A few days before this sighting in Hamilton, someone experienced an almost identical sighting in Arlington. The Arlington video and the Hamilton MUFON report paint the exact same picture: normal planes in view, but with orbs scattered out all over the sky, blinking on and off and showing up in different positions and formations, like fireflies. Could these events be related??? They're some of the quirkier sightings I've ever reported on, and they happened within two days of each other. Could it be, as the Hamilton witness suggests, military exercises? Do not know if we caught on video yet- just wanted to ask if any military training exercises going on last night around 9:15-9:45 ish Feb 28th, 2013. Perhaps jets flying in the dark and then blinking white lights everywhere- started out as 3 or 4 then they were flashing everywhere just like you would see fireflies in the night- all over the sky 5 to 15 degrees from the horizen- no set form.many of them, too numerous to count, but approx 30 or more. lasting approx 20 minutes stopped and then started again about 10 minutes..amazingly beautiful to watch..perhaps jet pilot training? Could not see outline of any object although some blinking lights seemed to form some shapes, but unsure. Just want to know if you know of any training exercises being performed by the military. Did hear airplane jet sounds, but also saw planes flying over at some points. 3 witnesses.. PLEASE get back with me if this can be explained... or not. I'm a sky wathcer- was watching the space station fly overhead when noticed this- never seen anything like it before. just very curious!!! ;-) Here's the Arlington sighting for comparison:
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