A group of witnesses saw a square-shaped dark object travel overhead: 3 of us in the car saw a square object, dark grey or black in the sky in the direction of Cowboys stadium, at first we thought it was a blimp but quickly realized it wasn't because it was square, it was moving north and rotating so sometimes it seemed flat, and then triangular, and back to square, the only thing I can compare it to would be like a "magic carpet", square when on its side, flat when level and triangular when possibly turning...we observed it for at least 5 or 6 minutes, we did not get any pictures but have been scouring the Internet tonite to see if anyone else saw it....in the 5 minutes we observed it it traveled from south of I30, heading north until out of view... Did you see this large craft over Fort Worth, too? Report it!
D. Jensen
10/23/2015 11:57:34 am
I saw a similar object, Saturday October 17, 2015, 10am PDT, looking directly east from my location in Palm Desert, CA. I spotted the object far in the distance at what looked to be easily 10-15 miles up in the sky and very far away to the east, at least that's what it looked like from my vantage point. It looked like it was directly above the vicinity over what I imagined to be New Mexico or Texas. It was the blinking light, very bright in the late morning sky, that caught my attention, and so I grabbed my binoculars and saw what appeared to be a blimp/cigar/angular at times shaped object that seemed to be spinning and falling effortlessly end-over-end and side-to-side erratically, though at a controlled speed, appearing then disappearing in about 5-10 second intervals so that possibly the light I saw blinking was from the morning sun reflected off of what appeared to be a metal skin covering the entire object. At first I thought it might be a booster rocket falling back to earth, similar to what the Space Shuttle used for propulsion, then realized that it seemed too large and angular to be a booster rocket. I watched for about 15 minutes, during which time it appeared and disappeared about 40-50 times until I lost it behind the glare of the sun and the roof tops. Definitely never have seen anything like it. Can't explain it. It was not a jet plane. It did not look to be aerodynamically or astrodynamically designed in the historical sense of man-made flight craft. It didn't appear to be moving in any particular direction, other than straight down at a relaxed pace. Again, hard to tell because it was so far away, even with binoculars it appeared only as a small object though seemed to carry weight and size by the way it moved. The light it was emitting/reflecting was impressive.
11/8/2015 12:46:01 am
Saw it for the first time tonight in north Carrollton traveling from NE to SE straight towards DFW airport. I thought it was a group of ducks until I visually measured the size of said ducks against the velocity they were traveling. Then the lights shifted and That's when my heart sank and chills kicked in. Impossible I thought? Not anymore! I was completely in awe. I didn't even attempt to video it and I have no idea why! Other than this craft obviously being something I've never seen, what peaks my interest is the lack of sound all together. It's almost 1:00am and I have not stopped thinking about it since. And so my quest begins.
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