October 24th, 2014 Update: Mass sightings all over Texas & worldwide, too. Read the latest.. With a promised show from the Perseid meteor shower and a spectacular thunderstorm coloring the night of August 11th in Houston, it's no surprise folks had their cell phones and cameras pointed up at the sky. Doesn't mean the night of August 11th didn't have a few surprises in store. Specifically, an extraterrestrial visitation. Or... street light? Well, at least some think the photograph above - apparently taken by a local DJ Monday night and quickly spread wildfire-style all over Twitter - is really just a reflection of a nearby, similarly shaped street light. MUFON, the Mutual UFO Network, says "It’s no more than light trapped in the side window." Still, others speculate it's one of NASA's much-talked-about experimental flying saucers - after all, the Johnson Space Center is located in Houston. Another popular explanation for the above photo - and the many other videos and photos to have surfaced since - is ball lightning, a new light phenomenon to scientists that is often triggered by thunderstorms. "Hoax," of course, has been tossed around, but considering how many people have reported seeing this event, that is unlikely. Many fake photos and at least one fake video have indeed hit the web, but that tends to happen when a legitimate UFO sighting becomes such an attention grabber that others try to latch on to its popularity by pretending to have hoaxed it. To make matters ultra confusing, an apparent pal of the original witness tweeted to him "hahah good one @djnayyz that’s actually the reflection of the highway lights on the glass door I can’t believe you fooled the news well they believe what ever you tell them." I can't find this tweet. Oddly enough, I also received the photo in question in my own inbox, but there was a different name attached to it - not DJ Nayyz'. They claimed they were harassed on Twitter and told to say the photo was a fake. In fact, the more I investigate, the more apparent "original eyewitnesses" I find. Why all the confusion... disinfo? Regardless, Texas UFO Sightings was inundated with dozens of UFO reports - most commonly detailing a circular shaped craft hovering over the Northwest section of Houston. YouTube, Twitter, and other parts of the web, as mentioned, were also abuzz. Several local news outlets have already picked up on the story, including Click 2 Houston: ![]() Check out two additional photos taken by DJNayyz (or Nathanial Xavier): And here are a few new ones that were submitted to Texas UFO Sightings, notice how the objects appear triangular in shape here: Could this sighting be related to a similar sighting from Hondo, TX (west of San Antonio) the night before? Check out the photo and witness description submitted to Texas UFO Sightings: Now, to really make things interesting. We've got video. Sorry, videos. The first of these videos was reportedly uploaded by a man named Andrew Pena, and it has been re-broadcrast - along with the original Twitter photos - on local news stations and all over YouTube. First, screenshots: Now, the video: The second of these videos features a pair of strange lights out of Houston, mingling with the lightning, but this time we don't see any "saucer" shape: Witness description and video: "2 unexplained flying objects. One falling with a slight shadow under and above to the left. Then a couple seconds later you see a small flying object then it zooms off." Is your head hurting yet? I'll leave you with a smattering of the many reports I received, one even suggesting this UFO to be the lights of a helicopter pad, and another suggesting that there are many false eyewitnesses to this event: My daughter and I saw the same circular lights in the sky you have in your August 14 photo. Again this was on an overcast cloudy night. We were in downtown Houston at the time of our sighting, on I-45 north. What you are seeing is the Helicopter pad lights on one of the downtown skyscraper rooftops, reflecting off of the bottom of a low hanging, dark, storm cloud. It's not a U.F.O. The lights show up as white lights, don't change color, pulse, or move, if you stand stationary when viewing them. Usually they are only seen during lightning storms, as the dark clouds hang low over the city, and they briefly appear as lightning flashes to the left or right of their reflection on the bottom of a low hanging storm cloud. U.F.O debunked Already this month, Texas UFO Sightings has featured a triangular craft over Laredo and a spooky blue light caught up in a thunderstorm in Houston. It is definitely a very active time for UFOs in Texas right now.
Were you one of the witnesses to this amazing UFO? Help Texas UFO Sightings clear up all the confusion and potential disinformation! Report your sighting. And, as always, share your ideas about what this could be in the comments or on the Facebook page.
Joan Patterson
8/17/2014 08:13:21 am
Many years ago back in early 1970's I saw several flying saucers in the sky. One came down close to my bedroom window so there was no denying what it was. Then one night in the hills of CT i saw another one just above the street light with twirling lights. I believe in them and had an encounter with a alien which i drew a picture of back then. There was a lot of flying saucers back then and many others also viewed them. What happened 8/11 does not surprise me just sad that i did not see them.
Luke Weber
8/24/2014 04:32:50 pm
8/29/2014 06:36:01 pm
zechariah 4:2
Gerald Seriten
9/19/2014 04:17:42 am
Wow...I guess everyone who watched them hit the buildings were drugged by contrail gas from CIA plans over NY that day. What? Are you high? The temps inside melted steel alloy girders! Aluminum from passenger jets melt at a much lower temps. They also fly jet fighters remotely, so this is funnier than Saturday Night Live. Come on people, there aren't boogie men behind every tree...Everyone is lying about what they saw hit the building and we should believe Lear. Yeah right...eyewitnesses by the hundreds vs one whack job. Everything he says is not true. Bigger question is what is the motivation for Lear to deny reality. Unless he was there, anything he says is pure speculation or misinformation, certainly not fact.
5/27/2015 09:05:54 am
I confirm that angels pilot those crafts and they hover over Houston because the Almighty God is married to a lady from Houston. She is an American of Vietnamese ancestry, so lady there have been sightings of similar UFO craft over Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City). Sometime this year, the Almighty God and His angels will manifest themselves to humanity. The end of the world is here. The Apocalypse is here. 2015 is the last year of the old era. A New Era is beginning because the Almighty God is married to a human lady, the adopted daughter of Michael the Archangel.
2/6/2019 02:59:30 am
I seen this exact UFO in Austin Texas 1991. I have been looking for a picture of this exact one ever since.
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