A Magnolia, TX resident an avid sky watcher has spotted a star-like object in the sky that suddenly got bigger and then smaller again, and then preceded to dart around the sky, changing directions four times, and moving faster than a plane. The eyewitness wanted to document the sighting with a camera but couldn't keep up with it. They are now a UFO believer! A similar sighting has been seen in Corpus Christi, Plugerville, and Austin recently. Here's the full MUFON report: live away from city lights, love looking at the stars at night. Magnolia, TX - Saturday 05/19/2012 at around 9:20PM just happened to be looking at a star almost straight overhead but around 20deg due south. object was star distance away, not plane distance. object very small - size of pin head, then got around twice the size Venus has been recently - around the size of a small marble, after about 1-2 seconds got small again, size of pin head. (at this point I thought I just saw a distant star blow up) but then it started moving due north to just past straight overhead. it moved much faster than a plane moves, and still at star distance but I would say it moved the 20deg in about 5-10 seconds. at this point I started to run in to get the wife and a camera but I didn't want to lose it in the sky so I turned around, looked back up and saw it move back to the south but lower in the sky - around 45deg. it went from due south - 45deg to horizon to due west 45deg to horizon in 1 to 2 seconds, during this time it appeared much larger, brighter and longer. appeared to still be at star distance, I think it looked longer because it moved so fast. then it slowed down again (so it got much smaller - pin head size), started moving north and slightly up in the sky, I lost it behind some trees and didn't see it again. at this point I was pretty excited - sprinted to get the wife, came back out, didn't see it again. I've seen airplanes, helicopters, balloons, meteor showers, the space station and a number of shooting stars - THIS WAS NONE OF THOSE. This abruptly changed directions at least 4 times, changed size (closer/further away) at least 4 times. it also could have appeared to change size due to going faster/slower where going faster made it glow brigher thus appearing larger (easier to view). Haven't seen any other reports like this, can't believe I'm the only person that saw this but maybe just the first to report it. Prior to this I didn't really believe in ufo's, I do now. with the distance and multiple changes in direction, this might be an experimental aircraft, but the speed it moved during some of the flight there's no way it is man made. if I left some things out please ask in the comment section.. thanks.
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