A beekeeper was retrieving a bee trap at the Sienna Plantation near Sugar Land in Houston when they stopped to snap some quick photos of the sun setting. When they viewed the photos later, they noticed a strange dark cylindrical object in just one of the photos, implying the object must have been moving at a very fast rate. Check out the photo and testimony sent to the site by reader Nes: I am a beekeeper in Sienna Plantation and was retrieving a beetrap that I had set up in a tree off the bike trail behind my house. I was driving our golf cart back from picking up the empty trap. It was around 8:14pm and the sun was setting. I was admiring the sunset on the drive and accidentally past the gate opening into our cul de sac. I was drawn to drive on anyway and get a quick pic of the sunset to post on my Instagram account before turning around to go back to my house. I went a few feet past the gate opening, stopped the golf cart and snapped about 8pics quickly. It wasn't until late that night when I remembered the sunset pic and wanted to post it. I began looking at the pics and noticed something odd beneath the sunset and then another strange but different looking object in the other pics as well. I did not see any of this when I was taking the pictures. No birds in the sky, no airplanes etc. I heard nothing besides normal outdoor noises such as bugs, crickets etc. I see airplanes frequently fly over our house, there is a small plane airport very near by and Houston Southwest Airlines airport is further south. So seeing airplanes is common. I know what they look and sound like. These objects my iPhone 7 camera picked up I did not see or hear!? I have other pics I would like for you to see but unfortunately you page is only allowing me to attach one.. please feel free to contact me via email. I'm very curious and would like to get another opinion regarding the image. Thank you for your time.
Apparently the photos showed at least one other UFO, which I will try to get my eyes on soon and follow up with, however in the meantime, what do you think this photo captured? A UFO, or some lens artifact, bug, or spec on the lens? Share your theories below in the comments or join the conversation on social media!
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