We weren't going to say anything because we thought that maybe we were seeing something military, living in Killeen and all, but after reading the June 14th report of a craft sighted by a guard at Ft Hood, I think it's time to share.
6/16/2015 02:29:21 pm
I saw something similar to this in Austin TX on June 11 2015 around 11:30 PM. I went outside to make a phone call, and looking up in the sky I saw what at first appeared to be a star, until I noticed it was drifting about in an odd way. It pulsated a pinkish red color and seemed to have smaller greenish yellow twinkling lights around it, but it appeared to be very high up so it was hard to distinguish it very clearly. It dropped out of my sight behind the tree line.
6/16/2015 07:42:16 pm
okay this is strange I live in Michigan. I went outside to have a smoke on my front porch when I noticed this peculiar looking star. Now i've seen this star like thing once before this same month appear in the same exact spot so it caught my focus rite away. this time i took a long look at it. I watched it for at least 45 minutes. it moved very slowly south dip down just a tad and then almost in a crescent circle move back up. I also noticed that the distance between another close by star was changing I also noticed a pigment to it usually it looks white bet it almost seems like when it fully rotates its flashes some kind of red. This thing is so high up and moving way to slowly and moving way to peculiarly to be any kind of plane, after a moment I lined it up in my vision so that it was between my home and my roof exactly and stood as still as a possibly could. Sure enough it moved out of my vision spot I waited and after a moment it came rite back. how weird
6/21/2015 05:09:42 pm
I've watched them for.weeks now. Since May. Day and night. Have many pics and videos. Even saw one land!!!
The Man in Black
1/23/2017 08:44:26 pm
I hope everyone who visits this site realizes this whole thing is a hoax. The person responsible for the lights is a local man who is an expert with remote control gliders. He has at least two gliders with numerous LED lights he can control and change as he sees fit. When the breeze is right he can make the glider "hover" like a bird does facing into the wind. Then he can drop it, spin it, and eventually maneuver it back into a hover.
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