Texas UFO Sightings recently shared testimony from the Corpus Christi area of two star-like objects behaving oddly. Well, it looks that witness was not alone. People all over the Lone Star State witnessed strange orange balls of lights - sometimes two at a time, sometimes a dozen. Hovering like stars, traveling, blinking on and off. To boot, a lead investigator from another Texas UFO site, Lights in the Texas Sky, was one of the witnesses, making it very hard to debunk these as Chinese lanterns (UFO investigators are pretty used to those). This is the second mass UFO sighting in Texas in a month. First up - video and testimony uploaded to MUFON and then again on YouTube, from February 8th in Spring (Houston area): Around 11:30 at night I was trying to get my son to bed, he's been congested and not sleeping well. After giving him some Benadryl I took him upstairs to his crib. I then went down stairs turned the lights off in my kitchen and the tv off in my living room. I proceeded to my bedroom where I turned the lamp off on my wife's side of the bed, since mine has a bulb out I always use her side. As soon as I turned the lamp off I started to walk around the bed to my side, that's when I noticed two bright lights through our skylight window. They were very odd looking, solid red/orange lights which at first I thought might be an airplane. At that moment there were two side by side which the one on the right was starting to dimm as if were moving away (north) followed by the one on the left seconds later. This lasted approximately 10-15 seconds from when I first noticed them. After I could not see them anymore I got in bed. Still thinking about what I saw and staring out our skylight window I then saw another red/orange light, this one seemed closer than the first two I saw. it was heading north on a straight path, it's hard to say how close it was, but was not moving like any man made object. The best description would be an orb. I then grabbed my phone and went out my back door trying to get a video of it. I took a short video noticing one after another appearing in the south and heading north. It was pitch black and I felt as if my phone was not going to capture what I was seeing. I ran back inside and got my digital camera. Taking still photos of several of them. This whole event lasted about 5 minutes. Most of the photos look like nothing but zooming in after its sheets some weird things. A couple of photos that I took show lines as if you were writing your name in the sky with a sparkler. I know other people in the neighborhood saw this too, I heard in the distance of someone saying what is that. As an estimated guess I saw about 10-15 separate orbs. Now, detailed report from Lights in the Texas Sky, from a couple of nights later at the Three Rivers Oil Refinery, and also the nearby Freer baseball field: Numerous lights in the sky were seen near the refinery in Three Rivers, Texas. And that's not all. Check out the following witness reports and photos, both submitted to MUFON. The next of these is from February 6th in San Antonio, and might be an unrelated sighting but is still worth sharing: Reported to me by my granddaughter. Then we have another compelling MUFON report from February 10th, this time out of Weatherford (Dallas area), that is no doubt eerily similar to the ones above: This has happened in Wearherford for several nights in a row. Bright star-like objects too low to be stars and moving unlike stars. Tracked by planes that were obviously planes moving much faster than the objects. Bright star-like objects that hover for long periods then move east and then back to the west. Tried to get closer and follow them but they move every so often. I cannot get a photo they just turn out like orbs. Some disappear into the sky and some turn their lights off and just disappear. Some float away very slowly. And the MUFON reports keep rolling! Check out this Houston sighting from February 10th that compared the UFOs to the famous 1952 White House UFO incident: Wow! Did you see these UFOs as well? There's a decent chance you did. If so, please help unravel the mystery and report your sighting. Think you can identify these objects? Have theories on what these could be? Have at it in the comments or on the Facebook page.
Aaron marshall
2/14/2015 08:32:28 pm
Pasadena texas at about 5 in evening a large black silent object. Came from southwest to northeast watched it for 5-7 minutes no picture but seemed very ominous!!!
2/17/2015 01:40:21 am
My friend and I were driving on I-10 E near San Antonio and highway 90 E (going to Big Bend) and saw the same things multiple times. glowing orbs that would blink or move every so often.
2/17/2015 03:14:59 pm
Saw the same in Austin, Texas on Feb, 6, 2015 at 10:15pm. There were 6 of those objects with red/orange lights. They were flying low over Zilker Park going in a northwest direction. I did not hear a sound coming from them. They were definitely not airplanes. I posted this on another sighting post. I also want to add that I was able to make out the objects. They resemble TR3B, secret military aircraft.
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