7/20 Update: A similar sighting occurred in Central Texas on July 19th A veteran sky gazer, used to spotting planes and satellites and that sort of thing, was surprised to see a bright white light, first traveling slowly through the sky and then seemingly caving in on itself - the light "shrunk down to nothing vs just suddenly disappearing." Read the full MUFON report, which includes a comment from another witness, below, and let me know if you saw this, too. I am a sky watcher all my life (love astronomy) and very scientific minded so I am not easily tricked. Anyways, I was walking my dogs around the block at dusk. I was headed south with the Moon and Venus to my right. Straight ahead (south) i observed a white light slowly moving NW that i figured to be an airplane. As i neared the end of the street (actually just where the street turns a corner) I saw a faint white halo form around the object. After 2-4 seconds with the halo it suddenly brightened up for a second or less and then disappeared into itself. Best way i can describe is like when you turn off an old tv. The light just shrunk down to nothing vs just suddenly disappearing. I continued my walk, a bit nervous, but I kept watching for it to make a return but that was the end of it. And a comment from another Lake Kiowa resident who's seen similar things in the area, which is rural with little no light pollution: There have been many sighting of this same object by others at Lake Kiowa in the past couple weeks. There is no light pollution in the area. The objects can't be confused with other air traffic since it is a rural area little else in the sky.
1 Comment
10/14/2013 03:32:00 am
People are just about as happy as they make up their minds to be.
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