Japan gets all the good sightings. Very intriguing daytime footage of a collection of 10 glowing white objects flying above Osaka, Japan - for two whole minutes - has hit the web and been shared all over YouTube and even featured in popular news outlets like RT.com, India.com, and the Mirror: The footage, which has since been reposted a few times from a Japanese YouTube channel, left many viewers puzzled as to what the flying anomalies could be, and also spurred conspiracy theories. What could these objects have been? Birds? Balloons? Hoax? Aliens? Chime in in the comments or on the Facebook page. The footage is blurry and unfortunately I can't find any witness accounts online (most the comments on the videos are in Japanese and in my brief attempt to translate the comments, they appear to be mostly speculation). However, it is very important to note that this phenomenon has been seen in Japan countless times and even in Texas, too. In fact, the Texas UFO Sightings community has been abuzz about a sighting of a orbs just like this in the night sky, which looked entirely different when zoomed in on. Check out some other sightings in Japan that feature similar objects, another daytime video: ...as well as a video of "volcano" or "earthquake" lights at Japan's Sakurajima Volcano (I was actually lucky enough to witness these as well on a live volcano cam from a while back): And last, I'll leave you with another similarly amazing sighting from January 2014, which - unlike this one - was verified by multiple witness accounts:
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