Texas UFO Sightings reader Emilie S was alarmed by multiple large flying objects over their neighborhood - making an eerie humming noise and then vanishing without a trace. They witnessed the objects from 10:30 pm to 4:30 am with their boyfriend, and were able to get all kinds of strange photos thanks to the zoom in their camera. At first glance they saw just "orbs" but when looking through phone camera, could see more detail: Saw massive flying object/objects in the sky from our driveway in Austin, Texas late last night, July 24/25,2015, between 12AM and 1AM. The object/s made a vibrating/ humming noise and disappeared very suddenly after a long while. Keep in mind it was a half moon last night so this was DEFINITELY NOT THE MOON. Not sure what it was but it wasn't anything normal by any means. I captured 3 photos but can only upload 1 here unfortunately. I'll try to get more photos, but in the meantime, if you saw or heard these crafts in Austin, report your sighting. Have theories on what these objects could be? Maybe just a simple case of mistaken identities - was this maybe a swarm of helicopters or even drones? Share your thoughts in the comments or on the Facebook page. Check out this video from the night of the 25th that the witness made, featuring dozens of photos. The witness' political and imaginative take on all of this is not necessarily one that you might share, but it's not surprising at all that this would have been a shocking and perhaps even enlightening experience: My mind is blown.
7/30/2015 01:48:25 am
I live in North austin. And as I was on my patio last night around 1030 I saw some pretty similar things. But I thought they were shooting stars until they starting shooting upward and disappearing.
jeremy lopez
7/30/2015 10:04:28 am
On Tuesday July 28th, I was driving off Slaughter Lane around 9pm. I drove to the stop sign and looked up and saw circular green lights. They then dissipated into the night.
Tracy Michael
8/1/2015 01:52:52 pm
I saw this too from Beecave/West Austin area on Tuesday! Incredible!!!!
9/8/2015 08:14:26 pm
Seeing them in Victoria port lava a and Bloomington tx also
11/7/2015 12:53:08 am
Mean activity here in Waco,,,,,,,,,,,,
11/27/2017 01:10:34 am
hmm strange things going on in texas? I do not know but this white balls or spots in the sky you can see nights on nice clear sky with lot of stars . it is not possible to be a aircraft because its moving faster and no noise, it is not meteor because meteor makes fine line and its extremely fast .so what are this flying white balls?
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