"Looks like Star Wars. I'm a believer. Stunned" - Two Silent Triangle UFO Sightings in Dallas Area4/22/2015
April has been quite the month. UFO sightings out the wazoo! And there's no sign of stopping... There were two sightings - one in Dallas and one in Fort Worth - of a triangle or "horseshoe" shaped object silently flying overhead - and apparently it was quite large. Here's the report out of Dallas; a photo and description submitted to the Texas UFO Sightings Facebook page: I just saw this over Dallas without lights! Exact shape but the lights were off....this was my drawing as soon as I got a pen. Sitting outside Velvet Taco and I happen to look up and I saw it. Now check this out, an eerily similar report out of nearby Fort Worth, graciously submitted to Texas UFO Sightings by reader Lisa Camacho: What we saw looked exactly like the photos uploaded. V shape or horseshoe shape. No lights or very dim. No sound whatsoever. Silver toned. One flew very low overhead and no way we would have heard it, laying in hot tub happened to be looking up. We think we saw only the tip of a wing. It was patterned, wavy lines and circles. THEY ARE F****** HUGE. Looks like Star Wars. I'm a believer. Stunned. Got ideas on what this could be? Seems too large and dim and quite to be a drone or typical craft, and with all the UFO sightings happening right now in the Lone Star State (of all varieties, too), who knows. Share your ideas on the Facebook page or in the comments!
4/22/2015 03:47:30 pm
I'm The one that saw this out of Dallas. As I saw the story from Fort Worth I got chills because that is exactly what I saw in Dallas. Every single word.
4/22/2015 04:09:38 pm
We both saw a total of 4 craft. It's life altering to actually witness something you cannot explain. I don't get the feeling they really care if they are seen.
4/23/2015 05:50:17 am
My thoughts exactly. I mean Dallas is a busy city regardless of the day of the week and not like it was too late. It was around 11p
4/23/2015 04:47:09 am
Saw same lights in ft worth the 16th I commented on your video
rodolfo chavez
4/22/2015 04:47:06 pm
I took video of the strange light of downtown Dallas not even 30 mi it's ago. It was amazing
4/23/2015 04:48:51 am
UFO best clip FT WORTH TX 4.16.15 Mufon 64760 z10…: https://youtu.be/nNU0-cSVwT8 and ufo best clip 4.16.15 slow motion zoom: https://youtu.be/oqTkP10FmQ8
4/23/2015 04:50:16 am
Seems these are being spotted all over dfw
4/23/2015 09:48:44 am
We saw it over austin, night of the 21st. Incredible
4/24/2015 09:43:56 am
I saw something similar in New Mexico on the night of 22 April 2015. Just one but triangular, no lights, no sound. Wicked cool.
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