If you read TUS from time to time, you're not new to one of the latest UFO "flaps" (as UFO nerds like me like to call them). Mass sightings of triangle-shaped crafts have really picked up over the last few months. One of the more controversial sightings came out of Austin, when a set of 3 red lights hovered over a show at ACL. Some people are quick to debunk them as Chinese lanterns, while others are not sold on that theory one bit. Regardless, there's no doubt at ALL that triangle or V-shaped crafts have been witnessed by Texans recently... video out of Seguin and Dallas (scroll down) show exactly that! The latest sightings out of Arlington and Beaumont are also terribly intriguing (you can read the reports below). One witness, who saw a triangle craft at the same time as a friend in a different part of the city, was excited and scared by the experience - they almost didn't report on it for fear others would think they were crazy. Thankfully they did! Here are some of the photos from recent sightings: And here's video from an October 12th sighting in Houston, as well as its YouTube description: Seldom do I get to see a flying craft with TRIANGULAR PATTERN of steady lights. Read a recap of some of the more impressive sightings to get reported on recently. And check out some new reports below... And here's a MUFON report out of Arlington from Oct 25th: At night, when it was partly cloudy, I was outside with my sister feeding our dogs outside when I glanced up to the sky . Than, all of sudden, an object caught my sight. This object was a large dark outlined triangular shaped object that had 5 white lights that were located at the edge of the this object. This lights made a V-shape. This object was flying slightly above the clouds. I noticed it's triangular shape when it wasn't in cloud cover and noticed it's dark outline. The way the object flew was in a straight line, slightly faster than commercial airplanes. The object, as it flew straight, rotated from when I first sighted it till I lost its sight of about 20 - 30 degrees. I lost sight of the object after it went behind the tree line. At first, after viewing the object, I felt confused because I thought it was a plane but the object didn't make a sound as well as the way it didn't make a flight path the same as an airplane. And Beaumont from Oct 21st: I was getting off work about 10:40 pm. I always look around when I leave work because I work Dispatch at a stadium and it's dark , and I have to walk to my car. I looked up and saw a triangle shaped light in the clouds. At first I thought it was some type of light for an airplane. But as I continued to watch it , I could see that it wasn't that at all. The triangle shape was almost glowing. I watched it for about 5 minutes. I then called another coworker to come outside and see it. We watched it for about another minute. Neither of us could explain it. I then got in my car and headed home and called a friend on the way, to tell him of the incident. Before I could really get my story out, he started telling me exactly what I had seen. He told me he was putting out the trash and saw the same object in the sky. It was scary, but exciting in the same. I have never witnessed anything like this in my life. Almost to afraid to tell anyone, didn't want them to think I was crazy... Tried to video it , but the video is was much to dark. Have you seen a triangle craft? Report your sighting! View Triangle Sightings Aug/Sep/Oct in a larger map
10/27/2013 02:34:54 pm
a bunch of us saw lights like the ones at the ACL show. We sat about 15 lights in the shape of triangles
10/27/2013 02:36:07 pm
forgot to say this happened in New Braunfels by Landa Park
7/20/2014 03:03:34 am
I saw this the night before last on the west side of 161 just north of i30. It was hovering, no movement no sound, bright white lights. It looked like it was over maybe an old train station. I exited the tollway and turned around to get a photo, only minutes later when I got back, it was gone.
2/22/2015 10:57:18 am
My brother called me outside to witness a large UFO which glowed red as if very hot and it seemed to ascend up and disappear. We were standing in the backyard in El Paso,Tx. 10/26\13 after 9pm. It moved from far east to directly over head, maybe a little westward, but it must have been very large for us to see it that far up in the sky.
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