Over the Thanksgiving holiday, many Texans spotted a gang of UFOs - specifically, solid orange balls of light! - silently flying together through the sky, faster than nearby aircraft. One witness even saw jets following behind. On occasion, people have seen single objects, vs a group. This is all off the heels of recent sightings of strange star-liked, and even fiery objects spinning in the sky, which conspiracy theorists have linked to the consistently surprising Comet Ison, and a phenomenon known as magentars.
Next up we have photo and testimony from a Corpus Christi witness, and another generous reader of TUS:
![]() And who could forget about the photo I recently blogged about from Galveston on the 29th, featuring a single orange orb flying through the sky? (Also graciously submitted to TUS by a reader.) A few days before that, in Katy, someone spotted another group of UFOs, and although they weren't fortunate enough to get a photo of the event, they did kindly submit a description of what they saw to TUS: Solid Red/Orange lights, one after another moving from the horizon in the Northeast and gaining altitude while travelling west. There were 10-15 in all, but they were always staggered, and following the same path. They all would disappear about 45deg azimuth in the Northwest sky. Absolutely no blinking or typical colors for aircraft. Even with binoculars, there was only a solid orange/red light source. They were going faster than the regular air traffic in that area (and in the opposite direction from the IAH landing pattern tonight.) No sound whatsoever. Could not judge distance, as it was just a light, with no features, but I would guess anywhere from 20-50 miles north of me, so I am certain that others had to have seen the same thing. It wasn't just TUS that got these reports! MUFON got a few, too. Here's one out of Webster from the 29th: Bright reddish orange object traveling swiftly north-northeast in unison with two smaller white "lighted" object (no flickering or blinking) at 45 degree angle from each other (all three equally spaced) with absolutely no sounds at all. I went outside to have a cigarette before bed, when I saw 5 or 6 very bright orange objects flying across the eastern sky, just below Jupiter and the Gemini constellation. They seemed almost fuzzy to look at, but very bright. 2 of the lights remained the same brightness, but the others would brighten then slowly dim out. They were following each other, for the most part, but the smaller ones seemed to stay close together, and they were the ones that dimmed out. I looked around in the sky and saw 3 jets behind these lights, at some distance, but headed in the same direction, towards the north. There were 2 more jets flying at high altitudes in opposite directions. The objects didnt appear to make any sound. After a few minutes had passed another bright orange light flew in the same direction and slowly faded away as the others, and I saw 2 more jets right after that - both headed north east. What do you think these Texans witnessed? I'd say Chinese lanterns or flares, but the sightings occurred over several nights! View Great Orange Balls of Fire! in a larger map
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