in South Padre noticed something rather peculiar - a "plasma" - like orb dashing about the sky, and flashing lights - seemingly in response to their hand gestures! Then it went down into the ocean, and later ascended back into the sky. According to the MUFON report, there were other similar objects like this over a period of many nights, causing the witness to map the star sightings and "believe in angels again": Plasma type. Highly intellectual. Large soft in the sky. As a star. turned sideways and looked like to vertical dashes then turned & one went behind the other to form one bright disk star again. I was on the third floor of a balcony and had full view of the ocean toward mainland and out to the open sea. I thought if I was seeing them, perhaps they were seeing me.I made a spiral with my index finger toward this one.A spiral appeared around it instantly. Like a lightning flash. I thought oh oh maybe I was imagining. So I pointed my index finger ounce again and made a random squiggle, immediately a lightning flash around the entity made an instant flash of the erratic configuration. It would not communicate after that. It descended then down to the ocean. 3 minutes or so. I waited and Timed it. 45 Minutes for it to rise and take its previous place in the sky as where it was before. I figured it had to pick up water and was heavy afterwards so is why it took so long for it to get back up. There were always three others in other directions. One I saw an airplane head straight for And I watched as I felt It would collide with the light. At the last five seconds the jet dropped elevation & missed collision. In watched Every night all night long for at least three weeks and saw them every night. I made a map of the stars and them. The stars did not move but they did. They were brighter and closer. They mad me believe in angels again. They Are my friend for sure. Pure energy beings as I can fathom. Great intelligence,Power,& gentleness. ???? Believe it or not, glowing objects going in and out of the water is a relatively common phenomenon in the UFO world.
Did you see these marine-friendly orbs as well? Report your sighting.
11/18/2015 08:38:33 pm
Today is November 18, 2015. This event won't happen for 4 more days.
12/23/2015 07:53:52 am
They are Not angels; quiet the opposite. There is enough activity in this area to release a twelve volume collection and that is just the coffee table picture edition. Use you phone and take shots of trees grass, buildings you see everyday; lamp posts, walls of apartments and business on the Island and surrounding area. Do not think you didn't get anything; turn the pic upside down and look closely. They shape-shift and can become anything In fact turn it 360 and scrutinize. There is also a human factor working with the "Alien/Demon" elements. They work very diligently and precise. The lab arrangements for science, 24/7 "travel and documentation take place underground in tunnels and hewn out r. I will not release any additional information it isn't healthy.. I have a vault full of pics and videos. I would like to share some if I can figure out where to upload them.
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