A Houston resident looped me in on a very odd thing they saw in the sky a night before the massive fireball that swooped over the same city a night later. She'd like to remain anonymous, but her description is detailed and quite intriguing. She witnessed what appeared to be a shooting star at first, but was shocked to see it stop and then explode with light and disappear. Could this have been another meteor, or a fragment of the fireball that hit the skies the next day? Or could this be something else completely stranger? What's interesting is about a week later, a Dallas resident witnessed a meteor-like object in the sky, too, but it also stopped and changed directions. my sister an i had just left the toby keith concert and it was about 1:00 am. we were heading back to her home north bound I-45 and we saw this light that my mind thought wow that looks like a star nebula. but i new that could not be it since you can not see those with the naked eye. so of course i thought well maybe a falling star but it was not that high in the sky. so we watched it for a few minutes and it went across the sky and stoped and then it looked like it turned or got brighter and then it was like this pocket opend in the sky and it went in and was gone .. okay i know that sounds crazy but it was so werid. i just am not sure how to explain it but i know that it was not like anything i have ever seen before. no we had not been drinking because we don't drink. so it was just werid and i have been looking to see if any one saw the same thing or had a different angle of it, it was just so crazy . i can't believe i saw that but at the same time i did see it so i have no idea . i have no pictures to show of it because i was just so stunned at it i did not think or great lets take a picture of it . it was just so crazy
Australian Reader
5/7/2013 02:38:25 pm
I saw something similar in Australia about 8 years ago. One night at around midnight I got up to get a drink of water, looked out the window and spotted a large meteorite coming down. I was shocked when it suddenly stopped half way down, dimmed a little, then got brighter again (about as bright as the planet Venus) before drifting off towards the horizon at about the speed of a commercial aircraft. I watched it for some minutes before it finally disappeared. I was astounded and wondered if I had seen some kind of re-entry event of a NASA craft. I checked the papers the next day but there was no mention of any NASA missions that could explain this. I am still baffled to this day.
11/14/2013 01:38:29 pm
I had just got off work around 2 am and went home to walk my dogs. It was between 2 and 3 in the morning and I was out with my dogs. I was excited to see a shooting star because I'd caught it at the highest point of the sky and I love wishing on them. It stopped dead pan in the middle of the sky, which is obviously weird, and then moved vertically before stopping again. It stayed put about 5 to 10 seconds before taking off horizontally and out of view. A few things struck me, obviously behavior because stars (shooting or otherwise) dont do that. But secondly sheer size of what I had saw, nothing man made and that large could stop on a dime like that.... Was very bizzare
11/12/2014 05:38:34 am
Im a student in Stellenbosch University in Cape Town South Africa. I am not really one to believe in UFOs and what not but a few nights ago driving home from an exam i saw what i thought was a shooting star and i thought ahh cool you know like a normal person would, i was even more excited due to the fact that it was brighter than a usual shooting star, then it suddenly stopped and the light went brighter and shot off again in the same manner that it appeared. I was really shocked at what happened and i suppose whether people believe me or not is up to them but I am 100% sure of what i saw
7/19/2015 07:10:05 am
I have seen different objects and the bright one last Night, it's not a star and I have seen them a lot here in Alabama and Florida.. Orange Beach ,Al is Where I have been video on them and they love the Clouds, One I got video of has a bright Orange Big bright Orange ball of light, the make are light on building enlarged also. They can make are lights go out if they want. One has a turquoise color light on it, they fly in our sky and do zigzag Zagreb and circles. .They are more braver Now and getting to Where they want us to know that they are Here.
niko jakelj
12/25/2015 02:50:25 pm
It happened Yesterday, on Christmass Eve over Slovenian Sky to, both me and my wife and 2 children saw exactly the same.
Lee Failla
5/30/2016 07:13:48 am
Approximately six years ago I watched a glowing light in the sky suddenly get brighter and then 3 rings expanded from it and it fizzled out. In 2014 I observed a moving star going over head and continued in a straight line then stopped! Again growing circles appeared around it and fizzled out! Something is definitely strange in our Skies but I am glad that I am not alone having found this forum with us each seeing similar experiences. Whilst there may be some simple explanations for this, I wonder just possibly if these are controlled explosions? My first sighting was at 05.30am and my second at about 00.30am.
Cali girl
1/6/2019 11:04:34 pm
About 20 years ago in San Diego, my cousin and I were laying out in her yard looking at the sky. We saw what we thought was a shooting star. It was falling down and as it was getting closer it stopped. It was at a standstill for a good 10 seconds then shot back up into the sky and disappeared.
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