Did you attend ACL last Saturday night? Did you check out the Cure? If so, you may be one of the many Austinites to have seen three lights in triangle formation hover and move about the sky, eventually disappearing. LOADS of people went straight to MUFON to tell their stories, and one person also contacted TUS directly. So far, though I have no insights into what people saw. All we have is a photo and some great testimony (apparently it was quite an eerie experience). Sightings of triangle and V-shaped crafts have spiked past month... could this be related? 10/15 Update: A new theory is that they are Chinese lanterns - Amber commented that she saw 3 get released in the area - however, these don't look remotely like lanterns to me, but anything's possible. As well, we have video! The following video and testimony was submitted to TUS last night by Motts Demerl: Was jamming out to The Cure and happened to look up with two friends of mine and captured these strange "UFO" like lights in a triangular pattern flying above the crowd....it's official...aliens like The Cure! We were watching The Cure at Austin City Limits Music Fehtial. The lights appeared overhead. There were three lights in the shape of an equilateral triangle. We first noiced this around 9 pm. My wife saw the lights fly in formation making them appear to be a triangle. We both saw it stop and hold a position. Then daphne saw the lights move apart and fly away. I initially thought it was gong to be part of the light show. Then I thought it was drones. We discussed this with four other people around us. We all saw it. It was not part of the show. And a comment on it: Last night during The Cure show... around 8:45 I think, there were 3 yellow/orange lights in the formation of a triangle above the stage to the right. I was attending ACL Festival 2013 at Zilker Park, Austin, Travis County, Texas. A friend & I were laying on the grass looking up at the clouds where the Park's spotlights were bouncing around. At the time it was mostly cloudy with the crescent moon occasionally appearing & now & then a star through a hole in the clouds. It was around 9 p.m. & The Cure was playing-- we were laying facing Southish because downtown was to our North. I saw the lights first-- they were orange, in a clear triangle shape, spaced perfectly apart from one another. They were below the clouds & were probably moving in a vaguely NE direction across the Park. We couldn't see any visible structure between the lights. At one point one of the lights seemed to move ahead-- but I think whatever craft it was tilted or dipped slightly. We watched it until it disappeared into the clouds-- it hovered at one point, directly over the park where the spot lights were going up more densely-- then it proceeded on across & it was hard to tell due to the clouds, but I think it ascended up higher through them. It didn't seem to be in any big hurry, but it didn't stick around either. The whole thing from start to finish was probably 4 minutes from the time I spotted it to the time it disappeared. I took a pic of it with my camera phone-- I'd already put away the Nikon because earlier we had thought it was going to rain as the wind had picked up-- but then it didn't until later. You can't see the orange color in this photo, & it was a lot more impressive & distinct than this makes them look. I was in disbelief-- I live in West Texas where there is little light pollution & star gazing is one of my fave past times. I have seen lights in the past I couldn't really explain-- except they didn't appear to be an airplane, a blimp, a jet, a helicopter, etc-- but nothing I have ever looked up & seen & thought WHOA! I was so stunned it took me a couple of minutes to realize I could get a photo of it, honestly. I've heard about triangle light UFOs & I've seen photos of them, videos, but I never dreamed I'd look up over Austin & see one. I was sitting at the ACL Fest during THE CURE about 845 pm and was a bit far back so was videoing with my phone the amazing searchlight display and stage light show. I'd taken several vids. I noticed obove left and behind the stage three lights flickering Ogden yellow orange in the formation of a triangle tumbling slowly north trough the sky. I couldn't believe I was seeing a classic triangle UFO formation so having already taken several vids I had the phone ready after I pulled it out and unlocked it and took a 30 second video there bout at 855 pm. I did take time to zoom in a bit before hitting the red button. I followed it until it faded into the clouds going north. I know my husband saw it before me but he only confirmed my seeing it when I mentioned it then I videoed. After taking the video I discussed what I thought it was with my husband. I then inquired of other concert goers if they saw the lights and got several no's and two yes"'s. I asked permission to have the guys email and he gave it to me. I did not ask for the girls because she was very occupied making out with her boyfriend, (they were so cute). And finally, here's another great report, kindly submitted to TUS by Cindy: Last night during the ACL music festival at Zilker Park I happened to look up as I was walking towards the Lady Bird Stage around 845pm. I spotted three orange lights in a triangle formation. I pointed this out to three others in my group. We all watched and could not identify what we were looking at. There were lots of skylights beaming up from the park, the headliner bands were playing and had lots of lights on the stage but this was neither. The lights flew above the park and moved westward. We are positive the lights were not part of the festival. My daughter attempted to shoot video on her phone. I will have to see if we caught it. Did anyone else report seeing something? Did you see this ominous sight? Report your sighting!
I was camping in july 28 in northern California and saw the same thing at 4:00am in the morning it started to spin then three other aircraft came into it from all different directions. then it went straight into the sky. this is the second time ive seen it first in bullhead arizonia 6 yrs ago
"The visitation in your world now is very extensive, so much so that people in all parts of the world are witnessing it and are experiencing its effects directly. What has brought these “visitors” from the Greater Community, these different organizations of beings, is not to promote the advancement of humanity or the spiritual education of humanity. What has brought these forces to your shores in such numbers with such intention are the resources of your world.
5/13/2014 07:57:28 pm
I read your explanation and It sounds as though You may be one of the many curious Visitors Here The Way You spoke Sounds As Though You Like The Others Are Saddened and Feel You Are Here To Take Control of Earth To Save The Earth From Humans Who Have Been Destroying A Place That Is Not So Common. We Do Not Deserve It Anymore In Your Space Travelers Advanced Knoldege of Our Great Universe.Am I Right Are You Here From Another World.
10/14/2013 04:47:37 pm
They were Chinese lanterns. I was at the festival and saw the 3 of them released together. They managed to stay in that formation for a good while. It was really pretty, but no, sorry. No aliens at ACL this year.
10/14/2013 04:55:53 pm
I saw the same thing. I thought it was candle in a bag floating in the air, and yes they appeared bright redish-orange colour. Few people around me asked what is that?? I told them I have no idea.. I remembered back in 1999. I saw the same similar thing at Burning man and I pointed out to few people and they saw it too.. Which is really bizarre!!
Person #1
10/15/2013 03:42:22 pm
I was watching Kings of Leon when I suddenly looked up at the sky and saw three lights that were moving oddly. I told my friends about it and they immediately said it was a ufo while I was trying to convince them that they were floating lanterns. But then they formed a perfect triangle not once but three times, different sizes. They suddenly moved from our are over to the other side of the festival. I don't know what to believe but it was spooky.
10/16/2013 03:00:24 pm
I was also watching Kings of Leon when I noticed a light quickly zooming up from the horizon. It was low in the sky, probably no more than 500 feet up. It swiftly flew up to a point almost directly overhead and just started hovering. I believe this had to be some kind of drone that was observing/filming the crowd. It had two red and two green lights so it was almost surely of terrestrial origin.
I think we got a picture of "the UFOs". Best I can tell, it's the 41st photo from the top left. And yes.. .they were Chinese lanterns - we were close enough to watch them launch. But keep watching those skies... I'm sure that one day a #PicPocket in some corner of the world will break the news to the world. :) www.PicPocket.com
10/24/2013 03:37:45 pm
You people think I am crazy. But ABC BEHAVIORAL HEALTH thinks otherwise. I have seen what most patience have endured with severe mental illness , there will be more information in future.........
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